Nausea waking up
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Feel sick all the time but especially these last few weeks it's unbearable when I wake up. Gradually gets better sometimes but even if I doze off for a hour I wake up feeling absolutely dreadful
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14geronimo dan48682
I'm a middle-aged man, not under- or over-weight, vegetarian. I do some sport and a little meditation daily, don’t smoke, only occasionally drink alcohol. I've seen 3 or 4 GPs on this and I've had every test in the world - I can only say good things about the NHS about that: specialist consultations, ultrasound scan, endoscopy with biopsies, blood and stool tests, nothing found. I've been given Buscopan, Spasfon, proton-pump inhibitors like omeprazole, Colpermin, all more ineffective as the next one. The final diagnostic was anxiety-related IBS, which I don't really understand, but most importantly I wasn't given any treatment to deal with it, whether of diet change, medicine or activities to do.
Things I’ve tried more or less successfully since – no miracle yet I’m afraid:
— I sometimes warm a wheat bag before going to bed but I know it’s more for reassurance than real effect.
— When woken up in the middle of the night I might take a glass of cold milk with an ice-cube and a spoon of dissolved sugar, but this only relieves the immediate pain, it doesn’t help in the long run.
— I have taken activated charcoal tablets like Charbon de Belloc. But it has side-effects and I feel it’s only helping with belching/trapped gas, not resolving the cause of it.
— The only thing that seems to really help is… inhalations! I have one before going to bed with a drop of Balsofumine or similar. I remain over the bowl of very warm water for about 10 min. This seems to help when done regularly, but it’s no magic either.
I’ll try the acidophilus/aloe vera juice/lemon juice recommendation next.
dan48682 14geronimo
Its definitely got wrose last 10 days
Like you its affecting me as the most I've slept is 2 hours. Then awake feeling horrible again so I'm tired too and affecting me badly. My gp won't do endoscopy so having to make do with barium x ray. Can't work out why it's worse when I've been sleeping.
I've been given every anti emetic going plus all the tablets you list but nothing. Got pain in my upper stomach. Bladder area and lost 4lbs since the colonscopy. Also stomach is tender lower stomach bladder area too when I press it
I honestly thought the colonscopy would be the start of a new life. I've got an appointment with gp in a few days but can't see what he can do. Gaviscon eases for a while when I'm awake but it's coming to the point where I'm dreading going to sleep as I know what's coming
Take now for instance fell asleep 10.20 woke up and it was only 11.30am and felt really sick. Even sleeping tablets only give me 2 hours max before I wake
dan48682 14geronimo
14geronimo dan48682
PS: I've ordered the aloe vera juice and acidophilus probiotic tablets. I'll post here in a few weeks if I notice an improvement.
dan48682 14geronimo
susan15198 dan48682
14geronimo susan15198
I mix the juice of a fresh lemon, 25 ml (a cap) of organic aloe vera juice and a teaspoon of clear honey, which I drink with one tablet of loctobacillus acidophilus, generally at the start of my diner in the evening. I'm ever so grateful for sharing this simple remedy. I eat normally again: I still avoid too much fibre at diner-time, but probably out of irrational fear. In any case this is a neat improvement from a bowl of white rice on the best days, or complete diet on the others.
My nights (and my life) are a bliss thanks to you!
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juswading 14geronimo
ann55375 dan48682
ronnie818 dan48682
Recently I was given methylprednisolone ( a steroid) and I couldn't finish it because of severe side effects only took two days of a six-day course and since then I've been getting up in the middle of the night every night with nausea for no reason I stopped any and all medication thinking that was what was causing the nausea I stopped eating but once a day earlier in the afternoons I am at the end of my rope I'm scared to sleep too so I feel ya did you take any steroids as well ? The doctors were to me that the steroid is out of my system and this isn't what's causing my nausea . But I spoke to many many many people who have taken the steroid regimen and they all swear it is the cause of many side effects that linger for weeks sometimes months they call it the medication from hell !
claudia270501 dan48682
My little brother has a similar thing (I think, he doesn't talk about it much but I ave gleaned from him mostly what you have said). Have you tried the acidophilus/aloe/lemon concoction? And if so did it work? A lot of people have said that it does and so I would just like to know if this is something I could suggest.
Thank you
Nisca dan48682
Have you had your Vitamin D levels checked? I had similar experience and found out that I had a sever Vit D deficiency. It's taking months to recover, but I feel a LOT better since getting that diagnosis and treatment plan.
khae32024 dan48682
Hello Dan... I am 25yo n I have been having the same problem for about 3-4months now.. I've read thru all the suggestions and I am grateful for you sharing and the help th community offered. However, how are you now?? 2yrs after ....not sure if u still use this