My 8 year old has chronic acid reflux

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hi I was wondering if anybody with a child of this age is going through this,my child has had this for nearly a year now but over the last six months she has got worse ,I'm at my wits end she is too poorly to attend school,she doesn't sleep I'm lucky if she sleeps for two hours .We have seen a specialist many times ,gave her all sorts of medication but nothing is working .She feels nausea 24 hours a day ,has stomach pain ,cough and sore thoart and bad taste in her mouth .She has no quality of life at the moment all she wants to do in stay in bed .I just don't understand why the Drs can't get this under control .Any advise would be welcome .


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28 Replies

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    Only medication? she has had No endoscopy? No Cat scan of abdomen? if not.either get the specialist to order it ASAP or find another specialist.
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    I agree with johnsonville, after that length of time some tests need to be done.   I do hope you have some answeres soon.
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    Hi suze12614

    I agree with last two replies. Your daughter needs to be examined internally as mentioned an endoscopy. Also ask for her to have a H.Pylori test this is done by stool or breath test...children can get HPylori as well ss adults. This bacteria lives in the stomach and causes dreadful acid reflux and sickness. Don't be afraid to go back to your gp and ask for the test if it is negative then the endoscopy. Under the Patients Charter for England and Wales you are entitled to a second opinion....assuming you live in UK....hope this helps..... best wishes...

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    Hi this is in reply to the lady who's 8 year old daughter has reflux I'm a lot older than your daughter but do have reflux and have had it for 12 years I take one tablet of omeprazole once a week if needed and now don't suffer when I first had acid reflux I noticed I was coughing a lot then I had a camera put down into my stomach and was told I had acid reflux I was told to take one tablet a day but it did cause me to have an upset stomach so my doctor said only take one a week and now I'm feel great please check with your doctor about this I wish you and your daughter all the best it will get better 
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    First of all, I would like to say that I feel for both you and your daughter. It is so very difficult to be ill in the first place. To have a child sick is one of the most difficult things a mother can endure. I feel your pain and truly hope that she is better soon. Take the time while she cannot do her usual aciivites to hopefully create a few good memories as well. Make some "special" times when she feels up to it, to color, cuddle and watch a favorite tv show, etc. I totally agree that she should have some further gastro intestinal studies done. As someone else said, some of the medications may be contributing to her nausea. It is difficult to isolate so you may want to try removing one at a time(hopefully working with a pediatric gastroenterologist who CARES). Did she have any illnes prior to the onset of her GERD. Just wondering if they may have given her an antibiotic which could have upset her normal gastrointestinal flora. Antibiotics will kill the "bad" bacteria but also kills the "good" bacteria that help in digestion. A good pro-biotic helps to put back the good bacteria that aids in digestion.Especially in a sensitive tummy.  Yogurt contains a few good cultures, but one that is used quite often in Texas is found in the regrigerator isle at your local market. It comes in small bottles, and is called a "probiotic cultured dairy beverage". There are several brands, you might want to google and if your market does not carry it, request that they order for you. Just a suggestion, but little tummies are very sensitive and when the cultures are off it sometimes makes a big difference. Just like when children(or even adults) travel and get travelers constipation, diarrhea  or GERD. I hope that this helps, it is so hard on us all when we get ill and can't find answers.

    Good luck and I will keep you in my prayers.

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    Hi Suze, sorry to hear about yr girl....I hope she has improved since yr post.

    I totally get where yr coming from. In april this year my 8 year old son starting a very mild cough which came from no where. He is completely healthy, active, bouncing 8 year old.

    Went to gp's & they suggested hay fever or mild Asthma...tried a few Meds nothing changed.

    Same cough got worse & became more frequent.

    Got referred but still waiting to see on is in 3 weeks.

    On top of the cough which can sometimes go on for 2 hrs at a time he started having breathing difficulties where he would go floppy & drop to the you can imagine I was beside myself worry. A&E once & paramedic twice but no help.... his vitals were normal so nothing they could do.

    I've now got him on omeprazole & it's sorted the breathing side of things thank God. I believe it will take some time to work & sort out the inflammation that's potentially there from what's gone on b4...he is Def better but I'm still really unhappy with the level of care for a child.

