My 6 months of HELL... is ANYBODY else completely debilitated ?
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I’m venting tonight as had 2 VERY bad days.
6 months ago on a trip to Santa Fe I awoke in my hotel and felt weird could not wake up . Ventured out only to return shortly afterwards feeling so sick dizzy . Spent most of the 3 days in the hotel . Thought it was just the altitude and wine.
Got home felt better then it all began again ... took me 4 hours to get out of bed most days after finding this forum and many visits to the dr realized it was Meno.
Since then life has been very strange not one day in 6 months has gone by I haven’t felt exhausted .
Went on the patch and got a little relief but the exhaustion never subsided.
I have missed a trip to Europe spent $1000’s on healthcare ... tried everything .
When on when does this ease up?
I’ve got a big week a fabulous exciting car event in my city friends visiting ... cars that sell for over $50 million it’s the best week of the year and I feel awful. I do have Epstein Barr like many others ... is anybody else feeling so debilitated that they are ready for bed at 4pm ... can’t go to functions ...majorly depressed . Feel like I’m the only one 😢
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fiona27807 lori93950
lori93950 fiona27807
shara04249 lori93950
It sounds like you might have SIBO. Google it. Very common during this faze. Alcohol, sugar are the things that exacerbate it. Since we lose our estrogen we get inflammation easier which weakens our immune system that tale spins our digestion into hell. It can be fixed but no alcohol, sugar, white bread, wheat, etc. hang in there.
fiona27807 shara04249
michelle97919 lori93950
I feel your pain. You probably already know me frim other posts. Im a veteran here been using this site 11 years.
Had 10 years peri now im post meno just.
I seriously thought things couldnt get worse but they have!!!
Im in a constant state of pani right now.
Tingling tremors throughout my body 24/7
It is sheer hell.
I just dont know what to do with myself.
Went doctors who is giving me a blood test to confirm ive gone through the change then talk about HRT or antidepressant as my anxiety has got me in an awful mess.
I just dont know what to do anymore.
I dony want to go on hrt because i know you cant be on it forever so i may have to consider an antidepressant.
I was hoping post meno would be better mayb it will as im just post meno literally.
Just wanted to let you know im here for you if that helps x
juanita93228 michelle97919
Post meno hasn't been better for me either. But to be fair peri wasn't bad at all for me. I'm on an AD and Valium as needed. But I still have some tough days and it's strange how you can be fine one day and feel so bad the next. Saturday was fine but Sunday I had to leave church as I was having a some sort of strange sensation in my right shoulder blade which made me panic. Thank goodness I was able to stay through the sermon. I've just been praying and praying. I'm trying to sell my house and I'm still working. Every day it's a struggle to go to work. My doctor and I are talking about weaning me off the AD and Valium. I pray to God I'm feeling better by the time we start doing that.
Hang in there. I don't know what to do with myself either. I feel like I'm in constant fight or flight mode.
michelle97919 juanita93228
I was on mirtazapine for a year around three years ago.
Ive got appointment next week to discuss going back on them or maybe another one.
My peri was absolute hell!!!!
My husband is a pastor and has recently launched his own church.
Im finding it all very hard to cope with. You think i would be happy about this!!!!
I really need some respite from all this hormone mess x
debra16694 michelle97919
Hi Michelle - First off, I feel your pain & I am sorry! Have you tried taking a really good probiotic? My son just got recently diagnosed with situational anxiety & after 2 Drs immediately wanted to put him on anti depressants & anti anxiety Rx’s He decided to seek the help of a naturopath Dr who said to take the Probiotic. He has gotten relief & so have I. Apparently your stomach has it’s own “nervous brain. See if that helps you. Also, meditation & Rescue Remedy & lavendar oil are my go tos. Now I would like to ask you about your tingling 24/7. Do you feel like your Central Nervous System is short circuiting? I have had the tingling, electric shock sensation, burning body parts but now I just feel like my finger is in an outlet & I just have constant electric vibration if that makes sense. It’s making me crazy! It seems to come on around 4:00 am and last the better half of the day - Ugh! So over this!
michelle97919 debra16694
Yes just as you described!!!
I will take your advice and try a probiotic.
I will give anything a try right now.
These body sensations have got me in an anxiety spiral.
Had them in peri on and off but post meno feels like they are here to stay!!!
