Muscle twitches and spasms all over body
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This particular problem started about 5 years ago, however it was much more mild and not as worrying. The muscle twitches originally started in my feet and legs, and was more of an annoyance than anything. At the time I also had trouble sleeping, so my doctor suggested a sleep study, perhaps the twitching was causing my body to not fully fall asleep. However, the sleep study did not show any abnormalities in my sleep pattern. The twitching eventually subsided/became less noticeable, and I forgot about it.
In the last 30-45 days or so, however, I have noticed the twitching both returning and being much more frequent, and also accompanied by muscle spasms as well. The twitching occurs all over my body, including; feet, ankles, calves, thighs, knees, glutes, wrists, fingers, elbow muscles, and biceps. The muscle spasms have only occured in my thighs, calves, and glutes and are not as common. The spasms are very rapid and only last for a few seconds.
I decided to keep track of the frequency of the twitching for a 5 minute span (both laying down and in a sitting position) and it occured around 8-10 times within 5 minutes (varying from fingers, glutes, thighs, calves, etc). I am worried that these symptoms may lead to something greater, as I am only 20 years old and am not sure if it will become worse as time progresses.
I should also mention that I am prescribed 150 mg Wellbutrin and birth control daily, and have also been taking painkillers as needed for the past few weeks due to surgery. I also suffer from mild-moderate anxiety. I do not believe that this is a side-effect from my medication, as I have been on these medications the past few years. I am not opposed to visiting the doctor, I just don't know if a specific doctor would be necessary or any other advice would be helpful.
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ihavenonickname rsarah21
To me your twitches and spasms sound like Benign Fasciculation Syndrome.
Perhaps you will request a referral to a neurologist.
kind regards
terry62719 rsarah21
Hi Sarah I too have muscle spasms and I'm waiting for blood results at present I have started a conversation on here also have you had any muscles decrease in size ?
I would go see your doctor and suggest he should send you to see a neurologist
I'm terrible for looking at the Internet but my foot was very numb and I've started to take B12 supplement tablets and my leg feels more normal than before mention to you doctor about maybe checking you b12 level this vitamin helps keep your mylene sheath good around you spinal cord I think. But hey I'm not a doctor so only look at the Internet yourself please and go see your doctor hope you get sorted out ....
ladyyy333 rsarah21
Hi! I'm a teenager and I have these symptomps! My muscles twitch a lot each day even when I'm at school. Sometimes the twitches are so intense and it takes a long time before it stops. I've read that magnesium deficiency might have caused this, so I have been taking one capsule of Magnesium daily. Maybe you have magnesium deficiency! I haven't visited a doctor. Hope you feel better!
terry62719 ladyyy333
Hi lady 333 ?
If I was you I'd go see doctor has taking magnesium supplements helped I hope they have
I'm in hull hospital at moment I've not been diagnosed yet but hopefully soon they've done MRI. EMG tests on my nerves electrical tests. And lumba puncture today so hope they figure something out soon
Nice to make contact with you X
dan50280 terry62719
Hi Terry 62719 if you don't mind me asking did you get a diagnoses
terry62719 dan50280
Hi dan. Yes turns out I've got spine problems L4 L5 disc degeneration and the protrusion is causing S1 nerve root to be damaged. On steroids to reduce inflammation but still got muscle twitching gggrrrr. And electrical pains doing my head in now mate
me02103 terry62719
I have a very similar situation with my muscles. Curious to know if you had numbess in head and feet? Did you have a previous back injury? My t11 and t12 have a compression fracture and my neck and lower back muscles get sore and tight due to the injury
erik_92351 terry62719
Hi, since you been diagnosed did you not know you even injured yourself ? I'm pretty nervous for myself I am 40 and had twitching come out of no where 10 days ago in the left side of face and kind of on my lip and cheek then bazaar enough spread all over my body mostly when I'm at rest I had blood work done and came back clean except for super low on b12 and d and been on supplements for 3 days and nothing has changed 24/7 twitching only when I'm asleep does it stop .. now my concern is I'm screwed bc I have pains now as well like when u pull ur muscle swarms of light pain elbows and arm and oddly enough finger next to pinky that pain is a weird on and on my right theigh as well.. I'm trying to find someone that has gone through this and was it a positive outcome thanks
eric72303 erik_92351
Erik92351, I saw your post and have the same symptoms as you. Twitching started in face (one of my eyes) then spread to the other eye and around the face and down to my lip. Then little short muscle stitches all around the body that come and go for a second. And I've had muscle pain, stuff muscles that comes and goes. Does this sound like what you have? I am also 40. Have you found a diagnosis yet?
