My Experience: hemorrhoid surgery 6 days after...

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My name is Gary. I am 57 and have had problems with hemorrhoids for years. It was getting to where I was spending two weeks out of the month basicly ok due to constipation from opiate medication I have to take. Then one week where I use the prep H to push the roids back into place. Then often a week of just pain, stool softeners vs pain killers, and out of service.

I got refered to a surgeon recently and he said I had a bad case and set me up for surgery. They decided to do a colenistimy (colon probe. where I guess they pump you full of air and put a tube all the way up). I did not know that it was that extensive or I might of gone without least not with this surgery.

I was told afterwards that I had some of the largest they had seen. Also the colen test showed some polups they had to burn out. They did not look cancerous.

I had trouble gettin cleaned out prior to surgery due to the pain and the opiates. As required I took 250 grams of miralax stool softener, 4 laxitives, and waited. I took them at 4 pm, had surgery lined up for 8:00 am with a 6:00am arrival. The drugs did not take effect until 1:00am so I was up until we had to leave for the hospital still on the tolite..and in severe pain.

I was still eliminating when we arrived. I was given a couple of ememas to use on myself. I couldnt hold them but they came out clear so they started the surgery, colen probe, and prostate exam.

I awoke after 2 hours of surgery. I was still under the anestisa (I was put out) and not in terriable pain. I got up and was able to urinate. I had packing in me and was told to go home, take a bath, and they would come out. I had terriable cramps and gut pain, prostate pain, and severe anus pain. I have lots of stitches down there.

I went home and ate a small bowl of cereal and some oatmeal...and waited. I drank a bunch of juice and water but could not urinate. I was leaking blood everywhere. I took several baths and finally the packing came out. I took stool softeners and drank a lot. Finally the first meal, or what was left over from before, came out in the bath. I didnt have a full bowel push because of the pain but a bunch of crap, in small strings, some packing, and a huge amount of blood came out. I would say a pint.

I ate some more: a bacon and cheese bagel, some oatmeal, and stool softeners. I drank a bunch. I also had to take a bunch of painkillers. One the  third day I had an involentary bowell push but came up empty. I couldnt take the pain. Blood was still coming out in drips all the time with a small amount of feces. I called the doctor and got more pain killers. I set up a plan last night to have a bowel movement this morning. I ate some more oatmeal after one day without food. I took several sleeping pills and some pain killers to stop the urge to have a bowel movement. I had to get up at 12:00am and take more pain killers to stop an early bowel urge which would come up with nothing as is my experience. I awoke at 7:00am, as planned, and held the pain killers aside. I forced a bowel movement and produced a large pile of soft serve sh*t which was full of blood. There was more to come but, now 6 days out, I was in too much pain to push again.

It becomes a real fight to live. I am addicted to painkillers from years of degenertive disk disease and arthrites due to an 80 foot fall in 89. I dont get my refill until the 13th which is 3 more days. I have enough for today. I have stayed away from the long acting pain killers unless I run out. I hope to pass more later today. I will probably try the same procedure.

Again, it is the sixth day, and I still cannot walk without using the furniture. I try and move around as much as possible. I have some blood a fecal leakage which I clean up each time with a bath or a soaking wet warm wash cloth. Then I fold a washcloth in half and put in between my swollen cheeks until dry. They shave you down there and the stubble that grows back is very painful to the opposite side. I have never felt such pain. Each day has been a little better except for the third in which I was worse. 

I would of still done the surgery if this all turns out ok. I will eat better, drink more, and do whatever I have to do to keep this from re-accuring.

If you dont hear from me I am ok... or really bad.

Good luck.

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    I have suffered with piles for nearly 20years, in fact I remember having blood as a teenager, so it probably happened then. Anyway, I had a skin tag I hated, so asked if it could be removed. The surgeon examined me and suggested I have a hemorrhoidectomy. I didn't think about it too much, as I just wanted the skin tag gone.

