Muscle pain and stiffness -Perimenopause
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Hello everyone,
Does anyone here suffer from debilitating muscle pain and stiffness? It just came on suddenly one day after work. My left arm was almost completely paralyzed . Went in for many checkups, doc visits and chiropractor but nothing helped. They tested muscle enzyme and that was normal too. I am in peri menopause and the pain is really intense just before a cycle. I cannot even lift my arm over my head.
Tired of the painkillers. I take turmeric, maca root powder, magnesium and vitamin D.
Does anyone have anything like this? If so, did anything help?
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kelly55079 patti56271
Yes.. I keep telling myself I need to stretch more BUT I never do. I think it's important as we age-- things are going on in our bodies.About a month ago my foot/ankle started to hurt for no reason. I didn't trip or fall.. It's just odd this showed up now.. I'm ok getting older, it's just the physical aches and pains I don't like.
edna29227 patti56271
Hi Patty,
I am post meno nearly 2 years now. I am seeing physical therapist for my left arm too. Sometimes the pain is intense with sudden movement, normal movement like reaching out for salt and pepper. Few weeks back by shoulder and neck were also painful. I thought frozen shoulders. Anyway, yes, I do believe this, and all my other symptoms are menopause related. The loss of hormones is a big thing. I try not to think too much about my aches and pains, hard as it is.
Let us stay positive. These too will come to pass.
I get my strength from praying. I surrender all to Him
God Bless Us all.
jamie37119 patti56271
Try Vit C as well... I have the same issue...especially the day after exercise no matter how small and when I have my period I ache all over.
jamie37119 patti56271
I will add to... I have had left arm pain for years since I got the flu shot (yes sadly that is the case for me) but also have found it more so now than ever. More weakness that side too. I also find that if I have eaten too much I get pain in that arm too. I wonder the connection with the stomach.
Guest patti56271
Frozen shoulder aka 50's Shoulder. Usually happens in your non dominant shoulder and if you are lucky like me you will then get it in your dominant one too. I'm suffering big time currently. Sooo hard to sleep because of the pain. Definitely hormone related although nobody is sure why. I think it's because we need more torture on top of all the other crap we are dealing with. Why not? Keep it coming..we got this
lina19 patti56271
yes...first found it hard to lift my right arm even upto shoulder level. then my left arm felt so weak and painful. it probably lasted for 3 to 4 months. then it just vanished. though i did start to do yoga. so im not sure if just disappeared naturally or bcoz of yoga. cleaned up my diet too. took magnesium glycinate , calcium and b complex for 3 months. i had terrible low back pain and acidity too at that time.
pam90720 patti56271
frozen shoulder !!!! i had it in peri!! couldnt use my left arm for a year!!! im sorry! i know it hurts like hell!! ❤❤
Sassyr12a patti56271
Hi Patti
Yes I get this. I try to avoid painkillers but sometimes I feel like I'm stuck rigid especially with my neck shoulders and arms. I try to change my posture, stretch, massage and now I'm trying bowen technique xx
christine-Perim patti56271
yes! if i workout or garden or paint, pretty much any physical activity requires a much longer recovery time than previously. perimenopause sucks!!!
AJacynM patti56271
Yes... started in my arms and took about a year for it to calm down.
I'm now in agony with my hips and legs; I'm on hrt, tried magnesium, vits etc - had blood tests, an x-ray but all normal.. it's so awful as I used to be so fit & healthy and nowadays, at 47, I hobble around like an old woman! I just don't know what to do to help it anymore as I've tried so many things and NOTHING helps.
The upshot is I'm starting to feel quite down as I can no longer do the things my friends and family can as it hurts so much, I have youngish children too so it's awful as I've always been happy with no mood issues but I find it's all getting too much now but i desperately try and hide how i feel from them. 😦
Sorry for the moan but you're not alone...
Hope things improve for you soon.
AJ. xx
patti56271 AJacynM
I am 47 as well. It feels like you are writing about me. I used to be healthy, active and fit. One day out of nowhere the pain started thats it. There are some days when I cant wash my hair. My arms wont cooperate and my muscles are in agony
As someone mentioned in another post, noone seems to have found anything to help women with hormonal issues and so many suffer.
Docs usually diagnose it fibro or something. I used to take naproxen 1000mg for the pain but it affected my kidneys so I stopped
It like we just stop living all of a sudden
AJacynM patti56271
Hi again,
I'm so with you... some days I find I'm using two hands to pull the car handbrake on or lift the kettle! 😦
Today someone told me that turmeric and ginger tea helped their muscle pain... so I bought the ingredients and made it - not the best tasting tea but heck, I'll try anything at the mo!
The other thing is - I used to work in the health authority and so many docs diagnose pain as fibromyalgia... but fibro = muscle and myalgia = pain so basically muscle pain... I want to know WHAT is causing my muscle pain and yes, if its hormones then I need them regulating if poss so it stops!! If it's not hormonal then what?! I'm not prepared to settle with a diagnosis of muscle pain as I want to know what exactly is the cause and how i can treat to make it better...
Of course it's very hit and miss with menopause help so who knows if I'll get answers!
Bad luck with the naproxen as it's a good drug but as you have said, can affect the kidneys badly. 😦
Ok, rant over... hope we can all find relief soon. Maybe the turmeric tea will be a help..
AJ. xx
edna29227 patti56271
Ladies, please, let us NOT be defeated but our circumstances. It know its not easy, but let us NOT focus on what we cannot do.
My left arm is still painful. I tried dry needling twice and still seeing physical therapist but it seems to come and go. Now my right arm is starting to hurt a bit. Its even difficult for me to hook my bra from behind my back anymore. Anyway, I refuse to be beaten. I have noticed that the more I dont move them, the more they will hurt after a day or two. So I do regular stretch excercise using stretch bands and I do 2.5kg weight excercises too.
WE NEED TO DO STRENGTH EXCERCISES LADIES. Talk to somebody who can give you proper moves. If possible, do your excercises under the morning sun 30mins a day.
I dont take any medications. I prepare my own food which is more fruit and vegetables. I try to follow healthy living. A glass of milk and a banana before bed and most important of all, I PRAY and ask GODS GUIDANCE.
Im 58. Post meno for nearly 2 years. Had so many health scares, but FAITH and PEAYERS works wonders for me.
God bless us all.
AJacynM edna29227
Hi Edna...
I wish we had sun - I live in the wettest part of the UK plus it's so cold!! We need sun!!
I think I may try the weight exercises as that may help me... and also the stretch band thing?!
I'll defo look into it.
Thank you.
AJ. xx
robin86 patti56271
oh yes! i had frozen should in my right shoulder for 6 months! i tried massage, chiropractic, etc. finally went to an orthpedic dr. and asked for a cortisone shot which finally broke it free. this was 5 yrs ago. lately I'm getting the symptoms back but can atleast identify the issue this time around !