My Homeopath appointment has helped!

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I tried to post before but it was deleted as heaven forbid I mention something that might help but oh well.

Anywhow was given to diff remedies.

One of which has really helped my sleep. No kidding. 

The other cant say it's taken effect yet re digestion but it's only been two days.

Am willing to share by private communication if anyone wishes to look into it. That first in one kicked in from day One and goodness sleep is welcomed!


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27 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Ella,

    ​So pleased you have found an "alternative remedy"  to help you.  I have also been considering homepathic remedies - I know that there a few things that can help, but I do agree that visiting a homepathic practioner is best idea.

    ​Please could you advise on consultation and remedies? Please do post!

    ​Many thanks for posting here!


  • Posted

    Please I have tried to post as well too, if you could kindly help me too with information. - so much appreciated.
  • Posted

    Hi it looks like some of you have private messaging disabled so il do my best here and break it down into a few posts you will need to "piece together" as we aren't allowed to name names on here (go figure..) 

    Homeopaths are CHEAP compared to naturopaths, most appoints here are say 80 to 100 then 50 for follow up. The remedies are very slow acting, ie prompt the body to heal itself which is why I guess people don't use them too much as everybody wants a QUIC FIX these days..

  • Posted

    Morgan pure for rest - but the Morgan remedy varies from person to person
  • Posted

    See told ya.. Moderators obviously have been alerted to the second one I tried to mention. So sorry not allowed to mention it...
    • Posted

      Hi Alan.

      my understanding of hemopathc remedies are they are watered down to mere nonexistence BUT... Il certainly be looking into this.

      Thank you 

    • Posted

      I know there are some weird things in them but I think you are right homeopathy is about the least amount making a change (that is why some say it's sugar pills).

      I can't say it helped much but my sister in USA had bad sinus problems for years and was always at the doctors trying different things.

      My homepath sent her a remedy and she was fine for 5 years. It started again so she was sent the same remedy and is fine once more.

    • Posted

      Not to mention webmd hasnt ONE good thing to say about ANY natural substance... but it bears looking into. I do know homeopathy has an outstanding safety record.

      plus i swear i havent slept as well in months on the morgan stuff. The latter to be fair hasnt helped much though.

    • Posted

      Hi I didn't get all the names of what I was given. I went through a whole lot of remedies ? 20 maybe some may have been the same as previously, I had an hour session with her and as she was a friend of my daughter I had telephone reviews with her on a regular basis but I can't say any helped but some helped my daughter, my mum and my sister so I think it can help. I expect she tried the one you mentioned and I know that I googled one and was not impressed by what was in it (I can't recall what).

      I am a reiki master but I couldn't help myself. Reiki does say though that you have to be well and healthy yourself before you give healing.

      It's supposed to be calming and before all this meno business I could place my hands on my stomach and send myself to sleep quite quickly.

      Also a lot of people say about meditation and I used to enjoy that a lot. Now all that happens when I try is I become hyper aware of everything within that's right with me, so instead of getting into a meditative state I end up focusing on a random ache pain or odd sensation that is going on at the time.

    • Posted

      Yeah ok, I haven't done attunements for years.

      My husband doesn't really agree with it. He thinks it's not godly.

      I don't mind taking to you about it I used to use it enjoy it but I've been made to think it's something bad rather than good so more confused about it these days.

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