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I have been dealing with nausea in and off for a few days, but I'm a little hungry if that makes sense.

Has anyone else dealt with nausea???

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48 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Jamie, yes now again feel Nausea myself but I think it could be my dry mouth or worrying to much about how I'm feeling we put with so much even this, you can suck on Lemon for this.
  • Posted

    Hi Jamie,

    I had it a lot on and off and sometimes went weeks where I couldn't decide if I was sick or hungry, I also had acid reflux.

    Ginger capsules 2 before meals and lots of ginger tea helped a lot with it and acid reflux.

    I also found making my meals a bit smaller and having a little snack when I felt queasy/hungry helped as well.

    • Posted

      That's what I feel like. I can't tell if I'm sick or hungry. I want to eat but I'm too nauseous. I'm telling you this is so annoying. I'm going to see if any shops in my area have the ginger capsules. I've been sipping ginger ale which has helped but it's still carbonation that gives me gas. Feel like I can't win for losing.
    • Posted

      When I didn't have any I wrapped ground ginger in a roll up paper and swallowed two of those instead.

      Good luck hope it helps you too.

    • Posted

      If you have a Whole Foods, Natural Grocers, or Sprouts....New Chapter has really good Ginger supplements.
    • Posted

      Ok great. I have a Whole Foods close by. I will stop and get some ginger supplements. Thanks Again..
    • Posted

      You're welcome! If your Whole Foods store has a cookie bar....that may make you feel better too! Lol😉
  • Posted

    Nausea is very much a part of menopause. I get that and I am told it is hormonal fluctuating. just never seems to end. It makes me wonder how women get through post menopause without any meds. I'd sure like to know that. But, if you really think about it, look at all the years from the very first menstrual cycle up and how long it took for our bodies to adjust to that to where we started to understand the mps symptoms....we knew when to expect that time of the month or there abouts...we got use to it but it took a long time. Now with Menopause, we are having to adjust once again to not having I said, it's just non stop for us women! 😕
    • Posted

      You are so right about that. It always feels like I have to get adjusted to something. I can usually tell when my cycle is coming. Since they have been irregular lately, I can't tell anything anymore. I have to write everything down.
    • Posted

      Hi Lynn.     Sounds like you can benefit from flax meal.  It balances hormones and reduces symptoms.   I put it on yogurt and cereal. 
    • Posted

      Yes, I have to write everything down too as memory problems (short term) is also a symptom of menopause. Unfortunately in perimenopause or menopause (everyone phrases it differently) you can't predict when your monthly cycle will be like for got used to for many years. I skipped two periods and then had one the third month....go figure. I'm also more emotional a lot of the time whereas before, I may have gotten a little emotional right before my all the time! I can certainly see how women can get health anxiety when we don't know what to expect, New symptoms freak us out and doctors play it down.
    • Posted

      I do use flax/chia on some things but I have to be careful because I have IBS. Unfortunately the typical perfect diet of nuts, seeds, fruits and veggies doesn't always help me. Lol
    • Posted

      Oh wow, me too. I was a little emotional. Now I just seem to cry like a baby at the drop of a dime for no reason. I could be talking and all of a sudden I'm tearing up. I never knew women suffered like this until I found this forum. The women around me only complained of hot flushes. It's crazy.
    • Posted

      Yes and I don't get the hot flashes, but I do everything else!😕

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