muscle twitching and cramps anyone???
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I am in peri-menopause and have had significant muscle twitching (mostly in calves and feet, but occasionally in torso area). Now it seems like my leg and feet muscles are trying to cramp up. I have been eating very well, doing a "reset" and only doing fruit, veggies protein and healthy fats and be as "clean" as possible with the food. My chiropratic neurologist thinks it is due to inflammation and some sort or neuropathy, and its getting worse not better. I have also seen my primary care MD to rule out any serious nervous system issues such as ALS, MS and one thinks that what i have is serious , but I am at the end of my rope here. Anyone else experience this and did you find something that helped???
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Trishann Wannaflbttr1
All part of peri I have experienced numerous off / on twitches and aches n pains that come and go. Scary I've seen every doctor and read so much about it and it's scary how our body acts . I'm 43 yo and been going on for 2 plus years! It'll get better! 🙂
Guest Wannaflbttr1
I get them and have since 2012! I've notced after my probotoc drink they are worse. I get them in my calfs, feet arms , hands and even in chest! I get muscle twitches every single day! I notice it started when I was close to meno! I even have had them shoot all the way through my entire body! I got the charlie horses talk about pain! My husband passed away from ALS so I know what the ALS muslce twtiches look like and every symptom with ALS. I think alot of women get them in peri and meno. I even had legs / arms/fingers to jerk . Your Neuro wasn't interested in doing a EMG? I'm sure its ALL hormone related , oh I forgot I get them in eye and lip too.
shirl15546 Wannaflbttr1
2chr2015 Wannaflbttr1
Kris1012 Wannaflbttr1
I get them in hands and legs especially at night. I'm so glad found this website. Now known I'm not crazy.
carmen_22574 Wannaflbttr1
As I'm typing now I'm having muscle twitching. I'm hoping like you this will stop soon. Perimenopause is no joke I didn't think you could have a lot of symptoms. I saw on this site 66 things can happen and I've had 46 of them. Hang in there and drink lots of water that seem to calm mine down to a minimal. Good luck.
Guest carmen_22574
carmen_22574 Guest
barbara49965 Wannaflbttr1
I take B12 – 1000ug in the mornings. In the evening I take Osteocare original by Vitabiotics it has (Calcium-Magnesium-D3 & Zinc) the magnesium is for muscle pain & D3 is for bone pain. I have researched this as I had pain all over especially in my arms & neck & couldn’t bare the pain any longer it was driving me insane! I am so happy this has worked for me, it took a good couple of months to kick in but I feel like my old self again! Doctors don’t seem to know enough about the change & as long as you get all your blood test done, its better trying an alternative. I am now on HRT which has stopped my night sweats & I can finally get a good night sleep.
bobbysgirl Wannaflbttr1
Magnesium, magnesium, magnesium! 2chr2015 mentions Epsom salts - magnesium. There are several different sorts, I take Mag malate. Some are best avoided and the one in the 'supermarket' vits and mins is really not worth having.
I used to get leg cramps that woke me up - agony. Not one since I started the magnesium.
Due to modern farming practices, most of us are mag. deficient. Calcium as a supplement is not a good idea (far better from diet source), but without magnesium to 'balance' it, calcium can be deposited in the places you DON'T want it.
You won't hear this from your doctor. For all the years they study their 'craft' they only spend a few hours on nutrition.
Wannaflbttr1 bobbysgirl
michelle_79406 Wannaflbttr1
Definitely I agree with magnesium. And drink plenty of water. I used to wake up in the middle of the night with excruciating leg cramps couldn't even stand or walk on it. Would run very hot water on it for about ten minutes and it would relax it back to normal. But by god the pain in the muscle at the time.. 😩😩😩💤 but then started drinking. Water and the disappeared. Amazing.
carmen_22574 michelle_79406
Kris1012 carmen_22574
I have been dealing with the same issue. Difficult to put any weight on that leg comes and goes crazy.
barbara49965 Wannaflbttr1
Calcium requirements
How much calcium you need depends on your age and sex. Note that the upper limit in the chart represents the safe boundary — it's not how much you should aim to get. If you exceed the upper limit, you may increase your risk of health problems related to excessive calcium.
19-50 years 1,000 mg 2,500 mg
51 and older 1,200 mg 2,000 mg