erik_92351 eric72303
Mom44 terry62719
Mom44 erik_92351
Hi Erik I was wondering if you have found anything out? I have been having muscle twitching also. Right bicep, stomache, Right glute. I had a severe headache for two weeks prior. I've been having odd symptoms since April.
saeed20618 eric72303
Couple of time being seen by gp, blood test clean, no clinical weakness,
I’m 26 years old, and the anxity is killing me because i am concern of horrible motor neuron disease.
terry62719 Mom44
Hi mom 44. No I never got a diagnosis. Only thing they said was that a nerve in my right hip has been damaged. !!! And the twitching I have now is the nerve trying to re connect to my calf muscle I don't believe this as I have twitching everywhere gggrrr. I also had the mis fortune to bresk my pelvis back in august so I've been getting over that issue which has caused me other nerve problems and pains in my groin. I'm on anti depressants now due to all this. I'm still sure I've got lymes desease. It can't figure out where to go in uk to get an accurate test done. Thanks for asking if I got diagnosed x
Mom44 terry62719
jazz05918 erik_92351
awidz eric72303
jeremy04366 awidz
I lost my job of 17 years, the Mayo clinic was of no help and has hurt me with their b.s. diagnosis on my file. We found out I have nutritional problems through hair analysis. I'm trying to address them but no changes yet.
awidz jeremy04366
jeremy04366 awidz
awidz jeremy04366
but lyme would be weird since i am never in the woods or around tics.
thanks again for replies
awidz jeremy04366
jeremy04366 awidz
awidz jeremy04366
thanks again
Mom44 awidz
awidz Mom44
jeremy04366 awidz
erik_92351 jeremy04366
What do mean muscle weakness like u can't lift or walk don't get how you mean
erik_92351 awidz
Welcome to my world .. ur back has nothing to do with body twitching all over .. what I believe is can be brought on by extreme stress cause if not that the diagnosis for this is nothing good .. I had a emg scheduled but I chicked out I just put my faith in god and pray this all goes away I'm on month 4 mine started out of nowhere literally one day was not there then the next day all over the place and hasn't stopped I now pray I get one day of no twitching can u imagine of all the things u could wish for xmas that's my wish
jeremy04366 erik_92351
awidz erik_92351
jeremy04366 awidz
Doctors are quick to say stress and anxiety when they can't find the problem, believe me...I know
jeremy04366 awidz
erik_92351 jeremy04366
Docs didn't tell me stress I'm saying that cause how my lifestyle was leading up to this I damaged my body this I know like I said my doc dropped the als bomb right away
erik_92351 awidz
jeremy04366 erik_92351
I was just talking about how all my docs told me anxiety and stress because of normal test results, now they have looked at me and said were right , something's going on.