    The 'day' of the op I was waiting to go down to theatre & started googling & to be honest, I nearly opted out and at this moment in time, I wish I had.

    I came out of theatre, was given some Lactulose (stool softener) & about half hour later I rushed to the toilet, blood & loose stools every where. I was dizzy, felt sick, it stunk & I had to climb in the bath to shower myself off. The pain wasn't too bad, but I'd exploded the packaging out & was flushed away like a bad dream.

    The pain wasn't too bad, I even drove home the next day. But on day 3, I need a b/m & omg was that painful. It was like acid razors burning down my rectum & it just wudnt go away. I dosed up on pain killers, got into bed in the fetus position & virtually cried myself to sleep.

    I'm now on day 5 & although a little sore & tender, the pain hasn't been too bad during the day/night, unless I break wind - now that's painful - it's like I'm trying to pass a golf ball thru my anus or when I want a b/m. I'm thankful the b/m has come out quick (keep up with the stool softeners & fibogel) but the pain afterwards is just awful, it takes a good few hours for the burning sensation to go.

    I was so naive, I really wished I'd of thought all this through properly. What's more annoying is that I can feel a big bump & a load of smaller ones, so I may not be any better off. I have read that this is likely to go down in time, so here's hoping.

    I'm quite a 'windy' person, so it would be interesting to hear if anyone else got pain when they farted and if so, does this ease??

    Happy healing everyone !!

    • Posted

      Hi carl

      I am on day 4 post op... the pain is a burning sensation and the stool softeners really help! I had a bm day 2 and went about 8 times, never known pain like it but been going regulary since, had a lot of gas/wind day 2, 3, and 4 and i think that was worse than having a bm. How u feeling now? Did it settle down quick? I dare not go out anywhere right now as when the urge comes ... u have to go asap!!

    • Posted

      hello, carl43580, I'm also a windy person, and yes you'll have a little pain while passing gas also, because the flesh around the anal area is also really tender after surgery and days after, it's good to use the stool softeners and warm sitz bath using salt in The water. I've recently got my surgery done,I'm like 6 days in and I'd say, The pain after b/m is excruciating, but gets a little better after some days .(please, note that we all heal at different rates) .After my surgery I got nightmares ,and I also got extra sensitive towards everything. I'm hanging in there, so I hope u do The same, I know it's not nice nor easy for anyone with this condition, drink lots of fluids also.

  • Posted

    Hi Marty, so sorry to hear about your discomfort.  I had the surgery about 10 days ago and although the pain isnt so bad anymore, I find myself struggling with bowel movements ALL THE TIME.  I'm either constipated or I cant stop going and as you all know, either way its painful. Its my first day back at work and I'm already leaving early.  What I do want to ask the forum is this:  I am wearing a sanitation pad and ive noticed that when I use the restroom, my pad is saturated with a little blood and sometimes even what seems like a little poop.  When i saw that, I immediately called my doctor and asked to see him before my post op, which is next week.  Leaving to see him in about an hour but I'm very curious if this is considered normal because it certainly doesnt feel that way.

    • Posted

      I'm in the same boat as you Charlotte at the moment...I'm 10 days post haemorrhoidopexy, lateral sphincterotomy and excision of few skin tags. Post-op has been harder than I thought it would be!

      Pain has eased up a bit but have the same symptoms as you -

      how you doing now?

  • Posted

    I to just had this this was horrible! The worst! Thought I was dying slowly ... And if I would have had access to something I probably woul gave died.

    I had surgery on Wed . Is now Sat a tad better...

    As long as you don't get constipated and can go. After my nowel movement. Thank you Jesus. I tgen take a Seitz bath to relieve pain... Then get dressed and put a wiping tab by the 4s and and fold where they will easily fall in my crack and give instant cool relief to my anus!

