My world at the moment!
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Hi all
12 week post TKR
Many of you will know me from this forumI'm Irish Ann.
Everyone on this forum has been so helpful and informative and I would not be as well as I am today without you all. Thank you. Thank you.
My world at the moment is in chaos.
My one and only sister, which I have spoken about on this forum, is in hospital 50 miles away with a virulent form of pneumonia. She is quite frail, and is very ill.
My mother (she's 91) is in hospital near me for over a week, with the same pneumonia. She had given it to my sister. My mother is doing well and is responding to treatment.
My husband is in the same hospital awaiting an operation in the 'man problem' area.
He has major heart problems so anaesthesia is a problem and they are still not sure how to proceed at the moment.
He has a large inoperable clot in the back of his heart.
He also has haemachromatosis.
All three are serious and coud kill him and I dont know which bit of him to worry about the most!
But by far the worst and saddest of all is I am losing him, my husband of 47 years, my best friend to dementia.
He is slowly fading away from me. Did not remember that they had told him he had a clot in the heart. Did not tell me about the haemachromatosis nor did he turn up for the appointment that was made for him. I only found all this out a couple of weeks ago, and the haemachromatosis when he was admitted yesterday.
He will never go into a doctors surgery without me EVER again.
It was a wake up call for me, I had not realised how bad he really was, as on day to day things he is fine. But anything new he will keep asking you the same thing over and over again.
Terrible too for me was going to the doctors yesterday and explaining that he would not remember a word of what they tell him and they would need to refer to me.
I know this has absolutely nothing to do with TKR but just needed to have a rant and you are the best guys I know for that.
Thank you for listening
5 likes, 120 replies
What knee?
Ah sure its not too bad considering
jannette1 Annibgood
cheryl90571 jannette1
Nicely said!😇
Another day in bedlam here!
Both of my patients vying for attention
Each sulk if I spend any time with either.
Colm is grumpy, sore and still bleeding. He was supposed to go back on blood thinners yesterday, but with the bleeding I cant let him. He is supposed to go on antibiotics if he has ANY kind of procedure. You guessed it, given none!
Basically he should be still in hospital.
Ringing hospital as soon as I think someone will answer (its 7.11am here - MY TIME), but even thats debatable!
Health service here a joke!
Mother doing fine and eating well - would eat me without salt!!!
At 91 she has the constitution of a bull elephant.
Sister coming on a little, but she is at least a week behind my mother and as any of you know who follow this thread she is very frail.
Keep up they prayers Cheryl!
The Irish One!
sueisobel Annibgood
I have spent the weekend ferrying favourite #1 daughter from one end of the country to the other. Now I am back to .......
Can you not ring 999 instead of waiting for someone to finish their morning coffee, one would imagine it should be classed as an emergency (you have to put yourself into the equation).
I know you say the health service is bad where you are but can they not suppy you with a carer/helper/district nurse, or are they like rocking horse droppings! If both parents are acting like children, then...... might take the pressure off you a bit. I know being ill is not fun, but you have to think of you as well (if you cannot look after them because you are too worn out, you have an issue with your knee healing), the local authority would have to step in, wouldn't they????
Is your sister living with you? Is she well enough to hold a conversation with you???
Bull elephants are quite capable of looking after themselves, is there anything crafty she could do. Doesn't have to turn into anything, but it will/might keep her occupied.
By the time you get round to reading this, I hope you will have got through to the hospital and they will have arranged something definite for your husband.
Wishing you a productive, positive day. Don't forget your pills, dont forget to take a breather x
Gaby21 Annibgood
Best of luck!!
Remember ....look after yourself too!!!!
cheryl90571 Annibgood
Bull elephant was a good description for your mom! I had a mom like that, too! She lived with us in her 99th and 100th years. I am absolutely convinced that my mother lived so long and survived so well DUE TO her sheer determination! At 64 I wonder if I have enough Bull Elephant in me. I sure HOPE SO!
I will DEFINITELY keep praying! My prayers today include getting those antibiotics for your dear husband. God has solutions. He has already helped, but He definitely is not done yet!
Your sense of humor is GREAT! It will sustain you because looking at any situation in a positive manner makes the task easier.
Sending prayers for continued positivity, strength, and calm today!
sueisobel Annibgood
sueisobel Annibgood
Dont know what I did!
Mentioned a med in the first one and sent again without. Still was moderated!
Try again!
Panic over I think!
Brought Colm back to hospital pleased enough with wound. He was only let out because he insisted! Didnt know when he was to go back on the blood thinners either. They are pleased enough with the wound. Can go back on the thinners today. They should have given him antib*otics as he had end*carditis 3 times. They forgot and only realised when I pointed this out to them! Back for bi*psy results in 2 weeks.
My mother continues to improve. But is feeling neglected as I have been fussing over Colm who is grumpy (he's very sore). She has an appointment with her GP on Thursday so says she will go home then. I'm not to kean on that as I would rather have her near me, on the other hand Colm will be delighted when she goes!
Rock and a hard place!
Thanks all for caring
Ann X
The Irish One!
sueisobel Annibgood
Is there not a topical pain relief that he can use, or is the pain internal.
How is your sister progressing.
That light at the end of the tunnel is growing brighter by the day. Before too long you will be able to concentrate on....... you.
Keep up the good work
Sue x
Annibgood sueisobel
A lot of painkillers he can't take.
I give him the odd one of mine!
Sister coming on really well now and her and her husband will take my mother this weekend.
Light at end of tunnel possibly
I'll only have one bold child to deal with!
I just dropped something under a chest of drawers forgot and knelt down quickly !!!!!!!!!
Definitely got a 140 degree bend that time or possibly more!
Wont be doing that again any time soon!
cheryl90571 Annibgood
Hopefully your mom will be able to go back to her home soon, but only if you feel she can do it SAFELY.
My husband and I have had to make the decision for both of our mothers over the years. Both DID eventually go back to their homes following their strokes which both took place the same year (2007) (March for my mom and November for my husband's mom.) However my mother's bad fall in 2011 brought her to our house permanently until she was hospitalized then needed nursing home care 24/7. She passed away six weeks later just 25 days shy of 101. My husband's mother had another bad fall last February, and she has been unable to care for herself. She is in a very nice nursing home just fifteen minutes from our home. We visit every day.
I was never a fan of NURSING homes, but I have come to realize after taking care of my mother for two years that each situation is different. My mother was able to walk, feed herself, climb stairs with us holding her gait belt and supporting her, and she could dress herself until the last six weeks of her life. My husband's mother who is just 87 can't do any of the things my mother could do, and it takes three aides to get her showered, ready for bed, etc. and she needs help to get into her wheelchair. She needs to be pushed in her chair and all needs taken care of my others.
Situations can be very, very different, and each one needs to be assessed carefully.
Our bottom line has always been SAFETY. If we felt that our mother was safe being on her own, we were confident we had made the right choice. Mom's ENJOY independence in their own homes! Sometimes it is a good thing. Sometimes, though, what they THINK is good, is actually WAY to much for them. Each case is different.
Sending prayers of thankfulness that the antibiotics have arrived for your dear husband, and prayers of clarity for you as you make the decision of what is the next step with your mother.
Glad to hear that your sister is on the road to recovery.
Take care. Don't worry. God has this!
sueisobel Annibgood
Most definitely a whole candelabra at the end of the tunnel...
irish_linda Annibgood
Annibgood irish_linda
Stars spinning around head kinda thing.
This was a major lightning strike
Knee still on shock today, but not as bad!
irish_linda Annibgood