Molloscum Contagiosum Nightmare
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Although I didn't know it until a couple months ago, I've been living with MC for almost 5 months now.
It first appeared on my bottom, I thought they were just zits. Me and my doctor think I picked it up from a toilet seat, as I'm only sexually active with my boyfriend, and he doesn't have it.
I frantically searched the web, I did the apple cider vinegar on my bottom and it burned so bad but I successfully killed off a good amount. But not only am I left with LARGE RED scars on my ass, but there are more popping up everyday.
Another popped up on my shoulder, and shortly after one on my stomach.
My ass looks like a battlefield, and now it is spreading as we speak on both my shoulder and stomach. I've tried EVERYTHING!!!!! Clove oil, tea tree oil, oregano oil, ACV, iodine, hydrogen peroxide.
Somebody please help, I'm at my wits end. I've even considered suicide I'm so upset. I feel disgusting, diseased, and I hate myself and my body. I feel as though I'll never be molloscum free. I'm crying as I write all this.
I can't be intimate with my boyfriend, I can't go swimming, I can't wear tank tops, I can't enjoy anything anymore. This virus has taken all my happiness.
Somebody, I beg of you, reccomend something to me and tell me what worked for you. I am extremely healthy, I eat well, I take a multivitamin as well as Vitamin C, D, and Omega 3 everyday. I don't understand why this isn't going away.
Sorry for the long rant, I'm just very upset and hopeless. Please tell me what worked for you
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kirsty08462 sarah73659
Hi my 8 year old son had them all over his legs, front and back from his knees up, there were so many of them and they just kept multiplying. I wasn't happy with the Dr's answer which was to leave them or put tape on them and rip it off. I went to my local health food store she straight away recommended Golden Seal Heel Balm from Thursday Plantation. She told me to first wipe them with alcohol, I used Isocol then apply the golden seal. To stop the cream getting all over his clothes and sheets I wrapped his legs in bandages. I did this for a good week or so which is when I actually ran out. It was like a miracle, they all started to go away. Amazing and I loved that it was a natural product and was a pain free solution. I hope this helps somebody, they really are terrible little things. Xo
jay67676 sarah73659
if no one found a way to get rid if MC, there is a cure, youll need hydrogiene proxide, apple cider vinegar, a needle and some bandages. ( i had MC in the pubic area and did this and got rid of it in a week) on each lesion there is a white ball the core , with the needle (make sure u disenffected it before) poke a hole on top and take the white ball core out of the bump, after you do that put sum apple cider vinegar on it and than a bandage on top. after that disenfect your needle and continue on the rest of the bumps. in a day or 2 they all will scab over and disappear in a week without scarring. make sure to wear gloves as well and be very hygenic and clean during the process as its very contagous
fiona2018 sarah73659
find some MMS on eBay and start taking baths and doing enemas with it