I pray not x
debra16694 michelle97919
Hi Michelle - Well I hate to say it, but I am at least comforted by knowing someone else is experiencing this strange sensation. I first got the burning sensation in March, but have had the tingling for a couple years now - the overall buzzing feeling has just started & coupled with all the other symptoms I experience is really difficult to deal with - I never had anything like this in Peri - do you remember how long it lasted for you in Peri? It definitely seems worse in the middle of the month for me - Ugh!
michelle97919 debra16694
In peri it would probably be a week or so at a time.
Then i would get long breaks and it would come back.
To be honest it seemed to be low level on a constant basis but i could ignore it.
Then it would flare up really bad then go again.
Its honestly horrid.
Since post meno im barely without it.
debra16694 michelle97919
Hi Michelle - Thanks for the quick reply - Yes, it’s beginning to feel like I am never without it either - do you find that your anxiety is worse in the morning also? This morning I woke up @ 4:00 am & felt like my mind was just racing (all negative anxious thoughts) my body buzzing with electrical/burning currents & I felt like I was having an out-of-body experience - This is definitely an adventure ride - Oy Vey!
michelle97919 debra16694
Yes anxiety was worse in the mornings but now post meno seems to be there all the time.
Im off work for school holidays as i work in a college so hoping when im busy again it will take my mind off it
mauiblue juanita93228
Hi Juanita
Hang in there gf
I too grind through the work and kids and i dont know how we do it.
I dont know if this is ever going to reallyget better any time soon.
For me personally i see it as a long transition where i do as ive said before "inside work" heal, pray, hope, etc. and then maybe if God is good to me or the powers that be, i might be spared a little sanity
in a few hoping.
My goal is to see my boys through 18-19 atleast, and then i can atleast know that i raised them to for the most part take care of themselves.
My plan was to be so much more invovled in their lives and have more to give them of me, but im a shell of who i was so there isnt much to give.
I tell myself that this is how it is, and im doing my best, and i have to feel good about myself for this.
hang in there..let me know how you gowith the change in meds or whatever happens..
We ladies should do a discord have you heard of that? My son does sthis with friends..maybe it would be neat.
donna38794 michelle97919
michelle97919 donna38794
I cant even explain it.
Almost like im cold inside and shivering x
juanita93228 mauiblue
But it sounds to me like you are doing a great job Maui!! I know all we can do is take one day at a time. I saw on our local news the other day where our Attorney General(first woman ever) had a baby at 41. All I could think was "she will be 50 going through meno with a 10 year old". Her husband is like 60.
Here's the kicker "they"(the powers that be) told her she needed to get married because it didn't look good for the AG to be single. Well, I'm glad she was already seeing this guy because if she wasn't, then what? Grab some Bozo off the streets? It's a complete double standard, we have had MANY single males in that office and no one told them they needed to get married. I hope the baby was her choice and not some publicity stunt to get re-elected.
juanita93228 michelle97919
Sorry it took me so long to get back with you. I'm taking Trazodone.
mauiblue juanita93228
Thanks Juanita for the kind words. I think im hard on myself, and i just wish i could do a better job, but i dont have enough "umph' in me to do it. so i do what i can. Thank you.
Yes sounds like a double standard for sure, a 'control issue' standard maybe? Have the man there with her to help her and back her up, i dont know..i dont think thats fair really.
I dont know how she will handle it, hopefully she is in the 70% who just have hot flashes. i can tell you now i couldnt do it.
juanita93228 mauiblue
I hope she is too. If not God help her.
I see my 39 year old coworker all peppy and full of hormones. She is so efficient, organized, and loves her work. I just come in and hope nothing happens where I have to do too much work. I work with the public so...….
I told my Supervisor yesterday (my peppy coworker is in a grant funded position) that she could be my replacement when I retire. Then all the negative "what if" thoughts come to my head. It's the thoughts that get me. I just pray and pray.
mauiblue juanita93228
Our minds dont ever shut up. Mine doesnt.
The mornings i can say without exagerrating are dreadful..full of weird stupid dark thoughts that make no sense.. and lately most of the day is pretty dark, and full of adrenaline or anxiety i dont know. Im just like not calm inside myself and i feel so low and out of it.
Im able to remind myself though not to believe what im feeling, and just go through the motions, its pretty awful.
