My medical mystery

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Hi there. I’m a 24 year old female who has been plagued by health issues for the last several years. It’s taken such a tole on my life and happiness, and no dr or specialist can seem to make heads or tales of what’s happening to my body so I’ve turned to the internet to see if anyone out there has any ideas or suggestions.

It all started in 2015 when I went to a music festival in Chicago and came down with bronchitis that I couldn’t get over for 5 months. I was prescribed prednisone, albuterol inhaler treatments and Bactrim. After taking the Bactrim I started having severe stomach burning pain, high fever, dizziness and extreme nausea. I discontinued use and couldn’t get rid of the nausea. I weighed 123 and I’m 5’5’ and I lost 15 lbs due to the nausea being so bad. I could have a few crackers a day and that was it. Over the next few months my stomach got a minuscule amount better but I was still plagued with constant nausea. I had my gallbladder checked and tried eliminating certain foods to see if they were a trigger but nothing seemed to help. This constant nausea continued until 2017 and was bad enough that it made it hard to keep a job. I felt miserable all the time. I only ever seemed to feel better when I would get super hungry, but the nausea would return full force once I ate. In 2017 I had a horrible week of nausea, then all the sudden I came down with a fever of 104°, agonizing body and joint aches, numb lips and hands and a splitting headache. This continued through the night. I took 2 Tylenol pm and woke up the next morning feeling so much better. After this incident my stomach seemed to have improved a lot! I could eat more consistently and the nausea, though still present, was lessened. I would still have some good days and some worse days, which always seemed random. If I woke up nauseous, I was nauseous the whole day. Flash forward to 2019. New Year’s Eve I suddenly had a fainting spell where I got incredibly nauseous, sweaty, couldn’t hear or see and it took a long time for my senses to come back. Once they did, I couldn’t stop shivering. These fainting/dizzy spells have now continued nearly every day and most often occur in the mornings. I’m struggling again with more consistent nausea and that on top of the fainting has me grasping at any strings I can find. I recently had an upper endoscopy which came back mostly normal aside from some light acid damage.

If you have any insight into what this could be or anything that could help, please please tell me!!!

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19 Replies

  • Posted

    so sorry to hear what is happening to you. my only suggestion is a probiotic. i am a huge believer in them. take the brand name FLORA 50 billion critical care, one a day. see if this helps. it gets rid of the bad bacteria in your stomach. it may take a bit. it took me about 2 weeks to notice a good for you any way. hope it helps....

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      ive tried probiotics in the past but they never seemed to do anything for me. I'll probably get another one and give it a second go around. thanks so much for your suggestions!

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    I suffered with constant nausea last year from 2018 march until July it was just not stopping but my symptoms were different I suffered from constant bloating I lost 11kg in one month. I did the upper GI endoscopy on August result came as Antral gastritis and a little erosion too and that was the cause of nausea,. my nausea was so damn bad I was scared of eating because I can't stand after I ate but now am fine though spicy and fast foods trigger the symptoms even today

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      I'm glad you got it figured out!! I had an upper endoscopy recently which only showed some minor acid damage which the dr seemed to think was the cause of my nausea. However it was so minor i had a hard time accepting that, that was actually the main problem... and i didnt have any explanation for why i had acid damage in the first place. i took an acid reducer for 2 weeks to no avail...

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    Has anyone ever checked to see if any of your meds are interacting with each other?

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      Birth control medications could also be contributing to your symptoms. Perhaps come off it to see if your symptoms improve.

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    I had that problem for a little over a year with being sick on my stomach and throwing up daily they did an ultrasound and said all was good but then with all of the same symptoms I started hurting in my navel ti the point I didn't even want my shirt touching it at times but I couldn't see anything wrong with it but to make a long story short I went to see the decor I believe a check up and ask me if I was having any problems and I told him about my navel and he said that I had a navel hernia and it need to be fixed now. anyway he found out that I had been getting sick for over a year and said that before he fixes my hernia he wants to check my gallbladder and I told him that I had it checked by ultrasound and he replied that that test is not reliable so he sent me for a different test right then and called me that day and let me know that my gallbladder was bad and that's was what was causing my being nauseous and throwing up and the throwing up is what caused my hernia. Hope it works out for u very soon. Also the stress and worry of it all and wondering what it is causes other problems or symptoms.

    • Posted

      my goodness im sorry to hear you had such a struggle! ive had my gallbladder checked in the past but not with a HIDA scan like another person on here suggested. ive never heard of it so ill have to look into it. im glad you were able to figure out what was going on!

  • Posted

    Hi Ashton007

    So sorry to hear about all your suffering i can well understand how it impacts on your life.

    Have you been tested for stomach candida which can cause severe nausea. It's a fungal type infection which can overtime get worse if it is not eradicated. As already mentioned by another forum member Probiotics will help to put good bacteria into your gut and create a good gut flora. Also, did you have blood tests for parasites?.....

    • Posted

      i was actually just talking to my sister in law about this last night. i have very limited knowledge about candida but so far it seems to meet most of my symptoms! which is exciting yet also dissappinting and scary. i havent been tested for parasites yet, and someone also suggested limes disease. im learning how many different things my symptoms are pointing to...

  • Posted

    Has h pylori and gastritis been mentioned? Have you had a HIDA scan to check gallbladder function? An ultrasound only shows up stones and sludge.Have you had stool tests?

    • Posted

      ive never heard of that kind of gallbladder scan before! im excited to look into it. my insurance has lapsed unfortunately for the moment so im making a list of tests to get done once it picks up again in a few months... my grandmother just had her gallbladder out and it turns out that was the root of her heart problems. blew my mind!

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      A HIDA scan checks to see if bile is moving through your body in a normal way. It can detect gallstones and an inflamed gallbladder too. So it covers more than a gallbladder ultrasound.

    • Posted

      At least it will help to rule out possible gallbladder problems.

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