Muscle sensitivity/tension
Posted , 7 users are following.
Has anyone had muscle tension in their arms, neck and shoulders during peri?
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Posted , 7 users are following.
Has anyone had muscle tension in their arms, neck and shoulders during peri?
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jayneejay sharcerv52408
yes ... yes.. yes... and tingly sensations, i remember in early peri, i had muscle aches in arms, and tingles like one arm had gone to sleep, sounds crazy... one arm more than other and i worked at a hospital at the time, i had an ECG but all was okay,
stiff knees too, and sometimes wake with a cricky neck and walk with my head facing the wrong way for two days hehehehehehe... also a lumpy golf ball throat when stressed, like something stuck, and heart racing alot too, feel it thumping... its passed now... you will soon get to know all the weird symptoms and just think oh no .. not that one again..
take care hun Jay xx
sharcerv52408 jayneejay
jayneejay sharcerv52408
thats another thing... in early peri, i had sensitive bladder for about 4 years, always felt like cystitis etc, even had a camera to check bladder etc, again its a peri symptom, also i always wanted to wee alot, always looking for a loo, even though when i got there i didnt really go much,
it does pass, also thrush got alot of thrush like symptoms, sore, etc although it wasnt actually thrush, its not nice is it...but quite common,
the doc said i had sensitive bladder due to peri meno and it would most likely be like that a while, often had Keflex antibiotics for water infexfion too
sharcerv52408 jayneejay
NonnieDD sharcerv52408
sharcerv52408 NonnieDD
elizabeth142 sharcerv52408
Pilates is good!!
And good for bad backs like me too.
Do exercises. Walk instead of using transport if you can. Get your circulation moving!
Dizzy double vision headaches tension!
The list is endless!!
Check your diet. See what you are eating. Does it benefit you or not?
Drink lots of fluids like water, or juices to dilute,
Or flavoured water. With no additives check the labels!!
If you eat litte and often you feel more healthier.
I certainly do anyway.
Less menopause symptoms then.
I don't really suffer that badly.
Never had HRT either. I refuse ..
Do it by good diet and exercise. I swear by this method.. 😃
jayneejay elizabeth142
good to know your peri in not affecting you, you must be one of the very lucky ones..
i dont take HRT, I am a fit person, eat little and often as have to or i feel faint.. i drink ample water, dont drink or smoke, not over weight, my circulation always moving ... but i am afraid I still suffered badly with peri for 9 years, it wasnt all in my head, your just lucky, i dont know your age or how long youve been peri or post meno.., but glad you have had it light, some do, i am not one of them... i am now 50 and only now feel alot better.. my diet is excellent and it has all been trail and error for some of us to what helps us the most through the transition... .. i still have hot flushes in the day they came back again, so for some its just not that simple.. 9 years i have had of symptoms of different variations, my mother was like you she breezed through hers, two years and done.. all finished ages just 44. i am just aged 50 been 11 months since last period ...
but so pleased yours is less severe... take care Jay xx
sharcerv52408 elizabeth142
Sandy07 sharcerv52408
jayneejay Sandy07
how are you hun, have you tried the B6 yet...
so you have just taken your first pregabalin ...
as you must know they are an anticonvulsant, re~ neuropathy and fibromyalgia and used in anxiety if i am correct, did you know that its very common to have adverse dizzy spells etc on that med.. maybe its not the right one for you Mooma, if you feel terrible after just one...
& Withdrawal symptoms if used longer term can be severe and include difficulty sleeping, nausea, anxiety, diarrhoea, flu or flu-like symptoms, headache, increased sweating, convulsions, pain, dizziness, nervousness, and depression. Pregabalin should be reduced gradually when finishing treatment..... i dont want you feeling worse hun.... dont take for a long term then suddenly stop ... oh bless you .. have a good day Jay xx
Sandy07 jayneejay
jayneejay Sandy07
back in February my doc here in spain ( hopeless he is ) tried pushing tabs on me, they were anti depressants, and i was low low low, back then, well i took one, like you ( i know yours are different) and a couple of hours later I was dizzy, and banging into door frames on door, i couldnt get my balance or co-ordination so weird and scary and a headache from hell...
like you I ditched them too.. not worth it is it... since i found the right naturals and vits as you know... hang in ther hun... big hug Jay xx
sharcerv52408 Sandy07
After I had my daughter, they put me on Lisinopril. That medicine is pure evil. The side effects are crazy! I stopped taking the med because I didn't like the way it was making me feel. My GP was pushing it. I told her I did not need it. But I stopped it coof Turkey and that was a mistake because if I thought the medicine was making me feel bad, withdrawals from it was worse! So please be careful.
Sandy07 sharcerv52408
sharcerv52408 Sandy07
These doctors know what these medications can do and they don't care. It's money for them. I used to work for a pharmaceutical adverstising agency years ago. There is a three-way split with the profits between doctors, the pharmaceutical companies and the pharmacy. If pharmaceutical companies manufacture medicine but doctors don't push it, nobody makes any money. They know that. It is a devilish bureaucracy!