Muscle stiffness and pain
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Good Morning my friends,
Not a good morning at all for me. Nauseous, dizziness, muscle stiffness, back pain...and then of course comes the anxiety. We have one car right now and I usually take the hubby to work on Saturday mornings but this morning I didn't want to get dressed much less leave the house. I've been hanging on by a thread, feel like crying, very sad. My son is 34 and an alcoholic so I have to deal with that on top of everything else. Just needed to tell someone that...
Does anyone have any suggestions for the stiff muscles.???? It's like it happened overnight for me.
Had a total hysterectomy 14 mths ago so I am in full blown menopause.
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karen77710 Lotti1966
I do feel for you right now, menapause is so awful, my health Antietam was brought back on by the menapause. I suffer with muscle stiffness in my neck and shoulders, I use tiger balm, seems to help me, if that's any good x
Sorry that's health anxiety
Fairy28 karen77710
karen77710 Fairy28
Fairy28 karen77710
Yes it is lovely, but it's very expensive isn't it. I buy it in a tube but it doesn't last long - I wonder if there's a cheap site we could get it from ? I keep it in my bag so it's always handy, there is one that's particularly for neck and shoulders is that the one you use ? X
karen77710 Fairy28
It just says muscle rub for aches and pains. I get mine from sainsburys in a round pot. Costs around £5.00 but last quite a while xx
Fairy28 karen77710
I think the one specifically for neck and shoulders works really well, it's a liquid and a small ammount does go a long way, ive tried the one in the pot aswell - handy to have both ! Xx
karen77710 Fairy28
Fairy28 karen77710
karen77710 Fairy28
Fairy28 karen77710
karen77710 Fairy28
I will do and thanks again. Yer I'd like to see a man go throw it to xx
Fairy28 karen77710
They'd be driving to A and E every five minutes, my hubby is totally useless helping me, he can't even cope with a cold - as soon as he gets a sniff he's on the phone to his mum telling her how ill he feels and hes 52 ! Pathetic really, they say women are the stronger sex, how true is that !! Xx
liz67338 Fairy28
So true! My manager at work initial response to my request to work from home some days due to my hormone issues was "don't we alll have hormone issues"!!!!!! I wanted to punch him...the lack of understanding is so so angering and frustrating
Fairy28 liz67338
I probably would have punched him ! The bad thing is that men will never understand , how can they when they're mostly big babies themselves - my hubby would be living in a pigsty eating bags of crisps and bars of chocolate if I didn't do everything for him - a couple of times I've been away without him he actually PAID his sister to clean the house up before I got back then pretended he'd done it all, she told me ! It's my fault because ive spoilt him which does him no favours at all ! X
juanita93228 liz67338