Mycotic Arthritis - Start asking your doctor about it.
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I discovered a reference to this condition recently and it led me to diagnose and succesfully self treat my lower back pain and sciatic pain.
I hope it's helpful to others suffering from the same condition.
Mycotic Arthiritis is a fungal infection of the load bearing joints. (knees, hips and spine). The infection takes a long time to develop and degrades the joint, causing joint pain. In my case, the condition got worse over six years and also caused terrible paralysing sciatic pain. I couldn't walk, sit or stand for weeks at a time. The condition is supposedly a very rare condition and is not widely known by the medical profession.
I found out about it while doing some detective work and research on back and sciatic problems.
It might be hard to believe, but once i'd made the diagnosis and self medicated(in a state of desperation), the spine stiffness mostly cleared in three days and the sciatic pains disappeared after 5 days and I was working normally again after seven days,
The treatment that I took was an anti fungal prescribed medicine and coconut ( a natural anti fungal).
I dont know how it worked quite so well and so quickly, but I do know that it was the lucky combination of the prescribed treatment and the coconut that worked so effectively.
I really hope its helpful, and look forward to any comments or questions
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mastdoc max21068
How did they diagnose it? Usually a culture is needed (synovial fluid) to determine what type of fungus is reponsible in order to prescribe the right medication? Did you have any other symptoms besides sciatica? Often those with compromised immune systems are susceptible to fugal infections and arthritis is not the first symptom. They are often region specific, so if you live in certain regions and have certain initial symptoms, this might lead one to ask their doctor sooner and get treatment before the arthritis can do its damage. Do you have any residual symptoms?
Thanks for your reply.
I diagnosed the condition myself about 7 weeks ago self medicated. I asked for a prescription of terbinafine from the doctor and also consumed 200g boxes of Creamed Coconut. 1 a day for 3 days, less so after, coconut being a natural antifungal treatment. A bit unorthodox I know, but given the situation, being unable to walk or work for several months and facing financial ruin I was a bit desperate. Regarding the health service in my area. I have had no help at all over the past 6 years other than an Mri scan that took some persuasion. and of course, the offer of pain management and totally ineffective and pain worsening physiotherapy . The main clue to my diagnosis was that in 2010 I took a course of Terbinafine for a nail infection and in retrospect I realised that the back pain and sciatic pain had subsequently diminished and was able function fairly well for a year or so. The rest was guess work. The symptoms were, worsening severe lower spine pain and stiffness and immobility, paralysing sciatic pain, a slight bulge to a lumbar disc though not impinging on the nerve (MRI scan a year ago), a minor though persistant fungal toe nail infection, minor fungal infection to insect bites on my back ( a few years ago). A major clue was, I had some ostepath treatment including back cracking over the past 2 years and though it helped ease the stiffness and pain in the short term, the pain seemed to spread through the spine. I concluded that due to the spread of the condition that it must be an infection due to the joints being opened and exposed to the infection. Other linked symptoms in retrospect are, generally feeling not right, intolerance to dairy products and wheat (causing depression, 2 day lag time) and generally down and feeling a bit spaced out after rich food and sugar. As of today, I am 95% ok, which mostly occured in week one of the treatment. If i sit badly, I get a bit of back pain, which I guess is the result of damage done to the spine over the past six years.
I'm not sure how I contracted the infection, but it's possible that a holiday vaccination (badly administered to lower back) , toe nail infection, insect bites (Sri Lanka) maybe the cause. Just guessing.
Re. Terbinafine and Coconut - On their own (individually) the effect is ok, but for some reason, and a buy pure luck, the combination was amazing. Literally less than a week to sort out the spine and sciatic problems. I was bed bound one week and two weeks later I was working agian like the past six years hadn't happenned.
mastdoc max21068
All the best!
