My tongue is numb after drinking

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So I drank last night as some know.

And today my tongue is new...feels like I burnt it...and I can't taste anything.

I didn't burn it on food. because I didn't eat last night.  I just drank.

Has anyone else experienced this? 

​Its probably my Central Nervous system being upset with me.


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36 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi. iPad has been playing up. Yes I did the drink driving thing for years. Thanks Paul and Vicki for reminding us of the consequences. Lucky(?) I have a shop just down the road. I once reversed into someone outside the school gates. 4 kids in the car(2 mine). Guilt guilt and guilt. 

    I heard a truelly horrific story from someone in AA. He crashed his car whilst drunk and had to sit and wait for a long time as he was trapped. Next to him was his dead 10 year old son. 

    So please walk to your shop Misssy...please xx

    • Posted

      Hope you don't think I'm lecturing you as I'm the last person to have that right! I'm still drinking. Like you terrified of the withdrawals. Scared and too late anyway to see doctor. Need meds to stop but the doctor doesn't like prescribing me as I got addicted to morphine after an alcoholic accident. May try on line to get some. Is Lorazapan the best one for detoxing?
    • Posted

      I was very dubious and against anyone buying drugs online. Think it was on this forum someone used pharmacy4you and was pleased with the service and aftercare.

      I had a quick look online and was gobsmacked to find you can get almost every drug online. 28 10mg diazapam tablets were £38. I had a home detox with chlordiazepoxide (Librium) but diazapam is used sometimes. Paul Turner is the best person to ask.

      Its difficult because you need medication which your GP won't give you, which makes it unsafe for you to not drink. Am sure Paul commented that he had to advise a patient to drink as there were no detox facilities available and withdrawal by cold turkey was too dangerous.

      At the end of the day it boils down to which is the lesser of two evils, booze or drugs. The danger with drugs is what could happen if you take them with alcohol.

    • Posted

      I wouldn't think anyone on this page was "lecturing" me....warning me...yes....I never drove to the store "drunk".  Always hungover...needed to get more.

      ​But, yesterday I KNOW I shouldn't have been driving...because like vickylous story....I did possibly have some alcohol in me...and I did drive.

      ​Well...back to Day 1 not drinking...feeling totally HORRIFIC.

    • Posted

      Hi Misssy. I've got the swollen tongue. Really painful and coldsore on mouth plus bitten sides of mouth. Sore throat from being violently sick. I've not slept since Tuesday. I've been really frightened. I can't put myself through this anymore. Look like crap, panic attacks and facial flushing. In 3 days I hope to be totally tapered off alcohol all together. I've been really ill. So scared. Full of guilt, sadness, pain and can't stop crying. So depressed xx I'm scared to sleep in case i die in my sleep as I've really hammered it and my body can't take it anymore
    • Posted

      Hi really sorry you're feeling so crap. I know you won't see it, but the positives are you're now bothered about how you look and are tapering properly. Try and get some sleep and  look forwards. It's good to cry, but try and put guilt behind you. Am thinking of you and know how you feel. Take care xx
    • Posted

      Thank you. Feeling a bit better now and will catch up tomorrow as I'm so tired! Xx
    • Posted

      I bet that mouth stuff is "thrush".  I get that when I drink wine or hard liquor because of all the "sugar".  And we are obviously not properly taking care of ourselves.

      ​Yup, look like CRAP...GUILT...SADNESS....And I'm also afraid...we can get past this....we can..just takes alot of talking to myself and others.

    • Posted

      Yep, that compounds the problem. When drinking heavily, you lose your appetite and therefore the quality of the food takes a dive, just when your body really needs it.

      I've said it before and I'll say it again, if you drink and don't eat, please take Thiamin b1.

    • Posted

      I can't get myself to a store for this vitamin..I had them in house cause I know the five them and folic acid and B12 and Vitamin c in hospital.. I asked once...all important.. Can only find my VC...
    • Posted

      Order them online, they're not prescription in the UK, so the US is likely yo be the same.

      Thiamin b1, folic acid and vitamin b complex/strong are just vitamins, so should be easy to get. And if you've damaged your liver, then lactulose as well.

      If you drink and don't eat, it will turn you crazy, I've seen it, first hand. The aforementioned are not expensive and will cost you less for a month's supply than a day's alcohol.

    • Posted

      Thrush is quite easily diagnosed. It leaves a white coating at the back of the throat and around the uvula. It can become very unpleasant and even dangerous. 

      Fear, Guilt, Sadness....Alcohol's best buddies :-(

    • Posted

      i have it a few times! I have a bottle of medication for it.  Only happens when I drink!

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