erik_92351 jeremy04366
Didn't know popping was a sign of muscle weakness I have felt popping even as a kid so not sure on that but my throat likes to click here and there when swallowing but looked that up says associated with something else once ur hypersensitive I notice every little thing now it's torture and I'm over it
jeremy04366 erik_92351
erik_92351 awidz
erik_92351 jeremy04366
Great more bad news against me I saw my Ent 3 times and he said nothing about that doesn't happen all the time and lately haven't noticed it but that's funny I use to push my throat to the side to make it stop before but I guess the good news is u don't have als
erik_92351 jeremy04366
Also there is a clear explanation online to a clicking sound when swallowing clearly doesn't state anything about muscle weakness in swallowing
jeremy04366 erik_92351
Yeah that's the good part, they just don't know who to treat me. At first glance doctors look at me like a big strong guy, I have big shoulders and a big chest but after they start looking underneath the cover, they are stunned and don't know what to think. I'm going to University of Alabama Birmingham hospital next month. They're one of the best in the country. Hopefully they can help because the Mayo clinic was an absolute joke and waste of money
erik_92351 jeremy04366
Actually feels like it'son the top rear of my tongue to be exact
jeremy04366 erik_92351
Erik, my endoscopy verified my swallowing weakness, the clicking sound was confirmed by my gastrologist and ent specialist
When my throat muscles improved , the clicking when away . It is a common symptom in alot of swallowing problems so it was the cause of mine. One thing I've learned about Google is, it is often wrong more times than right , in other words there are a hundred causes and symptoms that you'll never find online. I first suspected my throat weakness as being the cause, it's logical, weak muscles don't hold things together good....after my swallowing problems disappeared and my throat returned to was gone
erik_92351 jeremy04366
Ya same here didn't play around as soon as I felt something weird my ent who was a dentist as well he is older with a ton of experience saw that my swallowing was normal in a throats scope where they shove that thing up ur nose and he said my throats was dry that's it and the clicking was prevalent at the time .. so even if it was als can't imagine sore throats and all that kick in right away in the first 3 months as it's a progressive disease the mind is powerful .. I once had all the symptoms of hiv and didn't even sleep around being a hypo and my kind of work always cutting myself and thought somehow contracted it had like all the symtoms the rash, weight loss, sores in the mouth all except night sweats but was convinced I had it took 3 tests before it clicked I did not have it that's when I learned the power of the mind
Mom44 jeremy04366
jeremy04366 Mom44
Mom44 jeremy04366
jeremy04366 Mom44
Mom44 jeremy04366
jeremy04366 Mom44
awidz erik_92351
TRP_Sensitive awidz
Sometimes I feel like I have so much to say and so little time. Please don't worry about taking Gabapentin if it helps. I've been told by multiple doctors that it is a really old and safe drug. You may need to ween off, but it's not like a narcotic that you will crave. I take a very high dose, 4,800 per day. I also suffer significant burning pain and the Gabapentin helps dampen the pain. Consider that you may have a small fiber neuropathy. I don't think that nerve conduction tests will pick this up. I'm approaching year 10 and my neuropathy was the result of a prolonged environmental exposure. I am improving over time, but I am extremely chemically sensitive--I have to avoid fragrances. I also have to avoid most all spices that excite the nerves. A recently discovered pain channel, TRPA1, mediates the pain and inflammation of environmental irritants.
Some of you might be interested in this research -
A novel TRPA1 variant is associated with carbamazepine responsive cramp-fasciculation syndrome M.J. Nirenberg1 | R. Chaouni2 | T.M. Biller1 | R.M. Gilbert1 | C. Paisán-Ruiz2,3
If you take carbamazepine, I think that you have to follow-up with liver tests periodically, but that may be worth a try. If you access the full article, I think that you will learn more about another drug that they tried. I just can't recall. Don't let doctors tell you that it's just anxiety, but also, don't be overly concerned that it is something serious.
awidz TRP_Sensitive
erik_92351 awidz
I agree I keep playing football to feel good for 3 hours to forget the twitching and its lots of running however after I feel like I been hit by a truck but so much fun and I do notice that they are more frequent now like makes it worse I guess even in ppl that are normal u hear that if that work out to hard they have spasm issues not sure but mine have increased which I thought would be less by relieving stress by working out so to speak but I think relaxation is the key I think I have to dump coffee as well and caffeine which I love in the am .. I'm now going into plan B seeing how this is not going away which is body and DNA rejuvenate safely going to hammer my body with nutrients for the brain and antioxidants so if I do have something bad my body will fight back while this is still fresh not after its to late
angela59190 awidz
kenny26128 jeremy04366
How and where did you get your hair analysis done? If you don’t mind me asking.
