My medical mystery

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Hi there. I’m a 24 year old female who has been plagued by health issues for the last several years. It’s taken such a tole on my life and happiness, and no dr or specialist can seem to make heads or tales of what’s happening to my body so I’ve turned to the internet to see if anyone out there has any ideas or suggestions.

It all started in 2015 when I went to a music festival in Chicago and came down with bronchitis that I couldn’t get over for 5 months. I was prescribed prednisone, albuterol inhaler treatments and Bactrim. After taking the Bactrim I started having severe stomach burning pain, high fever, dizziness and extreme nausea. I discontinued use and couldn’t get rid of the nausea. I weighed 123 and I’m 5’5’ and I lost 15 lbs due to the nausea being so bad. I could have a few crackers a day and that was it. Over the next few months my stomach got a minuscule amount better but I was still plagued with constant nausea. I had my gallbladder checked and tried eliminating certain foods to see if they were a trigger but nothing seemed to help. This constant nausea continued until 2017 and was bad enough that it made it hard to keep a job. I felt miserable all the time. I only ever seemed to feel better when I would get super hungry, but the nausea would return full force once I ate. In 2017 I had a horrible week of nausea, then all the sudden I came down with a fever of 104°, agonizing body and joint aches, numb lips and hands and a splitting headache. This continued through the night. I took 2 Tylenol pm and woke up the next morning feeling so much better. After this incident my stomach seemed to have improved a lot! I could eat more consistently and the nausea, though still present, was lessened. I would still have some good days and some worse days, which always seemed random. If I woke up nauseous, I was nauseous the whole day. Flash forward to 2019. New Year’s Eve I suddenly had a fainting spell where I got incredibly nauseous, sweaty, couldn’t hear or see and it took a long time for my senses to come back. Once they did, I couldn’t stop shivering. These fainting/dizzy spells have now continued nearly every day and most often occur in the mornings. I’m struggling again with more consistent nausea and that on top of the fainting has me grasping at any strings I can find. I recently had an upper endoscopy which came back mostly normal aside from some light acid damage.

If you have any insight into what this could be or anything that could help, please please tell me!!!

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19 Replies

  • Posted

    i sure hope you are getting answers. i can tell you that constant nausea can be caused by gastritis or any condition where there is blood present since blood is very irritating to the stomach lining. this

    was what my GI told me when he diagnosed me with hemorrhagic gastritis back at age 25. I would consume lots of NSAIDS and aspirin due to endometriosis. good luck to you!

    • Posted

      thanks so much! im on a strict diet for candida at the moment to see if that helps. seeing a new dr this week and very hopeful they can give me some answers!!

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