Muscle pain
Posted , 11 users are following.
Anyone in perimenapause with muscle pain in arms and legs please let me know
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Posted , 11 users are following.
Anyone in perimenapause with muscle pain in arms and legs please let me know
0 likes, 29 replies
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t74985 jacqueline06286
I’m waiting to hear from endocrinologist, but firmly believe I’m Peri Menopausal. I do have VERY achy nervous & fatiqued legs/arms and sore joints. Maybe vitamin/nutrients deficiency? Endocrinologist request tons of bloods & Thyroid Ultrasound. Waiting for results. I’ll update ASAP.
jacqueline06286 t74985
also you mentioned fatigue as in really tired
t74985 jacqueline06286
It is all of this...mostly muscle aches & muscles feel
Fatiqued. I’ve also lost weight from all the stress and I’m having gastrointestinal upset from stress also. I feel very tired overall...low low energy & many other Peri symptoms. Anxiety is horrid! Hoping blood work shows what I suspect,,,hormone/nutrient problem??!!......Peri Menopausal at 50....
kelle34850 jacqueline06286
jacqueline06286 kelle34850
Are you in perimenapause, I have muscle pain in my arms and legs it comes and goes the one in my arms feels a little burning
kelle34850 jacqueline06286
I actually don't know for sure if I am in peri but I have a ton of the weird symptoms. I am 41 and my periods started changing around the same time as the weird symptoms. I even have the weird ear stuff going on as well. Feels like my ears are plugged sometimes, sometimes I hear ringing, sometimes I get a sharp pain in my ear. Alli this comes and goes for me. The most annoying and hard to live with is the aching. Idk really know what is going on with me but I have read so many woman on here with so many of the same symptoms that I have. I just try to enjoy the good days and endure the yucky ones. I am young and still raising 5 kids 12 and under so I have to fight through this!!
jacqueline06286 kelle34850
kelle34850 jacqueline06286
jacqueline06286 kelle34850
It's perimenapause ,believe me iv had so many test and blood work and everything comes back normal this last blood work was on Friday to check hormones hopefully it will show my hormones out of whack then I can start bioidentical hormone treatment.
kelle34850 jacqueline06286
I've had my hormones checked and it does look like my estrogen is a little low. It was 44 on CD 2. I read a couple books by Suzanne Somers and another one by a different author titles screaming to be heard. From reading those books I think my estrogen should be in the 100s. Anyways, so many of my symptoms i have seen woman complain of on here so I think it is definitely playing a role in the way i feel. I just dont understand how some woman just seem to sail right through this stage.
Guest kelle34850
jacqueline06286 kelle34850
How are you feeling today I'm a little fatigue arms and legs are hurting jittery just off balance
kelle34850 jacqueline06286
kelle34850 Guest
No, I am right handed. I know the left side seems to be affected for most so I don't know why it's my right side!?!?!
jacqueline06286 kelle34850
I'm left handed but it's my right side, how long have you been in perimenapause
amanda59745 kelle34850
kelle34850 jacqueline06286
kelle34850 amanda59745
I believe mine might be related to estrogen decline but since I never had it tested before I'm not sure. My periods started getting closer together and lighter around the time this began. I also have days where I feel much better. Ugh! I never imagined pre-menopause would be so horrible! I am also so flabby now. Ib e gained a little weight but I am still fairly small but now nothing looks the same. What a downer at only 41!
jacqueline06286 kelle34850
Guest kelle34850