chris48017 Mom44
Check into Bartonella. It's a co infection to Lyme and comes from a Cat scratch or other things. I just started treatment for it 3 weeks ago. You should get tested for this right away and you may have to find a Lyme specialist to do so. I was negative for Lyme and positive for this. Prayers for all.
kenny26128 chris48017
Mom44 chris48017
jeremy04366 kenny26128
angela59190 Mom44
How are your symptoms? I am 15 almost16 months sincr Mine started. I dont twitch like I used to but still do. I see my neuromuscular neurologist every 6 months for testing. Go back in June. That's all we can do and hope our symptoms go away or improve. Plus that all our emgs stay normal. Best wishes.
erik_92351 angela59190
Great, so that tells me one emg that's clean is not suffice the testing goes on and on of the mental torture ?
angela59190 erik_92351
Erik it is true you have to have more emgs. They are only good at the time they are performed. Time is the only indicator that you will be ok. It is possible to have a clean or normal emg and then develop a abnormal emg at a later time. A normal emg during symptoms is reassuring that it may be nothing sinister but it isn't a guarantee. I wish it were but there is no test developed to prove you will not ever have als. It is only time after symptoms and the fact you never develop weakness.
jypsyjulia Mom44
Hey, Mom44. I literally made an account just so that I could reply to you because I've been there for the rabies fear and I wanted to reach out as soon as possible. I have severe health anxiety and my first obsession was rabies.
Here's the thing with rabies. They cannot test for it until it has manifested itself in your system, so asking for a rabies test is not going to help anything. By the time the test would show positive, you would be dying and need to have the Milwaukee Protocol.
Did you get the shots after you were scratched by that cat? If not, you can still get them. You can get the shots until the rabies "wakes up," so to speak, and begins its viral infection. Rabies can remain dormant in your system for up to 25 years. However, if you get the shots any time in there, then it will be eradicated. The reason people die from rabies is because they wait too long to get the shots and that is usually a third world problem due to insufficient funds.
If you haven't gotten the shots yet, get them. Demand them. I got bit by a domestic rat in a cage and my anxiety freaked out so badly that I would not calm down until I got the shots. I called my state epidemiologist and demanded them. I had to pay out of pocket for them, so it was close to $900, but it was well worth it for the peace of mind.
Do I think you have rabies? No. 9 month of symptoms in rabies is unheard of. Once you begin showing symptoms, you are dead within a month. But do I think you should get the shots for peace of mind and safety? Yes.
amanda16573 awidz
Hello Awidz. Any update on your condition/diagnosis? My husband is having all of these same symptoms. He has had multiple biles of blood work done that show low magnesium levels. He’s been taking magnesium supplements but that doesn’t seem to help. He went to see a specialist who ordered an Elbow X-ray and prescribed gabapentin and just started taking it today. Why can we not get any answers 😔
taylormari75598 amanda16573
amanda16573 taylormari75598
eric72303 taylormari75598
becky481216 eric72303
eric are you serious? i wake every every day twitching ... arches, bicep, calves... its been five months now and im so nervous i cant sleep... were yours really as bad as mine ... like non stop??
thank you
eric72303 becky481216
Yes mine were non stop, super scary and not normal. Do you get any twitches on your face or your eye lids? Have you tried removing all gluten foods and dairy foods for 3 to 5 days yet?
jonathan55221 erik_92351
i know this is an old post but did you get any doagnosis? i am struggling with twitching different areas if tbe body going on 3 months off amd on
clean emg but still scared
jonathan55221 becky481216
Becky what ever happened?? I am going through something similar now hope your well God bless
elizabeth59642 jonathan55221
Hi Johnathan,
I'm new on here but did you ever find out what the cause your twitching was? Is it still on going? I hope you're doing better now.
I recently started having twitches all over my body about a week and a half ago, before this I have had small twitches in my foot off and on. None of the twitches all over my body started until after I went to go see a chiropractor this last month.