Mysterious Stomach Issues
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Hey everyone,
I've had minor stomach issues since I was a teen, but over the last few years they've gotten increasingly bad and I recently lost about 15 pounds. The issues are lack of appetite, a bloated feeling in my upper abdomen, general upset stomach, feeling uncomfortably full for up to six hours after eating, feeling like I need to burp but only being able to release small burps, burps that sound/feel a bit liquid-y (only way I can think to describe it), and some acid reflux type pain.
My anxiety has also gotten progressively worse over the years, and the two problems seem to feed off of each other. I went to the doctor after getting scared by the weight loss and they did a bunch of blood tests, but said everything looked fine. She said she thought my anxiety and stress were causing my issues and prescribed me Effexor XR. I waited a few months to start the Effexor, because I was nervous about it, but I've been on it for about 2 weeks now.
My questions for you are: Has anyone else dealt with these kinds of stomach issues? If so, was anxiety the culprit? Also, if anyone has had these and went on SSRI's or SNRI's, did it resolve your stomach issues once it helped with your anxiety?
All input is appreciated. Thanks!
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helen20833 JonSullivan
I had awful stomach issues when I first began with Anxiety Disorder and I believe it's quite common with sufferers.
Cia has given you good solid advice so there's not much more to add. I was prescribed Lansoprazole 30mg which have been a godsend but as Cia said, we also have to take responsibilty for ourselves by eating a sensible diet and more importantly never over eating.
The stomach appears to shut down when nerves come into play. Bloating and pain are the result along with heartburn and the bowels either over respond or under respond, well, that's been my personal experience. The pain can be awful. I have been known to clutch a hot water bottle and pray for it to go away ( pre meds that was ) and I don't regard myself as a coward.
As far as weight is concerned I am naturally slim but when my stomach " flared " up due to my Anxiety Disorder, my weight could plummet in a mere matter of days. I went from normal looking to anorexic looking.
I also learned to chew my food properly and eat far more slowly. Eat quickly and you swallow too much air and hey presto....the stomach reacts adversely.It still flares up now and then but to a lesser degree if I have been careless in looking after it
but not to the degree it once was.
Realizing why you have it, accepting it for what it is as opposed to frightening yourself by imagining it to be the result of some dreaded illness will do much to calm it down.
Once you take charge of your tummy you will start to see an improvement
kimberly59704 JonSullivan
cia42277 kimberly59704
helen20833 cia42277
Losing weight used to freak me out. I was forever jumping on the scales and nearly fainting when I saw that I had dropped down further. It was scary because being slim I didn't have much leeway to lose pound after pound.
"Keep off those scales! " my GP told me sternly. It was good advice, Because whilst I could see my weight drop I wasn't re-enforcing it in my mind by confirming it by constantly weighing myself
Weight loss is distressing I know
cia42277 helen20833
tess33005 JonSullivan
I think you'll find that your inability to eat is the cause of your weight loss.
SSRIs are for depression. You probably need some pepcid, if all your tests were fine.
JonSullivan tess33005
Hey Tess, I keep a fairly healthy eating regime, but my portion sizes have gone down. Being in "fight or flight" mode all the time uses a lot of energy, which compounds the issue.
SSRI's are also for anxiety, OCD, and a couple other things. I'll look into Pepcid, thanks.
tess33005 JonSullivan
Sorry, Jon - what I meant was that SSRIs are nor for stomach disorders lol. Didn't mean to be so abrupt, either - it's too hot here today and my cat keeps throwing up!
cia42277 JonSullivan
Guest JonSullivan
Hi Jon, did you ever find out what it was and did it settle? x