My symptoms
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I'm glad I have found you all! I thought I would go over some of my symptoms. Maybe I can help someone . Maybe someone has some of these symptoms and can let me know . It would make me feel better .😊 Here goes ... hot flashes night sweats . Very dry nose inside . Allergies and sinus problems became worse . Pressure in between eyes that makes my feel my eyes might cross. Headaches . Wierd pains in head . Left leg on outer side hurting like muscle pain especially when I'm asleep . Low grade fever . Uti. Right breast pain doctor found lump turned out to be hormones . Muscle pain in neck and back of my head thst became so bad that I had to go to emergency room. Stomach upset in morning but disappeared usually within an hour . Panic attacks. Post nasal drip. Trouble sleeping . Weight gain . Stomach shape changing like I'm pregnant. Butt suddenly went flat . Left side of abdominal area feels like a muscle or cramp . Back pain upper and lower . Toe on left foot decides to bend and stay that way for a while. Stomach cramping and indigestion that last a very long time none like I've ever had . Rapid heart beat . Feeling as if food was sticking in throat and trouble swallowing . Lost 6 pounds in one week from this . Hope this never happens agsin . Feeling as if I'm coming down with a cold or flu and then it goes away . Extreme fatigue. Dry hair and hair loss. Brown age spots appearing more frequently. Joint pain . Numb index finger . Arm pain and numbness . Hemorrhoids. Ears itching and ringing . Feeling like I never get enough sleep. Blood pressure and pulse elevated. Easier to catch colds and stomach virus .
Periods off and on . Feeling as if I have pressure on my bladder similar to uti but didn't hurt when I used bathroom . Pain in ovaries. Cramping in feet.
This isn't all but enough to mention .😊 Thankful some I've only had once or twice but some I have now . I'm taking progesterone now . It has helped with a lot of my symptoms but not all.
Hope this helps someone !
1 like, 55 replies
aimee1970 renee_26767
I have all symptoms except night sweat and hot flashes. Right now as we speak I'm having this weird headache on top of my head and move to my mouth behind neck uff. Left side of off the chain forb2 years off and on
renee_26767 aimee1970
sue58256 aimee1970
juanita93228 renee_26767
You made my day😁
renee_26767 juanita93228
I'm so glad !
juanita93228 renee_26767
It just lets me know I'm not losing my mind. It's gone now, but for the past couple of months I've had "burning toes", not the whole foot mind you, just my toes. Of course then the health anxiety kicks in because you think there is no way hormones are causing all this.
lisa97672 renee_26767
Thank you so much for sharing. I too fine great comfort in knowing that I am not alone in this journey. My main issue is panic attacks and joint pain in elbows. Some hot flashes also. Night sweats. And periods that don't show up for months. Now three in 6 weeks ! Ugh. I do pray for everyone here to get through this as best we all can. Best to you. And again thank you.
renee_26767 lisa97672
I haven't had panic attack for a year now . I didn't know what it was at first and it scared me so much ! I'm so sorry you have those a lot . I will pray ...
tracey10756 renee_26767
I am 48 and I think I am experiencing just about everything you have. Makes me feel better that I am not alone but can't believe we have to go through this. I have not tried hormones or anything other than vitamin d3 and some b vitamins. Thanks so much for positing. x
renee_26767 tracey10756
natallia04776 renee_26767
All this year I was checking my health 😢
So many tests all Vitamins are perfect. I was diagnosed with Mouth Burning Syndrome, so the Laboratory has taken all reasonable tests even Vitamin B 17, D Everything is perfect.
Last tests in April but all of sudden I feel like I am going to die.
renee_26767 natallia04776
I'm so sorry . It is so hard ...
littleme1969 natallia04776
juanita93228 natallia04776
I can relate to that feeling Natallia. Renee mentioned hemmorhoids(sp?). I had a anal fissure that gave me the blues for months. I was due for a colonoscopy in October, but now I'm having it in two weeks to make sure all is well on that front. Of course the fissure is healed now thank God.
But you do feel like your'e dying, I don't know why. I've heard a lot of women mention this. They also mention a general feeling of unease.
I was taking Valium every now and then for anxiety, but doctors now say that benzodiazepines(Valium, Ativan, Xanax, etc.) causes Alzheimer's. So I'm not taking any type of anxiety meds any more. Doing meditation, taking tumeric, and talking to God a lot.
Guest renee_26767
Hey Renee,
I could rival you with all those symptoms, although with all the problems I've had this year I don't get colds and stomach viruses or hot flashes (unless burning foot qualifies for this?). Or the ear itching. Not yet anyway.. Pretty much all the rest though, with some frozen shoulder and tremors thrown in.
renee_26767 Guest
The pressure in my eyes was so scary . And the panic attacks. Something's are just irritating. But it's the scary things that are hard to deal with for me .
mary27278 renee_26767
The things that's hard for me are the anxiety and not being able to eat much due to the digestion. I've lost 16 pds so far, and I was already petite. I stress a lot about that which could be triggering the anxiety/panick attacks. I am constantly hearing others who has gone through menopause saying " I didn't go through all of that". Which brings more fear. It's good to know others on here that I am not alone.
juanita93228 mary27278
Don't listen to the ones who say "I didn't go through all that". 85 percent of women have symptoms, only a scant 15 percent don't.