Muzzy weird head
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Does anyone else suffer from a muzzy weird and sometimes tight head feeling? I can't describe it but it just feels odd.
I could almost describe it as 'am I about to come down with something' feeling
It lasts for a day or two and then clears off.
Sometimes I don't have it for ages and then it turns up again out of the blue.
I'm hoping someone can relate to these symptoms I'm !! Just wondering if it's all part and parcel of the menopause?
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JReady64 Reb2211
Tracy020575 Reb2211
Does it feel like a weird pressure in your head? Kind of like you're dizzy? If so, then yes I've had that off and on for the last few years. I'm diabetic so I thought it had to do with my blood sugar but after reading all of the ladies on here that have had a similar head feeling I now believe it may be part of perimenopause.
Reb2211 Tracy020575
It is a kinda dizzy feeling, with a pressure band on my head.
Its just horrible.
Menopause sucks
sara97862 Reb2211
Feeling that way right now, and have been most of the day.
I notice it most around the time I should get my period. Do you notice any pattern?
katyD211 sara97862
Same with me, around period time.
or around when I should be having a period...never know anywore.
Reb2211 sara97862
Periods are all done so I can't attribute it to that.
No pattern just a crap feeling on and off.
Looking at the replies it's the joyous symptoms of the menopause
rebecca_68782 sara97862
Me too. I notice it mostly right around my cycle.
2blessed2bstressed Reb2211
TOTALLY relate.... been feeling like that all day. I sorta describe it as feeling like ive had one too many drinks. Not really a dizzy feeling, but just feeling off. some days yes, some days no. it sometimes gets worse when i chew. SO weird. Will be so glad to get off this rollercoaster!
katyD211 Reb2211
Part n parcel...I hate that feeling. It's not even really a physical sensation...I sometimes have to literally "shake it off" by shaking my head like a wet dog would.
Hate this.
jodie99814 Reb2211
Yes, I get this a week before my period starts, and sometimes it shows up a few days after it ends. I had it really bad two days ago and my period just started today. the worst is it amps up my anxiety . Keep track and I bet you'll see a pattern. Get a period tracker, Amazon has them and Google does too. Make notes and keep track of start dates. It helps since my memory is completely shot. 😉
debra16694 Reb2211
hi Reb, i have experienced so many weird head issues, but aside from a intense flushing i get from a hot flash, i also get this sensation that my brains have been "sucked" out & my head feels empty. i guess that might be refered to as "fog brain". in addition, i get this head sensation like i just stepped off of a merry go round & i have to make sure the earth isnt moving - i dont have one friend who has experienced even one of the symptoms i have experienced - i am so tired of this - now trying to figure out whats causing all my intense body aches - ugh!
crystals51917 debra16694
I am 52 and I have this feeling everyday, all day since Nov. 2018. It eases for about a min, then it's right back. Head gets realllll hot with pressure with some sweat. I sometimes have to take a Tylenol just to relieve some of the pressure. I cried today because I feel so weird. I can't enjoy the things my husband and I used to enjoy together; I remember things but noticed I'm writing things down to make sure I remember them. I repeat to myself what I did for the day, just to make sure I'm remembering correctly. 😦 It makes me feel dizzy, disoriented, fuzzy, cloudy feeling, NOT MYSELF AT ALL... Not clear thinking. I'm so depressed and concerned. I'm gonna ask my Dr for a MRI. She says it's the last stages of menopause but again, I'm so concerned. Menopause is the devil!! I hate this period of my life with all these changes going on in my body. It's not who I am. Love ALL you ladies! I'm praying for anyone experiencing menopause.
Reb2211 crystals51917
I think you've just mirrored everything I am experiencing.
Its not welcome to the menopause, it's welcome to the hell!! It is the devil's invention for! sure
The one thing you have just said that is a light at the end of the tunnel is that the symptoms could be the end of the menopause.
I truly hope so!
Nettie261962 Reb2211
I describe it as having cotton in my brain. It's awful. And the lady that described it as just getting off a merry go round is right on. I am dizzy and have this funny head feeling all day almost every day. I get one good day here and there. Makes me mad and sad as it has stolen so much joy from me. I'm hoping for relief someday soon. Can't take HrT as I am 7 years out breast cancer survivor. This forum saves my sanity. Hugs to all of you ladies struggling like this.
anxiousface Nettie261962
nettie im just like you its every day some sort of dizziness and it make me feel sad. iv lost my confidence to do the things i used to.
i used to be so independent but i dont make any plans anymore as i dont know how ill be feeling.
like debra i dont know anyone who's like us so without this forum and the wonderful supportive ladies i dont know how id cope .
love to all x
Nettie261962 anxiousface
Anxious Face,
I plan things kinda but with great hesitation. I never had this until menopause. I am starting to forget what it used to be like before when I wasn't dizzy. That scares me too! Are you doing anything, taking anything to help?
anxiousface Nettie261962
hi Nettie
I too can't remember one good week for the last 7yrs and was was determined this yr was going to be better.
No i don't take any medication but have started taking some magnesium about a week ago but sorry to say i don't see anythings changed as yet.
I was ok this morning but by 12:30 my eyes started to pull and feel dizzy then my stomach feels like its turning over and it makes me feel i need to go to the toilet but i don't its just a feeling.
I'm so fed up with feeling ill, i find it so sad e are all suffering like this through our 50's when we should be having a life.
debra16694 anxiousface
hi ANXIOUS - Yes, that was my New Years feel better & to force myself to exercise even if i felt bad. i even signed up for 2 restorative yoga classes, a gentle stretch class & beginners aqua aerobics - Then i wake up with this dibilitating knee pain & tendon muscle aches...infact it feels like i have inflammation in all of my joints. i have muddled thru my classes, but the pain i have been dealing with renders me useless to do much else - its a chore to go to the grocery store - i cry most days, i am 61 & so worried that this is my life - i am awaiting results of my MRI of my knee, but wonder whats causing all my other body aches - it makes my anxiety go thru the roof -
crystals51917 Nettie261962
You described it nail on! It's horrible! I rather have mega sweats than feel this head feeling. I don't sweat as bad as I used to because of Black Cohosh but this brian feeling makes me sad and depressed. I wanna feel myself again. 😦 I'm usually the happy, Go Getter kinda girl, now I'm the depressed, trying to keep sain kinda girl. 😦 Hugs to you too! I love this forum as well.
Nettie261962 anxiousface
Anxious Face,
Isn't that goofy eye pulling symptom sooooo strange. If I get this, I know my day will be awful. All of this is so strange! I have tried magnesium. It helped the muscle cramps and spasms and I did sleep a little better. I ran out of it but will have to get back on it. Just wish it all would straighten out for all of us and we would feel like our old selves again. We deserve it at this time of our lives! By the way... there's a really good book I just started reading called "Dare" on anxiety. It is super good. Just started reading and so far the advice for dealing with anxiety is the best yet I've read. The anxiety component of menopause has been over whelming to say the least! I'll take any help I can get!