My story its very open with vile intrusive thoughts
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so heres my story sorry it might be long, Around 4/5 weeks ago i had a trivial memory come up from when i was 10years old and me and two girls abit younger touched eachothers bits (laughingg and giggling) me and my brother used to rub up and down each others legs aswell etc this has came back now and made me have very bad gad (anxiety)
So 3 weeks ago my doctor gave me sertraline ive done 1 week at 50mg and 2 at 100mg and today is starting my 4th week on 100mg
i see my doctor today and cbt telephone tomorrow but on sunday (3days ago) ive had an intrusive thought about touching my 5year old sons bits, i would never do it i bath him change him etc but would never touch him in that way it mades me highly anxious, scared, shakes and sick that this thought has come and keeps coming back althought sometimes i can ugnore it and it goes quicker, I love my children and would never hurt them but this was disturbing anyone have any advise and if youve had it how long till it passes?
Been to see my doctor today who said this can happen with anxiety and there thoughts and not actions and id wouldnt act on them so they should pass, also cbt will help withthese thoughts and they can disgnose and the have doctors who can help
So sorry its so long just wanted to see if anyone had the same its so hard to put this out
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Dav39 Kayleigh0910
Kayleigh0910 Dav39
GodsServant Kayleigh0910
Kayleigh0910 GodsServant
GodsServant Kayleigh0910
Remember, don't argue or try to reason with these thoughts. You won't win. When they come, just recognize them as OCD thoughts and that's it. Laugh them off, if you can. Keep doing what you're doing and keep occupied.
Kayleigh0910 GodsServant
I will thank you, its been much better this afternoon so im hoping they start to fade away ill try laughing them off they dont stay all day they come and go in like waves? Im trying to keep myself busy well as busy as i can
Dav39 GodsServant
Do think this is still the case if someone hasn't had these thoughts until having taken Sertraline? I started taking it as I had issues with health anxiety and thoughts about self-harm. Subsequently, I started having suicide thoughts and questioning whether I'm a danger to women and children (clearly I'm not it's the intrusive thoughts).
Kayleigh0910 Dav39
GodsServant Dav39
However, I can tell you, this med does cause very vivid and sometimes VERY bizarre and scary dreams. That, I am certain of, because I never get these dreams when I am off the med but I have had thoughts of harming loved ones when I was off the med.
Also, from what you’re telling me here, it seems like you are experiencing a mixture of OCD and/or depression and the suicide ideation is increased quite possible as a result of the side effect of sertraline. But please recognize it as such and do not do anything stupid. Nothing lasts forever. So hang in there. The suicide thoughts will go away soon. Xx
victoriaxo Kayleigh0910
Gosh Keyleigh, I'm going through the same! Today is my 6th day of 100mg and my anxiety is pure hell. I also have intrusive thoughts, mine are about killing myself (which I do not want at all).
My doctor also said intrusive thoughts are a side effect of sertaline and my anxiety being so high.
She said when the meds kick in, I will not experience any of this.
Also I am not OCD, I have GAD.
Never had intrusive thoughts before, they started when I re-started Zoloft.
If it helps you a bit...I had intrusive thoughts when I first started Zoloft 3 years ago. I was always on 50mg. The thoughts went away when the meds kicked in. I was a totally normal human being until I lowered my dose.
Hang in there, we are in the same boat!
Kayleigh0910 victoriaxo
Yes i believe its the anxiety causing it ive never had them before either, ive been told by others the thhoughts will calm down once the meds settle, i feel a little better today and no thoughts up to yet so hopefully they stay away, ive been told its gad aswell but waiting on a formal diagnosis, ill be starting cbt soon, i had thoughts of not wanting to live anymore the other week but tey passed
Best wishes
victoriaxo Kayleigh0910
Great to hear you are doing better! The meds are probably kicking in for you
It's can't just develop OCD if you never had intrusive thoughts before, it's just a side effect from the meds.
We'll be just fine, I'm sure. It seems like it always gets worse with this meds before it gets better.
Lucky us, we have all the side effects :D *being sarcastic*
Also my doctor said if the meds make you feel worse, they are working. Don't see much point in that, but hey...I guess it kinda is true.
Kayleigh0910 victoriaxo
victoriaxo Kayleigh0910
I'm not even finished with my first week of's still bad.
Oh well, 3 more weeks to go, hopefully all of this will feel like a bad dream.
But the meds helped before and I was in such a good state, I can't even tell you. It was like I never had anxiety
Sleep was great...I mean everything. And I was just on 50mg.
Sertaline does help, it saved my life and made me the person I wanted to be.
Hopefully this time around it does the same
I can't wait to be "normal" again.
Kayleigh0910 victoriaxo
I was on 50mg for 1 weeks and 100mg for 2 weeks and just starting my 3rd week on 100 and i can see better days, couple more weeks hopefully be right as rain again, anytime you want to private message me your more then welcome x
victoriaxo Kayleigh0910
It takes a awhile yes...better days are just around the corner.
You'll be just fine and back to your old self in no time.
Please, keep us inform about how you are doing xx
Kayleigh0910 victoriaxo
LBC victoriaxo
Hi Victoria why did you stop taking the Sertraline and have to start again ? Sorry if I've missed your story further up the thread
LBC Kayleigh0910
Kayleigh0910 LBC
victoriaxo LBC
victoriaxo Kayleigh0910
They went away after a month I think. I was on 50mg all the time though.
So I believe they will go away after you'll be on meds or in our case 100mg...for about a month. Keep on going, it's always way worse before it gets better.