Missing my old life
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Does anyone else just sit in this constant sickened state and miss their old life? I do this really badly all the time. I just cried and cried earlier cause all i could think about was 10 years ago when i never had any sickness, extreme fatigue, headaches, aching joints, sadness or anxiety.....i had a life to live. I could make appointments, go shopping, eat food, i looked healthy....now everyone looks at me like im an anorexic with depression. I hate this life now, i hate waking up every day cause its the same crap, i wake up tired, very nauseous, dizzy/lightheaded, my gut rolls and gurgles no matter how clean i try to eat, and i feel so trapped by this perimenopausal sickness! Major depression is nothing compared to this (i did have a depression period in my 20s it was nowhere near this debilitating) hell you take a pill with depression and for me it helped. I tried to take a pill with this perimenopause it never even put a dent in the hell i feel! i look at old pics of myself smiling and looking healthy....now i avoid having my pic taken. im sorry i just needed to vent, this is a never ending hell!!
7 likes, 31 replies
tinaarena.1 Guest
Hello, I just wanted to you to know that there is light at the end of the tunnel! I was there, were you are now! my words to you are, it does!!! get better!!! To describe how i felt was "The joy had went out of my life!!"🙄😥, I researched and tried!! all the remedies that were available, HRT, natural etc. i eventually tried acupuncture that had been recommended by a friend and i have to say it was the first thing to work and give me balance!! whether that was the treatment or i was coming near the end if peri i really dont know. i just want you to know that it does get better! there is a light!! hang in there and jusr be kind to yourself!! lots of love and hugs to you and anyone out there that is struggling!! 😘😘😘💕💕💕💕
Guest tinaarena.1
Thank you!! I considered acupuncture but i havent tried it yet. I hope I will be like you and it does get better after the periods quit for good. I am so thin and sick i dont know how im still able to walk around to be honest and it makes me so mad! But thanks for the kind words. om trying to hang in there, venting on here helps more than you sisters know!
Jaynie12 Guest
havent had mr period for 3 years then outta the blue got hit with every symptom and then some..its living hell right now. i never had anything while i had my period. its a struggle now. im 51 feel like crap its like im fighting mynown body just to get up and go work let alone enjoy the normal things. i hope for you ladies who are suffering while u have ur periods u find peace when they stop. god bless u
Guest Jaynie12
I pray for that too cause ive been suffering so much while im still having periods...if i have to feel like this for years after they end then thats just plain cruel! i hope you feel better soon!
tinaarena.1 Guest
take care my friend, sending you lots of love, hugs and soooooo much positivity that you will feel better!! 😘😘😘😘💕💕💕💕💕💗💞😁😁😁😁😛
eleonora0422 Guest
Hi Brandi
I have just posted my story. check it out I too am in a pickle. meno started 9yrs. am now 60 and still in a pickle. have tried everything. how old are u now. When peri start for u. I am in Australia. where are u living
Guest eleonora0422
I will check out your story...mine started slowly about 8 years ago. It started first with me getting very nauseated either before or during my periods when i was 33 years old. I just assumed it was pmdd, then it progressively got worse and by the age of 38 i had hot flashes, skipping periods for 3 months at a time, insomnia, severe anxiety to the point of being housebound, headaches, very nauseated all of the time, and vomiting during periods when i have one, NO energy at all, dizziness and faint feelings....i just feel miserable like im dying every day. im now 41 and have periods every six months but the symptoms remain every day. i will suddenly get a "good" day free of symptoms...i cry with happy tears but then i have to go to bed and wake up sick all over again. This hardcore nausea has been going on for about 4 years now. i live in the US
kelly55079 Guest
I'm missing it too. I used to be able to work, do some errands and come home and cook.. Go to bed and wake up good or even refreshed, go to work, go out with friends after work, decorate the house, etc... anything went.. BUT now it's just dread and feel as my life is a mess. I have aniexty which is awful some days, I need to lose about 20 lbs, and I'm frustrated that I'm too tired to do anything and just want to stay home mostly. Tomorrow I have a wedding to go and I don't want to go as I feel really crummy.UGH Some say that it gets better so I'm hoping that's true-- I see a lot of active older people out and about.
Guest kelly55079
I see tons of people way older than me looking healthy and living life to the fullest and i wonder how are they doing it!? My mom never had any of this crap with her menopause. She had some depression and a little anxiety but she still functions perfectly well and looks healthy, she isnt on any hormones.
amy341731 Guest
yes Brandy, I totally agree..so much has changed..and while I am grateful for so much, in terms of healthy children, job I love, I am often sad for how I am feeing now, family members who have passed, the lower energy, not feeling or looking "good"...but I am so happy I am not alone, and that so many if you lovely ladies understand. Hang in there and know we are here!!
Lkl2019 Guest
I could've wrote this as well. I see pictures of myself before all this...TG I took lots,of selfies and I can't even remember what I felt like back then. I see my friends posting on social media that are my age and they aren't experiencing anything even remotely like this. It's all so unfair and devastating.
Guest Lkl2019
I agree, i feel like i have literally been cursed by someone. Its sucking the life from me, i refuse to let anyone take pics of me now. I dont remember what it was like to just feel good, i just cry and cry when i try to remember it...
Luci99 Guest
Hi - I'm feeling the sane! The worst part is the feeling depressed and very anxious all the time. I totally miss my old self 😦
I'm trying to stay positive - there is hope for all of us.
laurie19311 Guest
This is probably the most difficult thing I have ever gone through, and I have been through a lot, lol! You are absolutely right, the feeling of sickness is so horrible. Honestly everything feels horrible. It feels hopeless and that you will never go back to how you were. Everyday is a struggle and even the smallest things seems to take so much effort. For me the guilt is the hardest. I have five kids and a husband, and I feel that I can't do things and be there for them like I used to. It kills me. Thankfully they are absolutely WONDERFUL and SUPPORTIVE! I am trying to except this as my new normal (for now) and I am really trying to focus on self care. Key word trying! My heart is there with you, and I am praying for you. For us all!
Guest laurie19311
I hear you! oh my 5 kids? i can understand the guilt you are feeling, i have two sons who are grown and one 13 year old son i homeschool and i cant do hardly anything outside of the home anymore!The guilt is terrible. I apologize to my son so much and he is so sweet and says he understands. It helps to have supportive understanding people in this trying time, it is by far the worst thing ive ever been through too cause not only are you sick but you cant do a damn thing about it and it doesnt have an end! It can last 2 years or in some cases ive read 20 -30 years!! its awful