My friend woke up with meno symptoms . is it terrible that I’m happy ???
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After going through this alone with my friends living a full and active life I feel shortchanged . Watching them busy travelling yes I can admit I had some jealousy .
Now my friend woke up with nausea and her whole body in pain and was I like Thank God ! I really feel awful that I’m thinking this way but it’s just a relief that somebody else I personally know feels awful too . I’ve felt so alone in all this ... God forgive me for thinking that way .
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mauiblue lori93950
you devil you
im same way, but try not to be.
my one good buddy in houston, (friend for 37 yrs)
i ALWAYS try to get her to fess up to things, and she does here and there, but
im in a sick way sort of glad that she understands and gets the not glad
but we are going through it.
shes so tough you know and so when she feels bad she just disappears, and i resent that
i tell her to open up to me and trust me as ive done the same with her.
yes Lori
tell her..."time to join the party train...." YEAH!
lori93950 mauiblue
Love ya Mauiblue ! Ha! Yes I am a bit naughty 😡 oh well it’s been such a bloody rough time for me .. will be nice to have a friend who maybe I can educate and she can learn from me .
I like to be the boss and everybody comes to me for advice so if I can be a mentor I’ll feel very good about that 👍🏻
Plus I took 1/2 Xanax today as had to do an errand... think I’m going to take 1/2 every day as I feel pretty good tonight . Then I’ll go to rehab to wean off them 🤣
juanita93228 lori93950
Xanax is some good stuff. So addictive though. I was on them summer of 2016. I had felt so good. No health anxiety, worked out three days a week, slept like a rock at night. I took it every other day. But also, I asked to be weaned off. But I had a friend who took them every day 1mg twice a day for at least 15 years. She was weaned off, but still keeps a bottle of the lowest dose in case of a panic attack. She's on Lexapro now.
jill19850 lori93950
samantha42264 lori93950
Yes and no. I wouldn't wish the bad on anyone, but it so sucks to not have anyone in the off line world to relate to. Sure we have all each other on here, but it's so hard to try to talk about it or make anyone understand how we are feeling. I think when I talk sbout it with friends they think I'm nuts, so I think you are just feeling a tiny bit of happiness as you may have someone that can relate, who may actually understand how you feel for once. I don't think you feel happy because she can't do fun things, it just gives you a real live person that gets you and it's not all in your head.
I secretly wish everyone could just feel what we go through for months or years for just a week, just so they could get it, feel how we feel.
jill19850 samantha42264
mauiblue samantha42264
I have always wished that other women/men could try my menopause shoes on for size for a good 48 hrs and see how their world would crumble around them.
not in a malicious way but just so they could develop some empathy.
samantha42264 mauiblue
juanita93228 lori93950
Lori you make me laugh so hard sometimes!😂😂🤣😅 I don't think happy is the correct word. I think maybe now she can sympathize with what you're dealing with.
lori93950 juanita93228
No Juanita ..... I’m happy 🤣🤣🤣
mary27278 lori93950
Lori..dont feel bad , you are not along. IA few weeks ago a classmate of mine posted on fb "Ladies menopause is real" I was so happy to see that. It literally seem like i was the only one ( classmate) going through this. I told her this and she responded " no you're not". But, i dont think hers is that bad because she is constantly posting, looking good and still living. So im still in the boat alone it seems.😔
lori93950 mary27278
Yes I see that too ! Having fun travelling out to dinner .... I just don’t get it . Why are we the unfortunate ones that have this soooooo bad 😩
juanita93228 lori93950
maria76995 lori93950
Hi Lori, I can understand what your saying I have a cousin that is in the menopsal range and she don't have any frightening symptoms like i did...and I use to think she's ok and I can't share any of this crap with her but I think some people go through it at the beginning and some people after they periods stop..different for everyone maybe when I'm finish she would be starting, don't feel alone and awful I been there too, you be ok I am now gone 18 months with a period and felt even worst then ever 6 on I'm feel better still hot but not as bad hopefully I will be free from it soon..
you you will be Ok((((((HUGS)))))
maria76995 lori93950