Mystery Symptoms

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I hope someone here possibly recognizes what might be going on with me. I'm usually a pretty healthy person, with no real medical issues. Anyway, about 2 months ago I developed shortness of breath, basically felt like my chest just closed up and I couldn't take a deep breath. At first I thought it was just anxiety but it just didnt let up. I had no other symptoms at all. Eventually got to the doctor who sent me for x Ray's and a covid test which all came back normal. She checked my vitals and oxygen levels... all good, so she sent me home with antibiotics, corticosteriods and nebuliser treatments which gave a little relief not not much. Breathing got a little better, then worse again. I went to a second doctor who checked all my vitals, all still good. She sent me for blood tests, including thyroid, iron levels, pulmonary embolism, infection and something to do with my heart, again all normal except for a slightly elevated ESR of 35, apparently normal is 30, this means that there is non infectious inflammation, but doesnt show where or what. She sent me on my way with more corticosteriods and an inhaler. So I got online and did my own research and found shortness of breath can also be attributed to acid reflux. I went back to my doctor who agreed it was a possibility. She then prescribed Nexmezol 40 (Nexium). My breathing seems to be getting better, however I have now developed stomach cramps and bloating, which I'm thinking is just side effects of the medication. What worries me is that I've had absolutely no other symptoms besides the shortness of breath. Does it seem likely that its acid reflux?

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17 Replies

  • Posted

    You should see a naturopathic doctor soon before messing more things up.

  • Posted

    i experience similar symtoms to yours..i was diagnosed with Acid reflux. and sliding Hiatus Hernia. was put on PPI and things got a bit better then it flares up again based on certain foods i had to watch my is frustrating as just about everything i ate i have a reaction.

    still struggling with dame 4 years now.

    • Posted

      Thank you for the reply. Have you been on the PPIs constantly or just when flare ups happen? What tests were done to make your diagnoses?

    • Posted

      i have been on and off of the PPI cant take them constantly...they have bad side effects like depleats calcium. only take when flares. I had an endoscopy done. and also when diag with gerd, i had Barrium test.

  • Edited

    You can get IBS like side effects from PPIs, try kefir yoghurt drink every day. Also antibiotics can give you bad stomach problems, are you still taking the antibiotics? were you given them in case you did have covid 19 or another reason?

    • Posted

      I was given a 3 day course of antibiotics at the time as the doc didnt really know what the issue was so wanted to cover all bases. I've been off them for a while now. Thanks for the tip.

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    in sorry I experiencing this

    I know it can get bad

    I m struggling now for 8 months

    started with bad indigestion, hpylari ,

    took two lots of antibiotics to get rid of it .

    still pain like pressure under my ribs and sternum , upper abdomen bloating

    feel like lump in my throat, doc said its GERD and anxiety .

    nobody listening to me

    I m.fed up and tired of it

    • Posted

      I'm so sorry, that's awful when you're told anxiety and sent on your way. The very first doctor I went to gave me valium. Didnt cross his mind to think I might be anxious because I cant breathe... I've now been told to split the dose of Nexium in two and take morning and night. Hopefully that will help with the bloating and gas.

    • Posted

      fingers crossed

      I m day 4 on lansoprazole, no any difference

      feel like a cry

    • Posted

      I'm sending hugs and loads of positive thoughts your way! The medications can take a few days to start working, so hopefully you'll start feeling better soon.

    • Edited

      Nexium not the it.

      i drink a warm glass of water with 2 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar to rid of bloating and gas. or blend or juice celery and drink first thing in morning on emty stomach. Natural remedies are soo much better than the drugs they put us on to ruin our bodies.. i hope you feel better.

    • Edited

      oops i forgot to tell you.. please do try the ginger will feel so much better. trust me on that one. wash the ginger..grater it with skin.. put in boiling hot water ..let it sit for 5 min. drink ginger is known for so many health s good for headache..pain.. nausea..digestion..gerd... let me know how you feel after..

    • Posted

      thank you so much

      just got some apple cider vinegar .on the bottle stated 2 tsp in the morning !

      did u said 2 tablespoons?

      thank u

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