Mood swings!

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Hi.....does anyone pleeeeeease have any advice re what to take for complete rage followed by tears!  I never even suffered this with PMT!  I am taking the vitsB6 and 12 as advised, and although the anxiety/spaced out symptoms are somewhat improved, I still want to throttle my boss..

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22 Replies

  • Posted

    I can only think of taking a few deep breathes as you feel it start. Not too helpful but all I can think of at the moment. Hopefully someone else will be able to suggest something a litle more constructive!

    Big hug

    Taz xxx

  • Posted

    Try some yoga to help chill a bit. I go twice a week and it's helping to keep me a bit mellowed out along with the supplements.

    Is it only the boss that you want to throttle or any one who happens to be around at that moment? Maybe it's time to move on?

    • Posted

      Mostly the boss as he is a total waste of space, but I also got mad at the vacuum cleaner earlier, like I just wanted to kick it to pieces.  It's other stuff too.  I think it's a combination but hard to know whether it's mostly hormones or mostly time to move on x
    • Posted

      It really sounds more hormonal than anything. Went through a real rough patch a few years ago myself. I was convinced I absolutely hated my profession, quit after 25 yrs, went back to school for a disaster of a career change only to recently return to former profession with renewed sense of appreciation for it. I can't believe I am typing those words out, but it is true. I had had it with a lot of things at the time, and I believe I was at the height of he!! with the hormonal flucuations (still happen now but not as extreme). So Bubbins, believe me, this will past, I know it's no real comfort for you right this moment, but do try some yoga or deep breathing or something that takes your mind off the present frustation, even for a few moments to collect yourself. Promise, it'll really be hateful for a bit, but it does get better.

      Hugs to you in the meantime!


    • Posted

      Thankyou.  That's very interesting.  I have been feeling like jacking it all in, but am also aware that any frustrations are undoubtedly being made worse by hormones.  So need to be careful to take time not to do anything hasty, or get myself fired in the meantime for being rude to him!  Thankyou for your advice, it's much appreciated x
  • Posted

    Hi bubbins. how about a calming app they have loads for free on I tunes headspace is great or mindful it just gives you a calming time and stops your stress levels rising. Also valerian is good for calming you down. It's just stress and those blasted hormones.  
    • Posted

      Thanku, I hadn't considered those, sounds like a plan x
  • Posted

    I suffered ridiculousy with rage, depression, anxiety etc... throughout my perimenopause into menopause was prescribed Ovicon 35 birth control pills, anti depressant and the combination worked great!  Transitioned onto HRT into menopause and now weaning off the HRT, it was the only way I got through it.  Now hoping weaning off the HRT will not be so horrific!!!  If so I will stay on them forever.
    • Posted keen not to take any meds, but there's only so much you can take......!x
  • Posted

    I certainly agree with Tazchurch, but know that this is not easy. I have always been terribly reactive and even if you know intellectually that you need to count till ten, in the spur of the moment that knowledge disappears in the (brain) fog!

    In any case, it is something that needs to be learned if it does not come to you naturally, but it sure is the best way - MUCH better than taking something for it, methinks. But if you absolutely want tochoose four of the Bach Flower Remedies - google them and make your choice out of close to 40 different emotions that you want to handle. I responded well to them, but you should not drink coffee or eat peppermints while on naturopathic drops. And you need to keep it up for a really long time or else you revert back to rage and tears.

    Had I known about Mindfulness earlier (I am 56 now) I would have attended a training course. I've only been to two (out of ten) sessions now, but I reckon this is the thing for the emotionally volatile. It's useful lifelong, if it's your thing.

    Even after two weeks I can tell that I am a litle calmer and - most importantly - that I can steer myself away from obsessional thinking. I was mired in anger and self-doubt for about a decade. This destroys one's life.

    Don't let it happen to you. Good Luck!

    • Posted

      The Bach Flower Rescue Pastilles are very good. Got the blackcurrant ones myself as work well for anxiety too. Used to give them to my Mother when she had Althzeimers. Think act of sucking them helps calm you down as well
    • Posted

      Yeah, Rescue Remedy is terrific! I've only ever used drops. I have them in the house but almost always forgot to take them when I felt anxious. Thanks for the tip.
    • Posted

      I also tried rescue remedy and was very pressed I felt calm within a few minutes after using the drops. Also tried the chewing gum that also works and can go in your handbag 

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