Kimb63 max21068
Thank you for your message and the advice you have posted. Unfortunately, my back problems relate to rapid growth in my teens, 8-inches in 14 months, a prolonged growth cycle, as did not stop growing until I was 25, and a nasty back injury from tampolining when I was 17. Suffered with muscle spasms in my back and bouts of sciatica on and off for years, but it never stopped me from living my life
I have broken my coccyx and apart from needing to sit on a cushion when driving or at work, it had very little impact. I then suffered a slip-fall when on holiday in Majorca which started back flare-ups once again. I then suffered from a herniated L5 onto S1 which caused pro-longed and agonising sciatica which refused to respond to drugs or a spinal epidural. I was on huge doses of Tramadol, Gabapentin and Diclofenac which did little to relieve either the spasms or the pain. The micro-disectomy I had in Dec 2012 was brilliant and apart from the obvious initial recovery and physio, I remained pain free, until I started getting recurring bouts of sciatica in June 2013. I was sent for an MRI which showed that the remaining part of L5 had prolapsed, along with L4. That was in September 2013. The referal back to the Consultant was sent on the 10 Oct 2013 but somehow got lost so it wasn't until May this year that I saw him again. Unfortunately, there is a significant narrowing which is putting pressure on the S1 nerve but the pain is different and the loss of sensation in my foot and leg have been a totally new experience. Have trained myself to look at my foot so that the brain connects to that fact before standing as have suffered a number of 'splats'
The word 'Spondylolisthesis' was being used & didn't really know much about it until, like you, I did my research. It was an easy diagnosis from that point! Have had a guided HC injection into the hip and another spinal epidural, neither have been effective although there was a slight improvement in the consistency of the numbness in my foot. Having now had the standing/flex x-rays, it has shown a significant slippage of the vertebrae with the prolapsed discs adding to the fun. Have had the weekend to think about things, discuss with family etc. and, following these and a little more research, am opting to have the surgery. This is not a case of 'wanting' surgery, it is a case of favourable factors now rather than putting it off & suffering muscle degenaration and progressive loss of mobility. I am not kidding myself as I know this is 'major' surgery with medical 'Mechano', lamination etc'. but, as the Consultant has told me that I will have 75% immediate pain relief following the recovery period of 4-6wks, I'd rather have the surgery now with age and relative fitness being on my side!
Just as an aside to the above missive, I have been on a few courses of anti-fungal drugs in the past year and regularly consume coconut too. I am a big fan of natural substances and essential oils and regularly make my own face/body oils etc. I hope that you continue to be well and my thanks once again for the contact/info.
Best Wishes,
To Kimb63
Thanks for your posting. Your condition sounds very complex and more of a mechanical issue. I wish you good luck with the treatment.
kind wishes
Kimb63 max21068
mastdoc max21068
Was the tissue damage to an area near to the spine deep or superficial? MRI or cutaneous observation?
mastdoc max21068
Well Done!
max21068 mastdoc
After my previous postings I had a relapse and this carried on for a couple of months. I next tried taking fluconazole, as being fairly easy to acquire and this seemed to do the trick again, though the effect was rather more aggressive,unpleasant and frankly a bit dangerous. My suspicions about the insect bite was correct, I believe. I've been applying Wild oregano oil to the insect bite area and the infection has been drawn to the surface of the skin and I guess will eventually dissapear.
The trick to the coconut is that it needs to be hot when consuming. I small cup of hot coconut milk twice or three times a day seems to work far better than nsaid's for muscle and joint pain. I also take Wild oregano oil twice daily in a a glass of water. This time the treatment seems to holding and am quite confident though also aware that these types of infections can be very hard to be rid of. Try looking up a paper written by a couple of doctors about a treatment that they used on a patient. The key search words are 'Terbinafine Fluconazole combination' its interesting reading for fibromalia sufferers.
All the best
A couple of weeks after this photo was taken the problem was mostly cleared up.
anthony25804 max21068
max21068 anthony25804
It does make you think.
This post was a reply to another post about 2 years ago, maybe more, which I've cut and pasted onto here to bring things together.
Hi. Try reading this post. It might be very helpful. Mycotic Arthritis - Start asking your doctor about it
Paste the text to the search box.
