Morning and Nights

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Why is the morning and nights so hard? There has to be some hormonal connections coinciding with the time of night and day. The morbungs are rough. I'm still tired, nervous, anxious, jittery, feelings of doom and negative thoughts. The evening around 4:00pm and beyond things seem to lift a bit. Turn night is hard, cant sleep, when I do, it's only for a short time, heart racing sometimes, nightmares and vivid dreams. It's not all the time but when it happens boy does it happen.

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82 Replies

  • Posted

    A mix of hormones, cortisol levels and high and low stress times. Anxiety messes it all up.
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      Thanks for the reply Lisa. I didn't think of it that way. Those are high stress times and the anxiety can be overwhelming.
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      Hi Jamie!  I'm glad it isn't yesterday!  I'm resting and taking it easy... had a rough night but am following all the post-surgery instructions, getting up and about some, drinking water, and taking the pain pills.  I can have small, bland meals but still very swollen and taking it carefully.  Did you see my post about how it all went?  If not, please do check on it as things were not quite as originally diagnosed!
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      I'm glad to hear you are ok. I will check out the post. Be sure to take care of yourself. ((HUGS))
    • Posted

      Hi Elizabeth, don't think I've read your post either about things not originally diagnosed

      I'm glad your ok and seem in good spirits

      Take it easy and a big hug for you xx


    • Posted

      Thanks, Brenda!  Things turned out better than expected - a floating fibroid was positioned next to an ovary, and on scans it looked like an ovarian mass, so that's what the doctor expected to remove.  She was quite relieved and excited to tell me there was nothing in the ovary, but it had to come out anyway as its color was not as it should be.
    • Posted

      Oh I'm glad everything went well for you Elizabeth

      I have a fibroid on the left ovary, think it was quite small in January last year but not sure if it's increased in size since I've been taking different HRTs

      Also not sure if fibroids can cause the woozy/dizzy off balance symptom

      Take good care of yourself and get plenty of rest


      Brenda x

  • Posted

    I get really bad around 4 pm, knowing I will have to deal with my 9 year old homework issues, etc. I have to take hydroxyzine or Ativan to sleep.
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      Believe it or not that is the calm time for me. Helping with the homework actually takes my mind off my alien body.
  • Posted

    I agree, I find mornings hard and after 4pm onwards I tend to feel better too. Must be a hormone high or low.
  • Posted

    Im right here with you. It lifts for me in the early evening. I hope you feel better soon!
    • Posted

      Thanks Snowbell,

      I've been a little low today. Cycle is due in a few days.

    • Posted

      You know, I had the low feeling and nasty anxiety this morning. Rubbed on some estrodial/estriol cream and a teeny tiny bit of progesterone cream, took a tiny sliver of xanax and got some more Rhodiola. Im feeling a bit better now at noon. Appetite has even come back. Check with your doc if you can take the Rhodiola, it may help lift your mood. Hugs, I know how bad things can feel. Let me know if you need anything.
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      Snowbell how long have you been on HRT? I can't remember how old u r. And if u were still having periods?
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      Thank you so much. I'm going to send a message to the docs office to see if I can take the Rhodiola. I need something. Sometimes I don't know which is worse, the physical or mental symptoms.
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      CC, I was on bioidentical progesterone only all last year, which I stopped in February because my tests showed too much progesterone to estradiol. I just got some bioidentical estradiol /estriol cream and started it yesterday with just a dab of progesterone. Im hoping to feel better here soon.

      Im 41 and periods come monthly anywhere from day 17—25.

    • Posted

      Snowbell did you have to go to an integrative or naturopath to get them? My conventional Drs are saying I need to be menopausal. How did you get it done?
    • Posted

      Initially, a naturopath gyn started me on progesterone. She did no testing and it really messed me up. After testing, I found out I also needed estrogen. I couldn't get my docs to give me any until I have my surgery next week to remove a cyst on my ovary. I refuse to suffer and after reading Dr. Elizabeth Vliet's book, bought a bioidentical estradiol /estriol cream on Amazon. I started using half a pump of that and a teeny smidge of progesterone cream on days 12-start of period. I take Rhodiola Rosea instead of the antidepressant they offered and a quarter of Xanax occasionally if my anxiety goes through the roof. Im hoping to see some relief soon. Its a shame I had to go behind my doctor's back like this but I refuse to sit by and suffer and be miserable. I have a family to care for and can't be incapacitated day in and out.
    • Posted

      I hope the creams work out for you! I know what you mean of going behind the Drs back. I feel that way too but they don't listen to our symptoms and tell us to go get on antidepressants or the pill. I'll have to get that book. I am reading Female Brane Gone Insane about peri and hormone therapy.
    • Posted

      Let me know how that book is. And I couldn't agree with you more.
    • Posted

      It's a good book. It's in plain English and easy to read. Doesn't get too detailed in any one area so for me that's great now. I find watching TV or reading right now very hard so I don't. For Perimeno she recommends progesterone cream so exactly what you are doing.
    • Posted

      You will need to read Dr. Vliets book. She believes that the progesterone is not the answer, but estradiol is. I may agree with her due to how progesterone only made me feel. But its good to read both views wink

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