My evening humor (<<sarcasm lol)

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What's up my fellow peri's? Lol

So- two decent days, then of course today has to hit me. I mean, we can't ask for more than like 48 hours of happiness can we? Because that would be like SO against the peri rules, I'm sure. Lol

Today- my health anxiety is pretty steady. I've got myself convinced that not having a bowel movement yesterday and today will SURELY kill me. 

Yeah. I know. Paranoid. Or should I say "peri"noid. (Sorry y'all, I have to add humor or I'll go for real crazy. Like certifiable nuts crazy)

QUESTION- I know a lot of us have talked about "heavy head", and "whoosh whoosh".....but what about this: has anyone ever gotten a headache (sort of) that doesn't "hurt"?? Instead it feels sort of "fuzzy", I don't mean brain fog either. I mean like your head almost has....tremors? But not tremors? It's almost like it effects your eyes too. Pressure in the eyes and/or between the eyes and it feels right? 

The biggest part is this "fuzzy/buzzy/tremory/weird head.

5 seconds of an earache too.

WHAT on earth.


UGH....just one week, can we have ONE week of NOT thinking we should call an ambulance :-(

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16 Replies

  • Posted

    I had this same feeling before. I thought it was my allergies acting but it wasn't.

    I love peri-noide that is a perfect reflection of how I feel.

    • Posted

      Yes! I thought mine was an allergy thing too. Tonight it's way more prominent though. Always makes me feel like my head is just going to take off on a flight of its own and leave me here brainless.

  • Posted

    By the way I meant feels "tight" not "right".

    As we all know, NOTHING feels "right" 

  • Posted

    LOL Thanks for making me laugh. Last week I had about 5 normal days, which allowed me to help plan and organize a memorial service for a friend's mother.  And I was so grateful to be physically able to, too. No way I could have done it the week before, or after.

    Meanwhile, I get a sort of "my teeth grew too big for my head" feeling, with some zippy-buzzy zaps.

    • Posted

      I'm laughing so hard right now 😂😂

      You're all amazing.

      Wish we could all meet up somewhere and act crazy together!! 

      I'm betting money we could have an entire emergency room in stitches laughing if we all went together and lined up with our symptoms 

    • Posted

      I imagine the ER staff: Everyone with mood swings, raise their hands. Ok, now everyone with anxiety, stand up. ALL of you? Well, everyone with headaches or body aches go to room 2. Wait-- ALL of you?
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      This could be the next major network reality show 

    • Posted


      Yes...its a hit already😂😂😂😂

      I'm in for sure...

  • Posted

    Love your humor!

    yes, I get that head thing too. It affects me in two different ways.  The first is what I describe as a spaced, disconnected feeling.  Like my brain has slightly shifted and feels a bit, if I could shake my head and shift it back into alignment.   The second thing is a head pressure feeling which is all over but more predominant around my sinus area, between my eyes and behind my eyes.  Sometimes I'll even feel the pressure build up in my ears and the back of my head.  When this happens I'm sure my blood pressure is elevated but when I take it it's not.  It's a dull, headache thing that lasts for several days and then goes away for a few weeks....definitely hormonal related.  I had a hysterectomy two years ago and my blood levels show menopausal but I know they are still fluctuating enough to still give me these symptoms.  As a matter of fact I just today came out of a three day period of the head pressure thing which started with the spaced head feeling about a weekk ago.  I'm pretty certain this happens before the time where my period would be starting.  Yesterday my breasts were sore and I had a few break outs on my face....just like I would have just before my period!  Haven't had those symptoms in about 6 months...but the headaches are more often.

    Hope this helps!


    • Posted

      Isn't it crazy? What would we all do without this forum?? 

      Probably all be in the looney bin, I'm sure.

      Some days I think I'd do well in there lol.

      I'm especially thankful for all of you who reply and explain your similar stories.

      It keeps me from running to the emergency room and racking up a huge bill I can't pay! No health insurance for me right now, so that'd be a bad thing! 

      I would go if I was SURE there was something dangerous going on, but I always have a few days where I'm great. It's almost able to be timed when it makes sense that my hormones are fluctuating.

    • Posted

      I don't know what I would do without this forum.  Thanks for making me laugh.  I've been sitting here being a cry baby for 2 hours Bc my dil didn't like my comment on fb.🙄😂. And I can't wait for that head stuff to start.  That is freaking me out just thinking about it.  

  • Posted

    I get all these feelings in my head 3 days before my period, during and about 2 days after. I'm 42 and been in peri for 1 year now and i can't stand all the different symptoms that we get. I've been to the ER and ran every possible test (heart test, brain test, etc) so Peri was the only diagnosis i received. 

    I get a lot of pressure in head, the watery eyes and breakouts like I'm a teenager again... only during my cycle times. I'm only 1 year into this times ahead.

  • Posted

    Hi there. Yes I get a strange headache and it normally moves from left to right with pressure on my eyes and a dull achy pain in my teeth. It lasted 3 days last week. I think it's due to estrogen fluctuation?? From what I'm reading.....a hormonal migrane. I whitty message brightened my day😊

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