The evenings like right now im able to feel a certain calm (not totally) but atleast im sitting on the couch and i dont feel like i want to give up.
juanita93228 mauiblue
Don't give up, you have us and we won't let you. Believe me I've had days where I thought about just quitting my job and just be a big ole slug, eat junk food all day and smoke wacky weed! Lol!
lori93950 mauiblue
I tried yet another patch yesterday kept me up all night ! Great for the days with low energy but when you want to sleep ?
We all just want to feel like our old selves even if we weren’t perfect before it’s better than THIS !
Hang in there love ... this is such a BAD journey and they say you learn from bad times but not sure yet what this ‘lesson’ is teaching us !
mauiblue lori93950
thank you Laurie and thank you honey to yeah I'll never give up it's just kind of too much sometimes I can handle a lot of things but dark thoughts are not good when you're trying to be positive and you don't know why your brain is like this it's ridiculous I'll be okay I can suffer for a long time I think probably years so I just don't think it makes sense or that it's fair I haven't started marijuana
the next thing maybe and I don't know what else thanks for caring weathering the storm
mauiblue juanita93228
Im a trooper, even if im barely able to keep my head up i plow through. I have worries not so much about me but my kids, so I hope to be able to keep it together and raise them proper as long as possible.
I totally get why women just give up, go sit in a rocker, whatever..i really get it. Laying around makes me worse though.
I try laying down and pouting and it lasts for about an hour. im pretty high strung..
thanks for your always
mauiblue lori93950
So what advice did the doc have and did she give you some insight as to what is going on?
Why the adrenals are in overdrive, anxiety, depression etc?
So the 0.75 patch didnt work?I was wondering if you shared about all the women who suffer like you do, and what she would have to say about that.?
This is really a rough ride. I know we are supposed to learn from all of this so thats what im trying to figure out..i think its a long journey though..longer than i want to accept.
lori93950 mauiblue
Hi Maui
Yes I have to do an adrenal saliva test which is $350! More money! Yes going through all this a divorce and a break up in one year and excessive working out ! My poor adrenals .
I’m fed up today the higher dosage kept me up most of the night had to take Xanax to calm me down ... so ripped it off and put the lower dose on at 3am ... 🙄 I could solve the worlds problems easier than solving this crisis .
mauiblue lori93950
I am verry noncompliant if something doesnt work immediately i stop it in frustration in less than 2 days... so dont take offense, i just notice that with you as well.
Im hoping that the estrogen 0.75 mg gel right ? Or is it the patch?
I was looking at the divigel (which i have) compared to the estrogel and they are very comparable only my dose is half Shallas.
My thought is to possibly revisit the estrogen alone and double it up as i mentioned in the other post.
I cant do the progesterone unless its bio identical so mayyybe do that, and if it works , i will tell the obgyn lady that id like to double up because im feelilng better...who already thinking forward about the next experiment.
I am as i said..doing holybasil/lemon balm twice a day for adrenals, and then a little maca. Will try to stick one week on this.
Maca if its pure and made in peru is really good stuff.
onnward and upward. This is truly a strong though, i will go until i drop.
lori93950 mauiblue
Yes I’m the same Mauiblue .... I’m rushing the results . I get fed up of something doesn’t work right away ... I know you have to stick with it but when you’re depressed every day and feeling like you’ve ‘lost ‘ yourself it’s tough.
Yes going to try the higher dosage patch next week when I’ve got nothing going on as it’s all an experiment .
Yes me too! With bio identical progesterone I seem to be ok but the combo patch I couldn’t handle .
Yes I’m doing loads of vitamins and a spoonful of Maca ....
it’s all a f**k up excuse my language but it is all so complicated 😩
lori93950 mauiblue
I so want to do this naturally so I can get back in my own body ! Be me again .
mauiblue lori93950
We could wait for a couple of weeks on the hrt and see if there is a breakthrough.
I dont know what works or what doesnt work. Its all very complicated, and individual to us all, but im seeing a pattern with many of the women on the forum.
I just dont know if the hrt can help me with the anxiety and doesnt seem to work on that although the other ladies, one or two seemed to attest that it did. I just dont think it does, even though it makes sense that it would help because estsrogen helps you feel happy etc, so why doenst it work?......
juanita93228 mauiblue
I went on HRT twice for a total of nine months. I didn't help my anxiety or depression. The second time I was on it for six months and it made me feel like I had been run over by a truck every day and it made my hair brittle and it starting falling out. I was on the lowest dose of the Combipatch.
lori93950 juanita93228
Did you wean off it ?