  • Posted

    Hello....I am just now getting into this it has been a year since you got your surgery...I just had mine yesterday...Anyway, I hope you are well...I was just wondering about all the surgeon told me if I have any excess bleeding to go to the emergency room..why did you not do this..there should not have been that much blood..I may be getting lucky..took my packing out last had a little string..not in to much pain..mostly up deep..where the packing was irritating it..I am not looking forward to my first bowel movement...they should have given you what they give colonoscopy clean out their bowels...not to leave it on your own..I am had just a rough time..Thanks for sharing
  • Posted

    Hi there. 55yo male . Today is day 6 post op. I had a hemorrhoidectomy where 2 large internal hemorrhoids were removed. I stayed overnight in hospital so day 1 pain was well managed. I had no idea what I was about to experience over the next week. The pain became excruciating and this was before any Bowel Movement. The first night at home and I had a light chicken and soft vegies dinner. I also took one sachet of the stool softener that was prescribed by the doctor's. I barely slept that night, even with 3 different pain meds. The next morning the pain was terrible and I had an uncontrollable urge to poo. Well it came out alright, I was screaming with pain. It was a cutting stinging death pain and I was sure that I was about to take my last breath. But No... I had to endure it, making all sorts of Animal noises that I had never heard before. I jumped straight into the shower and ran warm water over my bum for about 10 minutes. I was in sooooo much pain and chanting " don't eat again, don't eat again,". I worked out that because I have a regular BM normally, the stool softener made me poo 3 times that day, with the same excruciating pain levels.

    After my first BM I decided to check the Internet for other peoples tips on how to reduce the pain when having a BM after a Hemorrhoidectomy.

    Overwhelmingly I found that people recommended squatting instead of sitting on the toilet. Ok.. I've done the research and its highly recommended. I have also used it myself and it saved my life. You lift the lid on the toilet, back up to it like you are going to sit down but dont sit. just keep your feet on the floor, lean forward and squat a bit with your hands on your knees not on the toilet seat. There is much less pressure on the operation site if you poo this way. Now this gets a bit gross because one recommendation that I followed was to do the whole thing while in the shower with warm water running over my bum. Just relax and let it go, dont push. This really worked for me. Still terribly painful but I could wash it immediately (I used a Sorbelene cream not soap) and the warm water gave immediate relief.

    So the tips that I found helpful are.

    Don't eat much food. More food = more poo.

    Drink plenty of water.

    Try to poo once daily. More = more pain. Less = hard poo or pressure from holding in = more pain.

    Squat don't sit when pooing. Toilet, shower, bath, whatever works.

    Wash your bum after BM instead of wiping.

    Have a shower or warm bath immediately after BM

    Apply baby nappy rash cream to your bum after BM.

    So at day 6 and I'm surviving on a minimal bland diet and still spending all day in bed but the pain between Bowel Movements is manageable.

    BM's are still extremely painful and lasts for an hour or so but tapers off.

    I hope that my experience might be useful to someone.

    • Posted

      I agree Everthing mock says above

      Pain pills , I tried not to take pain pills but take along with colCe, and 1 Extea strength Tylenol and Ibubrifin. It helpedand if your butt burns Caleseptine cream for wounds can be bought at Walmart. Helps ease pain. Lots of rest. I am at 2 weeks but still healing my dr said about 2 more weeks dang!!! 😔😔😔... Lucky I am alive . Praise God! So if you are bleeding and anemic ? May be your hemy S ! Hope this helps

    • Posted

      I'm on day six Oct 15/17

      Surgery went well i think... Reason I waited so many years i was hoping things would clear up on its own..

      With colon cancer n chrones in my family. I chose to get it done to pervent other complications. 

      And surgeon told me they dont cut anymore so downtime is a lot less.

      So I had inside n outside done last Tuesday. 

      First day not much pain..frozen thx god

      Second day it all started with bowel movement.. I removed packing. Had a very soft yet bloody bm.

      The pain is excruciating. Like no other..

