My hormonal test came back OK. So how can that be if i am showing signs of perimenopause
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I just received a call from my doctor informing me that my hormonal blood work came back ok. But how can that be if i am showing signs that i am in preimenopause. My symptoms are anxiety, panic attacks, internal shaking, head pressure, ringing in the ears, weak legs and arms, heart palps, heart racing, back pain lower and upper, dizziness, rib pain, breathing, throat problems which feels like something in throat, a few hot flashes, sound sensitivity and light. sweaty feet,brain fog etc. I do not feel like my old self, she is gone. I am crying right now because i just want answers. I have been confined to my bed for the past 2 days with such fatigue and crazy symptoms. I saw a elderly couple walking past my home looking happy and i started crying. I am 44 and feel worst than a 80 year old. I am afraid to go out alone, afraid to get an attack . My life feels robbed and i do not know what to do. Dr's look at me crazy. I am so tired of running to the ER only for them to take blood work, ekg and results showing nothing. Thank God. Why don't they have answers? why are us women suffering ? This is a time in my life when i thought i would be the most happiest. My children are all grown. I had so much planned. And now this. I just cry because that is all i can do. Have any of you got back hormone test that came back ok ?
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lisa68384 hopeforever
please don't give up friend. I have experienced all of the symptoms you listed for 3 years now. for many women when they first start peri then the hormone tests will come back normal. mine did too. I thought I was dying and went to so many dr's. charting my Basel body temperature helped me as it allows us to see which months we're ovulating. have you heard of bbt? progesterone cream has been a huge help for me. we are often low on progesterone during the first phase of peri before the estrogen starts dropping. before the estrogen drops it's swings and tends to stay elevated above progesterone. peri gave me fibrocystic breasts and the prog took care of that and helped level things out a bit. hugs my friend. you are not alone.
sakura26 lisa68384
Hi Lisa,
I also am super low on progesterone, but when a naturopath gave me 50mg/day of compounded progesterone in pill form I put on a HUGE amount of weight in only 2 weeks. Have you had any weight gain on the cream? If not, how much of the cream do you use and how often? And do you have a favorite brand? Thanks!!
lisa68384 sakura26
I don't think I can reply with specifics without it being sent to moderator. I started on a higher dose and had too many symtpoms. got put on 20mg cream transdermally and that has been helping. slow and steady seemed to work better for me. took several months for symptoms to improve. they are not gone but they are more tolerable.
carolinegal hopeforever
I went in to peri at 41 years old i have not had a period for 4 years this month my god what hell ive been thro at the start my periods had me so bad I was unable to leave the house for 3 days and i was sure I was bleeding to death i was so poorly even with out the period i was depressed i kind of went crazy I was married for 25 years and suffered domestic violence for my whole marriage and lived in fear was controlled i didn't even know who I was and didn't even think for my self well i got ill took of my feet but still I carried on untill i collapsed i went to the doctors i was told i was in peri my b12 was almost depleted my iron level was 2 I had a illness called pernious animia server low vit d i was given iron infusion had to take folic acid vit d and had to have a week at docs every other day for b12 jab now i have them every 8 weeks well the peri turned my head and lit a fire in my soul i put the husband out took 3 years a broken nose and a few beating and being stalked living under lock and key in my home but i got rid of him in the end since the peri i have become a diffrent person but oh my the pain brain fog anxiety panic attacks that came with it was pure hell but i got thro it and also had a son 2 grand children to take care of but i did it i. now in menopause which should be called mad pause but it's got easier the hot sweats are not nice and the never being able to sleep but feel so tired i have all so been diagnosed with fibromagila and spend a lot of time laid up but im free and im happy and i thank god daily that im still here i have a son 4 beutiful grand children this year I turn 50 ive had the worse life but if i can do this with all what I've been thro there is hope for all sending my live to all you ladies come on were woman we are strong we are made to bounce not fall xx
faz5503 carolinegal
I'm sorry to hear about all you've had to endure for so many years. I hope that you have a long, happy and healthy life with your loved ones. Kindest regards.
tina67303 hopeforever
I also had blood work done and it showed normal readings and I have all the symptoms that you listed. I am 48 years old and haven't been myself for 2 years now.
sheila38495 hopeforever
Hi, I just want to encourage you to never give up. I have had most of the symptoms that you have . I know exactly how you feel. Its coming onto this forum and reading the posts that has given me hope. I use positive affirmations which I repeat in my mind, eg the love of GOD is healing my entire body. You can say whatever you want. Also essential oils have helped. Clary sage, lavender and chamomile have been good. As I am compiling this post my head does not feel great. I DO NOT LET IT GET ME DOWN. I know this is only a transition. As each day passes it has to get better. The mind is extremely powerful. Positive thoughts are important in the healing process. WE PRAY THAT GOD HEALS EACH AND EVERY ONE OF US.
sunaina1983 sheila38495
Superb reply mam
Me too get motivated by ur reply
sheila38495 sunaina1983
THANK YOU. We have to keep going and never let the symptoms get the better of us. GOD BLESS US ALL. LOTS OF LOVE.
sunaina1983 sheila38495
well said dear
sunaina1983 hopeforever
Hellooo dear
ur not alone
mine harmone test is also ok..and Dr told they r not showing any Perimenopause ..
BUT Still i am having all peri symtoms u wrote from long time....each day new stuggle.....Harmone test FSH and harmones level change each different values....its will not tell that weather its peri or not..Donot lie on them dear ..
Me too suffering from all these symtoms from long.😭
no one understand us at this stage of life .neighter Drs nor our family and friends
This phase will cross soon..Hang is there.
Have green veg and lots of water help to reduce some symtoms.
Take proper rest and stress less.
Take care
Be positive ..Pray to God..this is part of womanhood....will cross soon..u will be back to urself soon.
Good Luck for ur journey
wish u better days