I’m starting to think that it may increase the depression ?
juanita93228 lori93950
The first time I weaned off it. The second time I just stopped. I did feel it was making me more depressed too. But yes I've heard women say it changed their lives. My sister was on Estrace and loved it, but she only had to be on estrogen because she had a partial hysterectomy in her 40's.
debra16694 juanita93228
Hey Gals - I have never tried HRT (even though I wanted to but told I was too old) Depression hasn’t been a huge issue for me, but anxiety has...I must say since I have religiously been taking a good probiotic my anxiety seems less & I feel calmer - may be give a try -
mauiblue juanita93228
Its weird because its supposed to help with everything, but i swear its depressing me. I believe that it CAN make us worse.
I dont get it. I can only assume that im in the 25% group that gets whacked by this horrible curse.
Ive been battlling it so long now that im truly amazed that im still standing. My boys dont know what to think.
Pamwhid mauiblue
Just saw your post. This is so me. I’m 48 years old and just started getting peri symptoms hot flashes, erractic periods etc. let me go back to say I’m been on 100mg of Zoloft for years for anxiety. My last period I just got over 12 days ago and I thought I was parting the Red Sea. Horrible my last period was hardly anything. The last 3 days my anxiety has been through the roof like it was before. So much nervous energy, can’t even sit down to watch a reality show. My mind just races. My doctor told me who is a personal friend told me to up my Zoloft to 150. Big mistake made me worse after 2 days. Dropped back down to 100. I’ve had a complete physical, blood work fine, even had a brain mri, by the way I’m a total hyprocondriac. So last night my boyfriend and I went out to dinner with friends, I didn’t want to go, but he thought it would be good, it was hard for me to get ready. Had 2 drinks and it took the edge off. But what I don’t get is by night time I start to feel a little better. I’ve been on vacation all this week, so I’m hoping by going bs into work it will help. My boyfriend is a rock through all of this. Keeps reminding me that this menopause and all your tests came back fine so it’s just a burden we have to get through. I wanted to say if men went through this OMG. If you would have asked me last week if I would be feeling like this I would have said no way. Also does anybody get ringing in the ears. Thanks for letting me vent 😊
lori93950 mauiblue
Pamwhid lori93950
I’m going to go talk to my doctor again. I don’t want to do the hormonal therapy thing, or patches or whatever they are, breast cancer runs so high in my family and I’ve had issues since my early thirties. I’m sitting on the couch right now, I’m trying to watch Tv and I can’t my mind just races. 😢
debra16694 lori93950
Hi Lori - just thought I would throw this out there - I just read on Everyday Health that low levels of potassium can cause severe fatigue, insomnia & depression among other things like muscle aches - I am sure it’s just our whacky hormones causing all these lovely symptoms, but it may be something to get checked out especially if on high blood pressure RX like I am - oh yes, another visit to the GP - yeah! 🤯
mauiblue Pamwhid
Hi Pam yes we have been struggling a lot of us for quite a while and it's all a crapshoot on what works and what doesn't.
Or you taking the Zoloft for depression and if so do you think you would be able to taper off or absolutely not?
There's just so much going on with our systems now so many changes dealing with adrenal sex hormones thyroid hormones and it's all readjusting downward shifting Etc.
I tried to do different things to lower anxiety I don't know why I have it because I've always been pretty mellow up until this happened.
If you have a boyfriend that is very supportive you have a gem and be very blessed that you have that because having no one to turn to is extremely scary.
it sounds like you're just starting to go through all of this just know it's a process and there aren't any overnight fixes although I'm trying to force them everyday trying this and trying that you have a lot of support here on the forum.
Xoxo. You have a great sense of humor by the way, there's still hope when there's humor.
That's my gauge and how well I'm doing or poorly if nothing is funny and I cannot even smile or laugh at anything I know I'm not doing too well.
Pamwhid mauiblue
Thank u for the reply. I’m been on Zoloft for anxiety only. I love to work out and do it from home. I went to work out and did ok I sweat more and no offense ever sense this change in me my BO is horrible.🤪. I just took a shower and sat on the couch and just started crying to my boyfriend what if I feel like this forever. He is even watching the Kardashians with me lol. I’m wondering if anybody took anything else with Zoloft. I’m tried 3 times to get of it and will never do it again. My doctor says u have a chemical imbalance and stay on it. Which is fine because it has done wonders for me for years.
