Neck and shoulders now!
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Hello everyone, along with everything else does anyone's neck and shoulders really ache and feel heavy grindy and bulky ? So tired of focusing on all these horrid symptoms but every day there's something. Health anxieth kicking off big time over everything , I can't help it as I really DONT want to feel like this. Starting counselling on Monday and freaking out about that too, I know I'm beyond help, I really can't see how talking can get me through this ? Thanks x
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jess101 Fairy28
I'm sure it will help Lou...(counselling) just reading these posts seems to have some benefits too. Someone reading this now will get back to you if they are having the same troubles. Hang in there. Jess x
Fairy28 jess101
thanks jess, I think sometimes we all need a little reassurance when these symptoms get ontop of us and it's good to have so many lovely friends here who I do regard as friends as you and people like you are always here. Thanks and take care x
Sochima822 Fairy28
Hi Lou, I remember the neck & shoulder aches, and heaviness. I would put epsom salt water on my neck and shoulders, and that would alleviate that feeling. Counseling didn't help at all. Sorry but trying to control your hormones is where the counseling needs to be directed towards. Especially at a time when everything in your mind and body is going haywire because your hormones are off sync. But if you think it will help more power to you. xx
Fairy28 Sochima822
Thank you for that - ive been rubbing tiger balm in aswell which gives some relief but it comes back ! Yes the Epsom salts was also mentioned by a friend so I'll get some now. - also a bit sceptical regards the counselling but that's for other long term issues aswell, we'll see. Thank you x
cynthia00141 Fairy28
I have the achy body too. It's the estrogen dropping according to a doctor I talked to specializing in menopause. Like someone said above, you need to work on balancing hormones over talk therapy. That can come later. Doctors prescribe Ambien for sleep and anti-depressants for depression when in fact, it's our hormones that are out of whack during this time. Eating clean and exercising is the best thing you can do for yourself along with a little progesterone cream. That's what I'm doing.
cynthia00141 Fairy28
I have the achy body too. It's the estrogen dropping according to a doctor I talked to specializing in menopause. Like someone said above, you need to work on balancing hormones over talk therapy. That can come later. Doctors prescribe Ambien for sleep and anti-depressants for depression when in fact, it's our hormones that are out of whack during this time. Eating clean and exercising is the best thing you can do for yourself along with a little USP progesterone cream. That's what I'm doing.
cynthia00141 Fairy28
I've got the achy body too but mine are my feet, lower back and arms. I was told by a doctor it's most likely caused from the loss of estrogen. Like someone said above, you need to work on hormone balancing first. Talk therapy might help after, but right now that's just a band-aid just like Ambien is for sleep or Prozac is for depression. Hormones are where it started. You want to look at having a clean diet and doing exercise.
Fairy28 cynthia00141
Thanks Cynthia yes im sure it is hormones or lack of ! what does a flipping hormone even look like I wonder ! a tiny little enemy playing havoc with our lives , I'd like to have a good talk to them and tell me to leave me alone and let me be normal ! Whatever normal is ! X
paisleygirl Fairy28
Hi lou ...I have the neck pain and my neck feels very stiff some days and when I turn my head from side to side I have this horrible grinding sound too...but I notice that it is only sometimes and not others I also have my whole ribcage feels alive it's very painful at times and extremely uncomfortable ....your not alone with your anxiety that's for sure I am always thinking that I have every disease known to man when things act up ....hold on one day we will all get through this ...I have started to look at older women as proof that we do indeed make it out alive ...hope you start to feel some relief from these horrible symptoms
Fairy28 paisleygirl
Thank you for that and im sorry you're suffering too. You make an excellent point actually that im so wrapped up in anxiety to even think about - look at older women! they are so amazing, strong and still here ! We will survive this just as many thousands of other ladies have so thank you you've made a very good point 😉
paisleygirl Fairy28
no worries believe me it's taken me a very long time to come to that conclusion myself and even still it is hard to think that way in the midst of severe anxiety but that's what I have tried to start doing now and it is helping me ....wishing you all the best and hope you get some relief from all this nastiness real soon
becky53379 paisleygirl
Thats a great way to think. I need to start looking at the older ladies that way
Whatever gets us through this right?! Thank you
2chr2015 paisleygirl
Me too. When I see spunky older women at the gym and at church it gives me hope. One day I will get up the courage to ask them how they did it. Probably be my luck that they would be offended and say they haven't been through menopause or no help because they didn't have any symptoms. Lol. Some days are so hard, I just want to give up! I don't want to feel this way forever. And I really would love to be a source of support when o do make it for others going through this rough patch of our life.
becky53379 2chr2015
paisleygirl 2chr2015
some days are extremely hard I thought I was done with this then bam I hit 60 and it's all back and severe so I'm having a hard time with it all right now but trying to tell myself that it's all normal that I will survive and one day I will be one of those older ladies in their 70's that is on the other side of it all...although I'm not in a hurry to get older lol and it's true when you talk to some older ladies a lot of them say "oh I sailed right through with not much problem at all" my own mother is one of them makes me wonder what is so different today ..maybe all the chemicals we have been ingesting throughout our lives that they didn't ?