    I also have private PMI so got him a appointment few weeks back & he was pretty useless to be honest

    ..he said we need to try tablets first....I don't want to medicate...I want to know what's going on therefore he needs more tests....this is my next port of call to organise these so we can hopefully treat the cause rather than throw drugs at it....of course in the meantime you do anything to relieve the symptoms....I've felt so alone in dealing with the stress of this...unless you go through it you don't understand how it affects daily life & it's so upsetting. Xx

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      Not sure if you’re still on this site but just wondered how you got on? My daughter is 8 and I’m slowly getting to the bottom of her sickness x

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    Sorry to hear your daughter is also unwell. My daughter is 8 she started having mouthfuls of sick randomly a year ago. This was happening up to 20 times a day it has massively effected her school life/swimming/socially.

    Apart from this she has no pain and is very active & healthy. It has just come from out of the blue.  She has also now been put on omeprozol. She has been tested for the bacteria & hernia and also for anxiety all tests came back negative. It’s is so frustrating as the docs seem happy to leave her on omeprozol indefinitely. The next text is an endoscopy which is a bit daunting 😐 

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      Hi jess I can totally relate to what you are going through. My 9 year old daughter had been bringing up sickness now over 20 times per day for nearly 4 years. She has go to stage she feels like it’s the norm. Had manny test..barium meal..endoscopy and blood tests all  come back normal. It’s so frustrating and for her as she is getting older the smell and taste off sickness is really getting her down. We have tried omeprozl and no joy. We are back next week to doctor. Have you looked up rumination? The consultant we saw suggested this may be the cause, and it’s managed with breathing and hopefully they grow out it. Please let me know how you get in as am at my wits end and feel so sorry for my little girl dealing with this. Xx
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      Hi Isobel, 

      Thanks for replying you’re the 1st person to have experienced something which sounds very similar. I will certainly keep you updated with how we get on - and would be very grateful if you  could do the same. Hopefully we’ll find a solution soon. It’s just awful for them 😐 best wishes Jess

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      Morning Jess off course I will keep you updated. Going to go back to doctors this week, she is now getting sore throats due to the sickness/acid that’s coming up: at my wits end. Even dr google is giving me no indication. I was think it’s vwry similar to GERD but then the meds she’s on should help. Speak soon xx
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    So glad I found this site, my 9yr old daughter had a tummy bug last June and hasn't stopped being sick since been in hospital twice due to weight drop. Had all tests done all clear, I took her to a private allergy therapist who found that she was very allergic to maize, corn, dairy and artificial sugar, she's gone from being sick 40times a day to between 2-10times. Tried omeprazole but it's got corn in. Tried the other one had a bad reaction rash ect. Now trying gavisgon. We finally got her prem doc to refer her to a tummy specialist appointment Monday. She can't take much more. I will let u know how we get on. X

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      Hi Helen, 

      Sorry to her your daughter is also suffering with this sick thing. It’s interesting to hear she has food allergies- this is something I have wondered about. Her weight loss must be very worrying for you 😐. My daughter hasn’t lost weight -but vomits small amounts up to 30 times a day obviously very disruptive for her day to day life. We are also waiting for an appointment with a gastro specialist. Will keep in touch. Good luck For Monday hope you get some answers. 

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    Sorry to hear you are also going through this as well. What a great site, before this I had spoke to nobody that had heard of this. My daughter has not lost any weigh, and everything normal, all tests. At first she did test positive for helicopactor P..this was treated but still no change in her sickness. Her breath is very bad and as she’s getting older it’s gettibg her down. Never thought or nobody has ever suggested food allergies to us yet. Just feel so alone and getting no joy from doctors. 😞x

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    I know how u feel, I was taking my daughter to the gp a lot when it all started on gp told me off for bring her in so often. He soon ate his words when he seen her being sick 10 times in 2 mins. Still did nothing though. My daughter was born 3 months prem so she's under the care of the peds anyway but she's put it down to stress refused to do a food allergy test that's why I found a private allergy therapist who helped ease some of the sickness. I don't understand why they don't see this as a problem. Just hope this hospital appointment Monday he gets to the bottom of it. I'm so glad Im not alone with this. X

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