Nausea at night, can't sleep

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So a month ago I got a sinus infection, went to the doc and he gave me Amoxicillin. A week later, I lost my appetite which is not good for me because I am already small (5'7" 128lb). I stopped the antibiotics and went back in for blood and stool tests. All came back ok. A week later I went to Urgent Care because I was still not eating well, maybe 1,000-1,200 calories a day and mostly from smoothies, no large meals.  The doc there took ex-rays and found nothing. Gave me anti-acid pills (Ranitidine and Omeprazole) and sent me on my way.  For a week and half everything seemed to be going well, I was eating and sleeping ok.  I woke up a few times a night but I felt fine at elast. If I take a sleep aid, I'm out all night but I don't want to use that as a crutch.  Last night I woke up a few times feeling nauseous again, dry throat, and heart beating kinda of hard.  I'm wondering if it's the anti-acid meds my doc gave me?  Other wise I feel fine during the day, and I'm exercising regularly.  Maybe my sinus infection was actually the stomach flu and it's still hanging around?  I haven't actually thrown up from being nauseous but it's very scary when I wake up in the middle of the night with these symptoms.  Anyone experience something like this?

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36 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi amber30306

    Whatever your procedure is before you go to bed i.e whatever you eat ...whatever meds you take ....stop doing it and see is you still get naseaus.....

  • Posted

    Hi amber30306

    Try changing your routine before bedtime i.e the food you eat and meds you take and see if this makes a difference..

    • Posted

      Good idea, I will do that. I plan on not taking my Omeprazole pills any more and not eating so close to bedtime.  Last night I had orange juice and that was probably a no-no. I'm also going to stop using this vegan protein powder that I have been using daily for the last month or so to see if that's what is upsetting me.  Because I was fine before that, no stomach issues or nauseous feelings.  It just worries me that something else is going on because it seems to be dragging on for a lot longer than most illnesses.

    • Posted

      Hi amber30306

      Yes cut out the orange juice before bed and all that other stuff you mentioned..infact don't eat or drink anything after 8pm or 3 hours before bed give your digestive system time to settle...a process of elimination....i think you will find tbe nausea will disappear. If it doesn't then you will know something else is causing the nausea...

  • Posted

    Thank you everyone for your help and suggestions, I'm very grateful that I found this forum.  I had a pretty good night.  I ate 2 hours before bed, and I took a ginger root pill, Zzzquil and a Ranitidine.  I woke up once but wasn't nauseous.  So that's good progress!  Tonight I will try the same thing but without the Zzzquil and see what happens.  And this morning is the first where I am not taking the Omeprazole so I hope that I don't get any bad withdrawal symptoms since I've only been taking it for 2 weeks. I will keep everyone updated on my progress and let you know what works best for me in the hopes that it could help someone else having similar issues.

    • Posted

      Stopping omeprazole may have stopped the nausea.  When I came off omeprazole, I had no side effects.  Some people can get rebound symptoms if they come off it quickly but others don’t.
    • Posted

      Yesterday was a first full day without Omeprazole and it was a little rough.  My stomach was a little upset but I felt better later in the evening.  I took and anti-nausea pill and ginger root pill before bed.  I woke up once during the night but didn't feel nauseous.  This morning I feel great so far.  I hope it continues because I'd like to stop taking so many pills.  I took a B complex and a probiotic when I got up and that was it.  I will probably keep taking the probiotic in the morning for a few weeks, and the ginger root at night.  After a few weeks, I will stop everything and hope I'm all healed up.

    • Posted

      It may be you are already healed up since you are not nauseous now and your appetite is back.  Nausea and poor appetite can also be anxiety symptoms. Try listening to music or reading before going to bed instead of taking all these meds. If this works, your nausea might have been due to anxiety.  Medications can cause side effects.
    • Posted

      Thank you. I haven't had nausea for 3 nights now but I keep waking up several times a night & is hard to fall back asleep. Also when I'm sitting or relaxing, my limbs will randomly feel like they are losing circulation or feeling cold. Never had that feeling before. I am not diabetic. I've only been taking ginger root pills twice a day, probiotics and B Super Complex. Could any of these cause that feeling?

    • Posted

      Hi amber30306

      Have you read the side effects of B super complex on the instruction leaflet that came with the supplement...B complex supplements can cause circulation probs and pins and needles if you are taking too much or you have high levels in your body ...check the instruction leaflet...

    • Posted

      Interesting, I have not read this or seen it on the bottle. But I will stop taking them and see what happens.
    • Posted

      I have neuropathy in both my arms and hands due to injury and it is often worse at night.  You could try coming off these supplements to see if these sensations go away.  That would be the best way of finding out.

      I tried supplements to see if it got rid of the neuralgia but it did nothing.  So all I can do is put up with it unless I hear of something that is proven to work.

      Try avoiding drinking tea at night if you do because it is a stimulant that can keep you awake.  Try listening to relaxing music if you wake up or read until you go back to sleep.

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      I did a quick google and it said that some B vitamins can cause tingling and anxiety or restlessness.  You said that that you were having restlessness at night.  Maybe that’s the cause of waking up and having trouble sleeping again
    • Posted

      I spoke to my bro-in-law who is a doctor and he suggested melatonin tabs to help me stay asleep. Sounds promising so I am getting some today. My appetite is starting to suffer again, probably from lack of sleep and anxiety on top of that. I also see my therapist on Tuesday and am going to look into volunteering. I hope I get better soon because this is very worrysom and stressful. I appreciate all your suggestions & would like to hear any that could help my anxiety.

    • Posted

      The best way of treating anxiety is to try distraction techniques to take your mind off whatever you are worrying about.  Ask your therpist about relaxation therapy, CBT or hypnotherapy.  Meditation may also help.  Anxiety can be treated naturally

      If you are prone to anxiety, this will affect your sleep. In turn, worrying about not sleeping properly will exacerbate the problem.   Stress will cause appetite problems and nausea too.  Taking a lot of supplements will not address the underlying problem of your anxiety.  They can cause problems of their own with side effects.

      Anxiety is your main problems which is likely causing all the other ones too.  Doctors often want to medicate us all  but in some cases, a natural approach works better.

    • Posted

      So I went to the doc again today because I keep waking up feeling nauseous.  After telling her everything that's been going on, we came to 2 conclusions; my nausea is from my bowels being backed up. She suggested Miralax for a few days.  Second, my waking up at night is from nicotine withdrawal, I quit about 12 days ago.  I hope she is right.  She took blood to test my thyroid and I have to give a stool sample to test for H Plyori.  I will update you all when I get those results back.  Until then, has anyone had H Plyori?  And if so, did your symptoms sound similar? What worked best as a treatment for you?

    • Posted

      Luckily I tested negative for h pylori.  You could try a nicotine patch, spray or gum to help with your cravings. I have had nausea from constipation which clears up when you get your bowel moving with either lots of fruit or a laxative.
    • Posted

      Thyroid checked out ok. I was researching and found something called a salt water cleanse, has anyone ever tried this?  I just need a backup if the Miralax doesn't work.  I was planning on trying it this weekend to see if it will clean me out better than Miralax.

    • Posted

      I would try the Miralax and see if it works first of all before trying anything else.  You will only know if it works by trying it. Your doctor has recommended it so I would trust what your doctor has advised. Go back to your doctor if it doesn’t work.

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