The following is more up to date.
It could be that you have an infection in the muscles and nerve strings running through your back, maybe from sleeping on an infected mattress on holiday or at home. The futon type mattress could do this. The solid type with the cotton filling, which was very popular and has been quietly taken off the market. (Organic matter (cotton), damp, condensation (interstitial) mould, fungus) v unpleasant.
I wont go into details, but, from experience, taking antibiotics ( the penicillin type) seemed to trigger the problems also.
Have an MRI done that particularly looks at the muscles and nerves of the back.
You'd be looking for a cyst or small infection near the relative nerve strings. Have a look at a body map of the nerves to give you clues as to where the problem originates from. Think of the it as a wiring diagram where a short circuit could be at any point along the route of a wire.
General advice
The back and spine is the most vulnerable spot on us humans, unlike most/all other animals, we dont have a layer of protective fur to shield our skin, so be careful what you sleep on.
Use a mattress protector under the sheets.( Should really be called a human protector). Basically, an impermeable layer to protect you from whatever you are sleeping on. All it takes is one small spot or cut to be infected to be crippled several years on.
Also, another furniture related warning. Be carefull of low backed chairs. If you have a small undetected infection or cyst in your skin then the act of leaning back onto the hard edge of a low chair will create enough localised force to push any infection past the skin layer into the more fluid internal areas. Also, not just chairs, any pressure on the skin could do this. A too tight belt for instance.
Simple things that helped me.
Disclaimer : The following information is what I have learn't from solving my health problems. It may not work for others and there may be some risk in following my methods.
Don't eat - sugar, dairy products and fruit. Raisins and bananas seemed fine though.
Don't eat - wheat and yeast products. 100% Rye bread is fine.
Do eat : Meat/eggs/protien and green vegetables, rye bread, oats, raisins and root vegetables (for sugar)
Grocery shop pharmaceuticals.
Cocounut - Eases joint pain and mobility. 100g twice a day hot or warm with food.
Peanut butter (best quality) - general health and infection and skin - 1 small jar a day for 3 days and then ease off quite a bit.
I've not combined the coconut and peanut butter together. It could be a bit too much for the body to handle. Maybe causing damage to organs.
Any other nut from a warmish climate. Brazils, walnuts etc.
Mixed nuts with raisins is the perfect snack.
For skin health - Tradional (alkaline) soap is best, not modern PH balanced liquid soaps.
For a locked up spine and joints, My discovery of combining antifungal drugs (terbinafine or fluconazole) and coconut seemed, to me, to be the best option.
I think the medical proffesion are starting to experiment with it now so it may become recognised. Think of the coconut as a delivery method for the antifungal molecules.
The spine and joints have previously been very hard to treat with pharmaceutical drugs because there is no direct blood supply to the joints. The coconut is readily absorbed into the body because of its tiny molecular size and is directed to the joints for lubrication purposes, The pharmaceutical drugs seem to piggy back a ride. Well, that's my theory.
I think it works throughout the body also, making the body more conductive. Eyes also. Seemed to clear my head aches and stigmatism in one eye after a bit of scare with loss of vision in that eye.
Hope its not too much information
Good luck
In retrospect - The particular circumstances were that I had eaten four or five bananas followed by coconut and, I think, fluconazole. It was this particular combination that had such an effect. Following this, my eyes seemed very sensitive to coconut, leading to slightly blurred vision. Maybe a bit like mild glucoma. If my memory is correct, Am I right in thinking that glaucoma is quite prevalent in the caribbean. Where there are lots of coconuts and bananas.
On re-reading this it seems like it might be a bit insulting. It wasn't mean't as so. What I should have written is 'I have read that in North America they are able to recognise and treat this problem but in the Uk not'. So, Sorry. I'm a bit dyslectic or something and it usually takes many hours and months to compose and write anything coherent and meaningful.
I've managed to avoid and write virtually nothing over my life time. It's a learning curve.