Morning Anxiety : Could it be a mini withdrawal?

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Just thinking out loud...

I know that cortisol is higher in the morning, it starts to build in the early hours and therefore can contribute to early awakening and morning anxiety.

But I've also been wondering if the fact that it's been 24 hours since the last dose of Citalopram maybe there's a mini withdrawal scenario that's exacerbating the problem?

Also thinking it might affect those on a low dose more than those on a high dose.

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    Just a quick update for anyone following this, today is, I think, 15 days since I dropped to 7.5mg and it's been the best yet. One swallow does not make a Summer but I'm assuming it's a good sign!

    • Posted

      Glad you are you are doing well are you going to drop further? I' m still up and down think it's called windows and waves been 2 weeks since dropped to 7.5mg. Wish whole situation here would improve some rules make no sense cant see anyone in your garden n at safe distance, but have have house viewings, cleaners and nannies in and schools can go back on 1st JUNE . Think lot people going have mental health problems.

    • Posted

      Plan is to see if 7.5mg is really settled, check overall mood then if all good will try 5mg. At that point, if all goes well, I will probably stay there for longer and then we'll see after that.

      Feeling less numb than I did on 10mg, side effects seem to be less, memory seems a little better.

      Progress....I think?!

    • Edited

      Definitely sounds like things improving for you hope your sleep is getting better. I'm in the windows and waves things at moment but says it's a sign your brain is improving so fingers crossed. Think if I could have tolerated 20mg might have had more success but heigh ho. I'm 15 days as well will give it another couple of weeks then maybe drop to 5 mg and so on. Definitely right thing for me coming off as was just consistantly pretty rough before no windows. Hope you continue to improve.

    • Posted

      It's nearly 1am here second night in a row had problems sleeping. Do you find taking meds late at night helps with sleeping. Has been OK up to now cant cope with not sleeping on top of everything else!!!

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      your sleep will be up and down regardless of when you take it its a phase x

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      I find they do, perhaps because they're a mild antihistamine.

      I know it's different for everyone though, and it's not 100% for me but on average it seems to help.

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      Thanks I'll try it, been on them months and never had sleep problems, was very hot the first night which I think caused the problems then, hopefully be better if I take them later. Have ordered some herbal stuff with valerian that has worked in the past.

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      I've taken it in the past on and off to cope with the sleep problems when made to stop zopiclone, it's been used for years to help with sleep and anxiety.only nytol tablets, it's the drops that are really potent. Did help a bit also taking the meds lot later improved things.

    • Posted

      How are you I'm still one day not too bad the next pretty bad hopefully what I read is correct and is sign your brain repairing it's self. The valerian did help a bit least doesn't make anxiety lot worse like the anti histamine. Taking meds later seemed help.

    • Posted

      I know valerian shouldn't be taken all the time only intending to take it on a really bad night and I'm on very low dose cit. I know these herbal things can be quite potent if taken regularly don't worry!

    • Posted

      it didnt react well with me but good its ok for you, the taking at night will take a few weeks to know if its real improvement lovely

    • Posted

      Thanks I'll only take it occasionally took it lot in past and ended up making anxiety worse. OCD symptoms not good last couple days but guess that's withdrawal. Did meet couple of friends in park at safe distance yesterday and felt so much better so think all the restrictions making things worse. How are you ?

    • Posted

      aw thats good 😃 im just getting over covid 19 and stupidly took antibiotics incase it turned bacterial and had a bad reaction to them grrrrrr xx

    • Edited

      Pretty ropey. If I didn't know it was a common withdrawal effect I'd say I had flu! Temperature fluctuations, sore throat, headache, tired (but can't sleep) and achy - thought I'd got past the side effects of the dosage drop but apparently not.

      How are you today?

    • Posted

      Sorry to hear that, ocd pretty bad at moment think it's dropping dose. I'm not eating much at the moment pretty slim anyway but making sure I drink plenty. Not seeing people getting to me. II had read it's harder to come off lower doses. Sorry I'm bit gloomy my husband nearly died 4 years ago was in ICU all stuff on news showing icu bringing it back. Hope you soon feel better.

    • Posted

      Sorry to hear that. I had throat infection when came off zopiclone had anti biotics made me worse. Getting really cross over Dominic Cummings affair ?

    • Posted

      ive tried to stop watching the news to be honest, i had a chest x-ray today to see if the virus has damaged my lungs as chest is in agony x

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