      Ive taken. Restore a lax for almost 2yrs as constipation is the reason for my hemorrhoids.  I eat healthy and im in good shape for my age of 56.

      Not on any prescribed meds.  Never have been.

       But damn i sure need painkillers to get me through this ordeal.

      Ive been in bed for six days in constant pain. 24/7

      Tylonal 3s with codeine help very little 

      Was hoping to go back to work next week. 

      Can u tell me how long before you were back to regular life seeming you already went through this horrible painful ordeal?

      Any advice would be greatful

    • Posted

      hi if you scroll this forum then you will see my post, I know it feels awful and painful right now but i came off laxatives day 6 and it was the best thing i did. I went for a bowel movement once a day after that and my body healed quicker inside. By day 10 i felt great, hope this helps.
    • Posted

      I cant go off my restore a lax.. Ive taken for over a year. Its the only thing that Keeps my stool soft. I eat clean but my stool has been hard and i have constipation for over 50 yrs.

      Ive never experienced diarrhea in my life.. If i went off my stool softener id be right back to constant straining and dealing with hemroids for months on end

  • Posted

    So this is something I am about to get done... I am in pain all of the time from my hemroids, but after reading everyone's horror stories I am wondering if it's worth living with!???? What do you all recommend now that you have had the surgery?

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      Hi Katie trust me all the pain will be worth it. Mine wasn't that bad now i look back and my mother has just had it done four days ago. Expect to be swollen and take laxatives for the first four days then you will heal quicker, find as many things as you can to occupy yourself too. Some people on here have had some horror stories and i am not going to say it didn't hurt but i felt better after 6 days. Any questions just ask.


    • Posted

      Glad to hear you felt better after six days!   What were your symptoms like before hand? If you don't mind me asking...What grade were the hems?

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      I was never told the grade but i had 3 large ones inside that were quite high up and also had external ones. I won't lie you need to be strong mentally for the pain after, but once you stop the laxatives i healed a lt quicker internally and externally and it made a huge difference. You still thinking about having it done?

    • Posted

      I am really considering it but unsure if the hemmorhoids are the reason I am in so much recital pain.   One colon rectal surgeon said I am having levator ani syndrome and another said I need the hems out,  I am in pain when standing too long in the day and also after bowel movements.  Feels like spasms for sure and pressure and burning but not sure if it is in fact due to the hems.  I am exhausted from this problem and need a solution!  It's day in and day out.  What kind of pain were you in prior to surgery?   

    • Posted

      Sorry only just seen this.... I was in pain before the surgery so bad that after bowels movements it just ached for hours afterwards, baths were my lifesaver and had to do that for years. I have to emphasise again that it is not the nicest of recoveries I have had after surgery, but if you do decide to have it done, for me, it was all worthwhile. 
    • Posted

      Day 20 still in. A lot of pain when i have bm.. Seeing surgeon for follow up today. I now have external hemorrhoids again. Obviously this procedure did not work for me As i was warned there is no guarantee ... I took the chance Never again. Id rather have a bag then painful bm everyday... My self esteem has dropped so low i don't even want to go back to work as afraid i may have a bm at work and be in pain after. Yes the pain has subsided But very little. My bottom is burning up for hours. Taken perks which im not wanting to as they bum me up and that pain alone is worse not being able to go for a few days..

      If i knew then what i know now I would have never ever had this rather suffer with the blood the stink the leaking and hemroids then go through this again...FML just shoot me.

    • Posted

      Sorry only just seen this, sorry that it has been tough for u. How are you feeling now?
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      No change from my last note.. I think its gonna take much longer because of the hemroids i have now to deal with. I have a bm every day and after comes the dreadful pain.. Still hopping into shower to cold water to relieve the burn n sting. The pain will last all day if i dont take a perk..

      Im getting use to it but do not want to live like this.. Cant even think of going back to work. Cant even leave my apartment as the pain gets worse when walking or standing..