Pamwhid mauiblue
Right now if someone told me to cow manure to fix this I would do it 😂
juanita93228 Pamwhid
juanita93228 lori93950
I weaned off it the first time I was on it. The second time I just stopped cold turkey. I was over feeling so awful all the time.🙄
lori93950 Pamwhid
lori93950 juanita93228
mauiblue lori93950
I've seen labs at the clinic I work at and so many of the women do not have mood problems they have zero hormones and they are happy as larks so it's highly individual
Also some of us are simply predisposed to mood disorders and apparently after 52 years I'm one of them
it's all about the hormones and it's caused by menopause but it's affecting the mood so whenever you want to call that hormonal or menopausal depression perhaps
Pamwhid lori93950
So why is it at this time of night my anxiety goes down. I don’t get it. I’m seeing my doctor tomm at 12:30. If told me to viagra I would 😂
mauiblue Pamwhid
If zoloft helps you then you are fortunate. Theres the percentage of women who dont tolerate.
Yep i would do mannnnny things to be better, almost anything and thats desperate.
Sell your soul Hmmmmm maybe...
mauiblue juanita93228
i dont think it matters how its titrated, if your body does not like it does not like!
Pamwhid mauiblue
lori93950 Pamwhid
lori93950 mauiblue
and here we are .. suffering my life has certainly come to a crashing HALT.
Pamwhid lori93950
So yesterday I woke up had horrible anxiety, crying jags, I live in Florida, and was walking the dog, and was freezing, then I get back in the house and want to stick my head in the freezer. Felt like Jelly all day, so I went to my Dr, and my boyfriend came with me, for support. Doesn't want to put me on hormones, 1st because I'm still getting my period, and 2nd, I won't because of breast cancer issues in my family. We upped my zoloft to 25 more mg, which I took last night, and years ago my doctor game me temazepam for sleeping, which I have never taken, not a pill popper, he also gave me Xanax years ago, which I have only take 1, but carry with me in case of emergency.. So I felt a little better after leaving the Doctor's office. My doctor is a personal friend so he answered alot of my questions. As soon as got home my anxiety was up a little. Decided to take my extra zoloft before I went to bed, and I tried a sleeping pill Let's just say I slept like a baby. After 2 days of no sleep, I needed it. I'm back at work right now, after a week's vacation, and I'm doing ok.. Since I'm not doing the hormone thing, my doctor said it might be a bumpy ride for awhile. Guys have it made in the shade.. I told my boyfriend when this menopause thing is over, I'm having a party..
juanita93228 lori93950
Because we just push through. Lori you do make yourself workout. So it hasn't come to halt, just a really slow crawl.... for now.
juanita93228 mauiblue
lori93950 juanita93228
mauiblue lori93950
guess what Lori you inspired me and today is day two that I've exercised. Yay!!!
Not lettin it go no way
You are right a mundo
Pamwhid mauiblue
I workout everyday, even if it’s 1/2 hour. Don’t why when I’m in workout mode, it calms me down. I don’t want to do it on somedays,but I thought not going to sit around and if it calms for an hour I will take it. Even though I would rather have a cocktail 😜
lori93950 mauiblue
Pamwhid lori93950
mauiblue lori93950
Hi Lori
Have you started your creams yet, i believe you did ?
I just couldnt keep doing the estrogen, i did a trial of 5 days of double estrogen to see what i felt. felt really down, and low, so i stopped yesterday, and vuoala' better again.
So still no luck for me on it, but let me know how you go!
Im attempting the Maca now, by itself, with a good powerful multivitamin.
(will try the adrenal formula you mentioned if this doesnt show results)
but YES!! the exercise is happening for me now, slow but sure.
thank you for jump starting this.
lori93950 mauiblue
That’s great Maui ... exercise has saved me from literally going crazy ! As I said I MAKE myself go and I have to say 1-2-3 get off the bed and that’s in the afternoon 🙄 I used to be excited about doing it but now it’s a chore.
I believe we need lots of rest too whilst our bodies are adjusting though and our poor adrenal system .... it’s a shock to them too when you have no hormones left .
I went through this at 41 and it was AWFUL but my body adjusted so it will again .