My symtoms since the start of my menapause and where I am now
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Hi Ladies
I would be lost without this site so thank you to all of you who have answers my worrying questions on so many occasions. I thought id list my symptoms for those who are only new to the site or are just beginning to experience them. I am also on 2mg HRT. These symptoms were spread out over 5 years and reoccur. Please feel free to do the same as may help other ladies starting out on this road.
My change first began with
1. one week of hot flushes then they stopped
2. All of a sudden I felt like I couldn't breath as if someone was sitting on my chest and couldn't get enough oxygen in my lungs
3. Heart palpations just started while just sitting watching TV and ended up in A&E totally embarrassed as I thought I was having a heart attack. So frightened - nothing wrong with me
4. Anxiousness like you are going for an interview multile feeling x 5, and at times feeling overwhelmed in my mind and with life
5. Loss of Joy, lots of crying and reflecting on life a lot, lots of doom and gloom. no point in being here
6. Shingles, thrush in my month and in private parts due to low immune system with hormone deficiency
7. Migraine type headaches with dizziness and weird sensations in my head - awful
8. Stiffness when getting up in the morning and joint pains
9. IBS - this has been one of the worst for me. Wind and nauseas with constant wind in belly with belching, good and bad days ongoing
10. Waking up throughout the night needing to pee 5-6 times and heat surges
11 waking up through the night with an awful thirst after being fully hydrated throughout the day, feeling faint with low sugar level- had to eat large bowl of porridge which helped- Blood work done and all fine.
12. Strange heat in my tummy, sometimes behind the eyes and other parts of my body!
13. Butterfly feelings in my abdomen, as a lady in here described it, bunnies in her tummy!!
But there is light at the end of the tunnel. I am getting through this and feel much better now. I still get the above but not as severe and I am able to cope if they do. My joy is back and I feel so much better as this season is passing. I hope that if you experience the above, you know that you are not alone and however frightening it is, you can share here.
Carol Kelso
7 likes, 30 replies
Bassilli CarolKelso
pinkcatfairy Bassilli
Trevis CarolKelso
With you all the way Carol .... stay strong 💖👊xx
michelle92591 CarolKelso
CarolKelso michelle92591
Hi Michelle... I'd a terrible turn off with sex.. Almost prudish... But things are better.. I too lost weight but I have turned a corner and you will too... It just something we need to get through... Lots of love. CK
sarah05599 CarolKelso
Hi carol
I think mine started 3 years ago but was gradual but my first symptom I think started a few years before which was itching I new something wasn't right and had lots of tests but docs were mystified and gave up. Fast forward to September last year aged 49 and I had to cover at work for 8 days it's very stressful doing 2 people's jobs for 1 day let alone 8.
I was hit on day 2 with acute anxiety and after struggling for four days with this and pretending I was fine the next evening I woke at 2am in a right state churning stomach and nausea being the worst. Henderson to say I couldn't carry on covering as up from 2am and in a right old state. I had to ring in sick for remainder of days, and had the darkest 3 months which eventually settled down then insomnia hit for 2 months, my partner got made redundant Jan 2018. The insomnia also eased off around Feb/March time and since then it's a rollercoaster day to day,week to week, month to month. I have the odd week where I felt near normal then something else hits. Fatigue is the newest symptom. At the moment insomnia is back while on my period along with other symptoms but these are my symptoms I've had in the past and still get now. Anxiety is still there but could turn acute again if under pressure again covering at work, insomnia, depression, fatigue/no energy, queasy/appetite poor, no confidence, feelings of despair/fearing the future, worsening memory/concentration, anger/sadness, loneliness cause no one to talk to about it, stomach cramps, negative thoughts, itching worse at night, worry/racing thoughts, feeling useless/powerless, can't handle stress/pressure like used to. Sorry for such a long post but had to let it all out and try and help others.
anna51634 sarah05599
One question, ever since you began the premenopausal stage , have you ever hemorrhage? I did twice now that was a scary experience. My advice to you is be sure to take multi vitamin and drink a lot of water. Please be careful and keep in touch ❣️
Bassilli anna51634
sarah05599 anna51634
Hi Anna
No I haven't hemorrhaged before and I am currently taking Menopace vitamins but don't seem to be helping much. I've asked doc for HRT but am scared of side effects as I always seem to get side effects from past stuff I've tryed.
CarolKelso sarah05599
sarah05599 CarolKelso
Hi carol
Yes I'm still getting periods but lasting longer and my symptoms seem to be worse when on period and for 10 days after. The anxiety is getting worse again as been on now for 8 days and negative thoughts creeping back in and shaky. I am going to take my dog out for a walk in a bit to try and take my mind off it but with lower back ache it's even hard walking 😞 I have got to try and make an appointment at docs next week as had bloods done again yesterday and going to put me on her but I'm scared of side effects as suffer with odd aura migrain and scared it will make them worse.
CarolKelso sarah05599
Can I ask if you like in the UK or the states?
Your hormones are out of kilter and maybe worth your while having a heart to heart with your doctor and how this is affecting you life. It maybe worth trying something than nothing to see if it helps. You can always stop what ever they recommend if it does not agree with you.
This can be a scary and phycological time for a woman as we feel our bodies are no longer the same and we feel like we have lost control but its just that our bodies are transitioning.
I hope it settles and get somewhere with your doctor. Hang tight and be kind to yourself. This is a season in your life.
CK x
sarah05599 CarolKelso
Hi carol
I live in UK and my docs are not very sympathetic I try and see diff ones hoping I might find a sympathetic one but it's so hard to get the same one here in UK as always booked up and how can you get proper help and treatments that are right for you when you only have 10 mins with them it all feels so rushed. I do feel better than did this morn as it's a nice sunny day and took my dog for a walk and chatted to few people so took my mind off things but on the fatigue days I don't feel better no matter what I do and have to drag myself out the door as know my doggy needs walking. I'm sorry you had to go through that at 37 must have been awful for you, are you any better now? Take care.
CarolKelso sarah05599
HI Sarah. I'm grand thanks. Just one of those things. Like you and I very fatigued but you know what helped me in the past was spa tone - liquid iron from boots. Don't know if you can take this but its really good and if you are losing blood it might help. Took a week to see the difference.
Go easy there and maybe asked to be referred to gynaecologist re periods as with this menopause, its a mystery to most GP's...
Mind yourself,
Carol x
dora_39625 CarolKelso
Hi Carol. Do you think the HRT has helped?. Do you mind me asking your age?
I'm 43 and been experiencing severe perimenopause symptoms.
CarolKelso dora_39625