Moody McMoody - oh, perimenopause
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Hi, so happy to have found you all.
I am so horribly moody and anxiety-ridden I cannot deal with myself at all so really glad I'm single. I'm 48. My doctor does feel I am in perimenopause - for the last couple of weeks I've been a walking hot flash, plus I have the mood swings of my worst version of PMS...
I actually quit my gynecologist in a huff because her assistant was maddening on the phone. I work from home, fortunately, in a high pressure position, and am barely able to keep it together right now.
I just started Pro Gest cream and am hoping for a good result.
Basically though I'm shocked at these emotional issues I'm having. I've never been a shrinking violet, for sure, but I feel like a walking ball of rage. Please tell me this gets better...(I know it's all individual)
I have almost quit my job via phone so many times in the last couple of weeks I can't even tell you.
Perimenopause for me seems to magnify my emotional reaction/response to a situation that really is negative, but can be reasoned through under other circumstances.
I feel like a screaming infant :-/
So thats my story...wish I had a few more years before this! Look forward to reading everyone's posts.
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metamorphed barbara68621
barbara, we're all going through this. I am past this stage. Get yourself a good vitamin D3 supplement and start taking it. It helps so much with moods. If it doesn't, let me know! Good luck
tinaarena.1 metamorphed
Hi am just reading the post you sent. I'm taking a vitamin d3 complete with A, k2 amd E for moods but really doesn't seem to be helping. Hv bn taking it abt 16mnths. I also take fish oil and vitamin b 6 and seabuckthorn berry oil. I was attending an acupuncturist last year and she recommend ed these. I can't take magnesium bcos of high bp is there anything eles u can suggest.just feel so low, lack of energy then real feelings of anger for no reason. I vnt had a period in over year so wo seeing am I still peri or menopausal! ! Hv bn peri for about 5 years I reckon xx
metamorphed tinaarena.1
hi tina. I began by taking all supplements recommended, including B vitamins and magnesium. Tried it all. Even though blood tests (detailed ones) showed that I was lacking in none of them because of a good diet. I was still suffering, so I stopped them all, just ate well. Still had symptoms but noticed that they did ease. So that's when I began taking vitamin D3 without any other supplements. And things began to improve. I added omega 3 (not fish oil, flax seed oil omega 3). My own opinion is, and it is what has worked for me, is that too many supplements did not work for me. I felt so much better on just vitamin D3 and omega, and have continued with that. I try to get K2 from foods as much as possible and I take breaks of a few weeks from D3 also. So, that is what I do and I am a lot better than I was a year ago. It is easy to get B vits from food, and I found that whilst supplementing with B vitamins my anxiety levels were sky high. Stopping them solved this and it has not returned at the same level. hope that helps you
kelly55079 barbara68621
There's a vitimin on HSN-- 'womens health'-- that has excellent reviews on hot flashes and maybe even mood. Eating fruits and veggies and exercise helps me.. When I don't have time for myself, I can get nasty with anyone.
MoonLeaf barbara68621
Barbara68621 ... I can relate. I feel the same way! It's craziness. It really is and no one ever prepares you for this. Finally, women are talking about it more and there are now better options/solutions, but finding your own individual "sweet spot'/balance seems so difficult. Tricky, even.
I, too, work from home part-time, and out of the home part-time, and I notice the high-stress situations taking more of a toll than they ever have before. I am also single, and 44 years old, and honestly --- I believe I'm divorced and single due to my moodiness and my difficult nature. I believe my body has never been hormonally balanced, and I can't help but feel this is what I've been dealing with all my life, only now ... things are way different. Way more intense. I wish you well on the cream. That's exactly what I'm looking into for myself. Keep us posted!
victoria94811 MoonLeaf
Oh the elusive sweet spot! For me it's only 1 cup of espresso coffee on a busy day, make sure I take half an SSRI in the AM and 1/4 of progesterone tab PM and drink lots of water and exercise, just walking fast in nature, every day if possible. Yeh easier said than done when working shift work but I try!
barbara68621 MoonLeaf
Thank you! So sorry you share this with me!
I know I've never been hormonally balanced. Am hoping this passes - not eager for the workweek ahead.
I like the way you described it - as way more intense - agree!
Sochima822 barbara68621
Cookie313 barbara68621
I don't know how things work where you are but I suggest you get a dr who knows all about this. Best thing I ever did was get a dr who knows.
like I mentioned before. I find comfort in knowing all the crazy stuff going on with me is NORMAL!!!
keep chatting, I think it helps.
