Nearly 3 years of Mirtaz made things worse
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Hi guys.
Just wanted to start by saying that these forums are fantastic for making you feel like you're not alone on this journey. So thanks to everyone who has shared their story. I've been reading them for a while on here and decided to sign up.
This is my personal story.
I was put on Mirtazapine about two and a half years ago (at some point in early 2015) for anxiety and slight depression. I felt like I was struggling a lot in social situations, sweating a lot, and having a general feeling of panic. I saw a GP and she prescribed this to me as a 'light soother' or something along those lines. I know it's my responsibility to read things, but I was stupid and started taking it without a second thought. The GP didn't describe the side effects etc at all and I didn't ask. I guess I was desperate for some relief.
Anyone, to not go on too much, the short story is that Mirtazapine 15mg made my anxiety and depression significantly worse. I only started getting full on panic attacks after I started taking Mirtaz and I feel into a deep depression with serious suicidal ideation after about a year of being on it. Here's the stupid thing, even after these episodes, my doctors tried other anti-depressants, and I hated them so they told me to stay on Mirtaz. And I did, and things got slightly better as more time went on, but I absolutely hated the way it made me feel. Tired, drowsy, pale, lack of energy, honestly it's been pretty horrible.
So I this year I decided to go off it. The problem is when I go off it I get terrible IBS. So I've fluctuated on and off for about 3 months. Now I'm at the point where I am convinced I need to get off it, so I've decided to tough out the IBS - try natural remedies etc - and get off this awful drug.
Today I woke up after taking it late last night, and I felt absolutely dreadful. Depersonalised, headaches, nightmares, tight throat, etc etc. I haven't done anything because of how s**t I feel today, so it's taking it's toll.
I know that other people have experienced similar things, and I'm just wondering if anyone felt better after being on it for years and then stopping? And whether anyone had these intense reactions to Mirtaz?
I should also mention that I'm in a much better headspace now than when I went on the pill. Much more positive and hopeful, so I think it's a good time to get off.
2 likes, 22 replies
Pudsey67 JoeB90
drew17 JoeB90
JoeB90 drew17
Really interesting Drew. Yeah, I've read nothing but bad things about it. Do you have a link to that post? Would like to read.
Thanks for your reply.
barbara63681 JoeB90
JoeB90 barbara63681
Hi Barbara.
That's interesting about the Lavender oil. Can I ask what you do with it?
I think therapy is a really good idea. It's something I need to start doing again, as I used to do it quite regularly but have now stopped. When I was doing it though, I really noticed the difference.
Thanks so much for sharing your story. Did your GP end up suggesting a higher dose? I had a GP recommend the same for me once, and told me that the higher the dose, the less the side effects. Don't know how true that is...
barbara63681 JoeB90
It for 6 weeks then we will decide.
I am starting therapy in January.
JoeB90 barbara63681
Thanks for that. I'm definitely going to give that a try.
That's really good about therapy! Well done. And I'm glad your GP didn't increase the dose. I really hope it works out for you :-)
barbara63681 JoeB90
Thanks for the encouragement.
Be kind to yourself
randy70524 JoeB90
JoeB90 randy70524
I would also be interested to hear if anyone has found a better alternative. I'm sure there are threads already on this forum about it as well.
Randy, I'm no health professional, but I would suggest talking to your GP about it for sure.
sarah24378 JoeB90
I am on mirt snd venlaflaxine. On 45mg now and i m sure it is making me worse. I am tired alot and get constant tension headaches particularly on the left side.
I want off but it will take 2 years to reduce at 10% every 4 weeks. Im not sure if it is causing my symptoms but i feel my life is on hold.
Gretel sarah24378
Are you benefiting from the mirt?
sarah24378 Gretel
JoeB90 sarah24378
Can I ask, what is Venlaflaxine, and is it something commonly used with MIrtaz?
sarah24378 JoeB90