My Endoscopy is Normal - More Worried Now

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So after so much pain and suffering I decided to finally do endoscopy. To my surprise it is normal and made me more worried.

For those who may not know me, I did a 7 day Antibiotics course for Hpylori and ever since I am in pain its so much severe that I am almost disabled I cant do anything. Little activity which require no effort stiffen my stomach and my pain is like someone punched me in my upper stomach, it also feels like stomach goes into spasm.

My ultrasound and blood reports are normal. Doctor is now saying it might be pancreatitis and asking me to do CT scan now with contrast. Its been more than 4 months since I have this pain. Ultrasound and blood reports say normal pancrease.

I am starting to panic now what have antibiotics done to me how can they cause so much pain. I am confused now about this mystery pain.

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21 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi HumanBeing

    Was the antibiotic Flagyl?...and did you take a three course antibiotic med?..

    You have to remember your gut and duodenum has been ravaged by HPylori bacteria and can leave your gut very sore for a long time after medication. If it was Flagyl AB's that you took, these AB's are famous for messing up your gut. I took them for 5 days for a tooth abcess and my gut hurt and had acid reflux (which i never suffer with) for 3 weeks after it is just now abating., but i had to watch what i ate in order not to irritate my sore gut. This is what you will have to do no acidic food, fat, spicey food or fizzy drinks and citrus fruits check for foods to avoid with gastritis.....hope this helps...

    • Posted

      Antibiotics were Amoxicillin and Clairythromycin.

      Endoscopy shows normal no inflammation. Pain is very severe and movement or walking aggravates pain and stiffens stomach. Its been over 4 months without any improvement. If it were inflammation wouldnt it show on endoscopy?

    • Posted

      Hi HumanBeing

      Taking double antibiotics is a powerful med and can leave you with adverse gut disorders which can last sometime..Have you been re-screend to check the HP has been eradicated because occasionally some of the bacteria remain and multiply again...if you have and it is all eradicated and the test was +ve then all well and good so be patient and wait for the CT scan..easier said i know...

    • Posted

      I was asymptomatic before treatment and no hpylori was not eradicated. I did not have any symptoms and honestly the severe pain I got from antibiotics means no for me. I wont ever take any antibiotic again. Hpylori can not all of a sudden cause this pain because it started on the second or third day of antibiotics use, my mistake was I kept on going completing the course.
    • Posted

      Hi HumanBeing

      Yes, perhaps you should have consulted your doctor about the pain on the second or third day of of taking the AB's. It's annoying for you when you have taken the course of AB's and still have HP. Hopefully the mystery pain will be identified after CT scan. Just try and relax until you have the scan and take pain management if it helps. If the pain gets too severe then contact your surgery or go to A and E....

  • Posted

    A normal endoscopy is good news; so don't worry.   Take your doctor's advice and have the CT with contrast. This is your best chance to get answers and treatment.  Don't panic!

    • Posted

      Again I am worried about contrast side effects. Blood reports and Ultrasound came back normal no pancreatitis or gallstones. I personally dont think its pacreatitis. Symptoms are of inflammed stomach but who knows what it is. Pancreatitis should be depicted on blood report or ultrasound but it isnt.
    • Posted

      Speak to your doctor about your concerns about the CT to reassure you.  I would have the CT to get answers otherwise you will never find out what is wrong.
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      Docs never discourage the patient, they always reassure you everything is fine.
    • Posted

      This is exactly why you should speak to your doctor!  You are naturally worried about side effects from the contrast scan and you need reassurance.  Your doctor is there to help and would not tell you everything is going to be fine if they knew that this was not the case.  Your doctor is the expert and knows his job inside out so he is the ideal person to ease your worries.  

      Remember, everyone worries about scans especially if they have not had them before.  You are not alone in this. Doctors are very used to nervous and frightened patients and explaining your worst terrors will help them to find ways to calm you down and make the procedure more tolerable.

      I always get bad reactions to medications and procedures so I always tell my doctor or dentist what I can’t cope with and they are able to do things differently to work around my reactions.  If I don’t take these precautions, I will get bad reactions.

      In your case, you don’t know that you will react at all because you have no previous bad experiences of tests to base your fears on. So, there is no point in worrying about something that may never happen.  Remember how worried you were about the endoscopy and how you felt you could not go through with it. However, in the end, you put your anxiety aside and your worst fears were not realised. 

      If you are unable to trust your doctor’s explanations and reassurances, you will continue to worry and be in pain with no answers or treatment for it.

      The positive way to look at having a CT is that you may get a diagnosis which will lead to treatment.  Finding out what is wrong with your stomach, is far better than never knowing. Even if you did have a reaction, there would be medical staff there to help to stop or lessen any side effects.

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    Sorry to add. Doc did write GERD on the report but this was not related to my symptoms.
  • Posted

    stress will make ibs worse and if you try peppermint flavour tea 

    or fennel tea and ginger tea and stay realxed as possible and set your self a routine so it dose not upset your ibs 

  • Posted

    try doing a routine like doing a relaxation like having a bath and and try drinking peppermint tea or fennel tea so then your tummy is in a relaxation moad hope this helps you 
  • Posted

    Wow, I can't believe they didn't find anything.  You could try some DGL [Licorice Root] which is a well known naturopathic remedy.  Do acid blockers make any difference at all?

    • Posted

      From last few weeks I am noticing heart burn like symptoms which were not there before. Acid blocker does work for that heart burn like feeling but also bloats my stomach. PPI does stiffen my stomach as well.
    • Posted

      Milk is also a very good acid blocker and it is harmless so long as you are not lactose intolerant.  Try a glass of warm milk every night before going to bed.  You could also have it cold, straight from the fridge every day too.
    • Posted

      Yes milk helps but somedays it doesnt work for the long run. I have started drinking milk, it does sooth the heartburn like feeling.
    • Posted

      I take raw organic milk too. I think if you try taking milk every day, you might find it will help you in the long run.  To see if a particular remedy works for you, you need to persevere with for a long period of time such as weeks or months before deciding it hasn’t helped.  My grandad had an ulcer and he took milk every day for a long period of time and he cured it.   So milk can help with nastier gut complaints too as well as milder conditions.
    • Posted

      Some non antibiotic treatments to kill H pylori are Flavone [a Flavonoid], DGL, and Bismuth subcitrate, which works better than  Bismuth subsalicylate [Pepto Bismol] if you can find it.  All of those are toxic to the H pylori bacteria.  My Nurse Practitioner said that some people have eradicated it with just large doses of Pepto Bismol.

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