Guest barbara68621
Barbara, trhose suddenattacks of rage is just one of the many perimenopause symptoms! You been 48 I would say 100% you are perimenopause! Don't let it cost you your WAH job like it did me! Know the root cause and remind yourself that the rage will calm down and come and go just dn't let it cause you to lose your job just to seriously regret it later. This is a long jounery buckle up cause the ride is rough BUT knowing what it is helps you realize it's not you personally but a raging bundle of out of control hormones that is driving you! Look for anything at all natural that will help you with symptoms there are lots of foods that help and some natural herbs. Medicate or anything you have to on days that are the worst for you. You will get through this but to be honest it won't be an easy ride on some days! What work at home job do you do? I sure could use a work at home job. Hang in there we are here for you and going through the samething. Hey if you need to vent VENT away here it is okay we FULLY understand. :-)
victoria94811 barbara68621
Hi there, get your levels tested FULLY and for peri-menopause then get bioidentical hormones (I only have progesterone tab that gets dissolved under tongue) and the ratty, anxious, unable to get a good night sleep has gone. I swear to G*d, it changed my life in a few days. I thought I had early onset dementia, my ability to study was diminished to the point I nearly quit. I'm 48 and now I feel 48, not 78 with aches and pains that nearly made me quit my physical job of being a nurse. No one tells us about how important the balance of progesterone, estrogen and testerone is. Good luck x
Shelly0069 victoria94811
Hi Victoria,
im 47 ( just turned) and premenapausable.....had my FSH done and read 17.1... I'm fitted with the Mirena coil and this is due to be taken out this december!
im keeping it in till then, then may have another fitted?
soooooo as of wednesday this week went onto HRT...patches Fem seven 50.
i however know bugger all about progesterone, estrogen,
i do know that I feel so depressed, angry and get how u all feel, but I feel nothing has changed for me with these patches???? GP said mabe days, but if anything my mood is probably got angrier and nothing has eased.
i have a family of 5 3 school children and also work.
what advise could u pass onto me in regards of HRT like there are creams etc I just oblivious to all this?
any help advice would be ever so grateful..
victoria94811 Shelly0069
Hey Shelly, I stayed on the pill (a low dose) just because my periods were so heavy - little did I know it was estrogen dominance (caused by too much espresso (yes coffee mimicks estrogen) and left me with weight gain, sore breasts, food cravings non-stop and anxiety and tears). Also, the stress of my job used up all my cortisol reserves and progesterone levels were depleted from the stress. So another imbalance there. Read about how the brain produces progesterone but stress eats it up. In March this year I went off the pill and bam, came the hot flushes. I upped my SSRI Lexapro a bit and the hot flushes went away but I wasn't comfortable being on higher dose of SSRI (just for my anxiety) and so I started progesterone and the body aches, disappeared and my inner calmness that I hadn't had for years came back. I had no progesterone in any of my tests for a long time - but no GP gave me a course of action, plus I was only 40 at the time, I'm 48 now and a bit wiser! I personally don't like the idea of a Mirena because it's effects cannot be adjusted unless removed so I can't advise you about that and mood swings. Why did you choose this over a low dose combination pill that has a balance of estrogen and progesterone? You may have a good reason. I don't remember what Mirena has in it. I also don't know about Fem 7 50 patches but if they have progesterone then I'm hopeful for you! We are kinda ignorant about the hormonal juggling act/balance required for inner peace eg. stable moods, energy, great sleep and no perimenopause joint/mucles aches. You have so much going on with a big family and work, please invest in yourself by researching. Good luck Shelly x
Shelly0069 victoria94811
Morning Victoria,
well like i said I know bugger all about progesterone and estrogen,
so my GP said "as I have the Mirena coil fitted which produces ????! Her thoughts were a low dose of HRT patches FemSeven which had the opposite production in it? Her being a GP and me bein naive and vulnerable, went along,.
all I know is that I feel worse than before I was on these patches? Anxiety ( more frequently) snappy as patience whats so ever. My whole anger issue isn't right certainly not,. Not when one has children.......
the GP knew I told her I felt so depressed. Angry and moody, reflux 100% worse BUT made it clear on this all I wanted was an ssri I Don't have hot flushes dry vagine so I don't understand WHY on HRT.
So naive of me I just took the perscription and had the HRT patch I didn't even read into this !!!!!!!!!!!. I seemly thought next day it would magically make me back to ME again my old self haaaaaa, what was I thinking?!!