      I just pray everyday I will wake up feeling better then yesterday No such luck yet.. Some days are worse then others

      Thx for listening Deedee

    • Posted

      Awww I am so sorry to hear this, i remember the pain well. My mother had the same procedure as well and it did take her a month to feel normal again. Keep me posted and if you need to chat i will make sure i check my emails everyday.

      One last thing are you drinking plenty of water?

    • Posted

      Yes. I try to drink lots. At least 4 to 5 bottles a day.  Bm are no issues now its after the fact which is still very painful.

      I hope this will end very soon so I can go back to work... Looking forward to getting my life back.

      Thx Deedee.

    • Posted

      Aww cant believe you are still going through this pain, thats why i came off the laxatives after a few days as i couldn't bare the pain after a bowel movement and wanted to give myself time to heal inside, but saying that i was going about 9 times a day before i did that, i just needed a break.

    • Posted

      Wow thats insane 

      I go maybe twice a day.  And thats Maybe 

      With going the once is painful enough.

      Today i felt less pain until i had another bm within the same hour then the pain came with a vengeance. 

      I cant tell if its on the inside or outside 

      So im hitting the shower right after as cold water seems to ease the stinging. But not the pain. .I have 3 different perscriptions for my bottom to put on after each bm. Which dont help much. And i take 1 percocet 

      After morning pain is tolerable. 

      Im going back to work Monday as i am on afternoon shift for the next two weeks. 

      So i should be able to handle doing my job n hopefully this will speed up my recovery.

      I will keep u posted on my progress. 

    • Posted

      yes it definitely seems like you are slow at healing, which pain is the worst, the internal pain or the external stinging?

      Yes keep me posted smile and good luck at work

    • Posted

      Today I go back to work after having 5 weeks off . I feel great as I have not yet had a bm today.

      If this is the way my work week is I may be leaving work if I need to go to the bathroom there.

      Go figure the day im want to return to work i have no bm there for no pain. I swear if it happens at work i will be so upset. Why me lord? Why me.

      And Deedee the pain i believe is still on the inside.. I never bled like others but 5 weeks later i am.. So weird... Maybe I'm just starting to heal now. God this is horrible. Although i still have external roids.. Even after this darn surgery. I will never ever do this again.. It is not worth all the pain n suffering I've been through... Thx for your listening ear.. I will post tomorrow How my night at work goes. Hopefully i will be fine.

    • Posted

      First night was ok but still had to take pain pill.

      Second night same 

      Wednesday was brutal morning to night

      Today no better but worse 

      More pain and still feels so much pressure 

      Feels like I've been kicked in the butt.

      Im now on day 39.

      This is a bit graphic in detail. But need to know if any one else has similar issue...

       My stool is never hard. Just soft from stool softner i take daily.  No constipation. No diarrhea.  Blood in stool n bowl n white steak in stool. 

      Color of stool is gold (light brown) 

      And a red ring around my anus (rash) that wont go away. How can i heal when i go daily for bm at least 2 or 3 times.   And i still have external roids...

      Any one dealing with the same plz reply.

      Looking for answers 

    • Posted

      PLucy2398, I had exam for hems by first colo-rectal surgeon, who diagnosed mixed internal/external hems, Grade 4. But, he said the first thing to address was my anal spasm and pelvic pain...that was new to me! I saw a pelvic pain physical therapist who diagnosed nerve spasms that referred the pain to my rectal nerves, hence the hems pain. So the hems pain not only the source...the pelvic pain is partly to blame. Pelvic pain PT does internal PT, and she can replicate the pain on palpation of the internal nerves. Bottom line, you may have anal pressure and burning due to pelvic pain...can you get evaluated by a gynecologist or pelvic physical therapist? That would be my suggestion.

      Like you, the hems are still an issue for me...squishy lumps that they are...and I'm thinking about going on to have them surgically removed. Very scared about the aftercare!

      Peace to you, and may you feel better soon.

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