My Homeopath appointment has helped!

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I tried to post before but it was deleted as heaven forbid I mention something that might help but oh well.

Anywhow was given to diff remedies.

One of which has really helped my sleep. No kidding. 

The other cant say it's taken effect yet re digestion but it's only been two days.

Am willing to share by private communication if anyone wishes to look into it. That first in one kicked in from day One and goodness sleep is welcomed!


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27 Replies

  • Posted

    ella, could do with help with sleep. can you message me too? thnks
  • Posted


    I'm having the worst time with sleeping , which is so hard to deal with.

    Be really grateful if you could get me any tips with homeopathic treatment that might work

    Thanks a lot

    • Posted

      Hi it's called Morgan pure ... However it might be prescribed only unless you can source.

      please bear in mind these are issued to you based on individual Symptons and personality types. These homeopaths look at the whole picture of you as a person. What she issued is relevant to me, me being "highly stressed/wired" type personality etc etc. 


    • Posted

      Yes its true what works for one may not work for another.

      The homeopath looks at a lot more than a doctor and can gradually change your problems based on many things from personality to even the times that you are most affected.

  • Posted


    if you plan to look into any of these remedies please consult a health shop to make sure they don't interact with your medications.

    i realise this goes without saying but I'd feel guilty if I didn't mention it.


    • Posted

      Don't feel guilty, we are all very grateful for any information that helps x
  • Posted

    right ella, i remember googling up homeo prescriptions for meno and the meds depend on each personalty profile...first the profile is determined by a detailed description

    holistic approach

    • Posted

      Absolutely right. But in the sAme breath after a 90 min appointment talking about me my life and what not she prescribed a remedy that's universally ready for anyone to buy and also the "go to" remedy for digestive disorders :s however the one she says to take at night DOES come in different variations and of which I just cannot find online for the life of me. But I SWEAR I actually slept in this morn and that's unheard of for me. Plus I haven't been waking up with grumbling tummy . She did say she's going to work on another remedy for me so see what she comes up with. 

      I made a point of saying " please give me something CALM ME THE HECK DOWN" and settle my tummy and she did smile

    • Posted

      so happy for you ella. pm please ? especially for digestive issues thanks
  • Posted

    Me too please Ella!

    For insomnia

    Roughly, where are you living and can you give us some idea of costs to see a homeopath please?


    Trying 5htp st mo...slightly better sleeps!


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