Neck and shoulders now!

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Hello everyone, along with everything else does anyone's neck and shoulders really ache and feel heavy grindy and bulky ? So tired of focusing on all these horrid symptoms but every day there's something. Health anxieth kicking off big time over everything , I can't help it as I really DONT want to feel like this. Starting counselling on Monday and freaking out about that too, I know I'm beyond help, I really can't see how talking can get me through this ? Thanks x

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31 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Lou, Im sorry that you are feeling this way right now. My neck, jaw and shoulder are feeling that way. Its been a few days of this and it goes into my arm too. Ugh! I know that mine is anxiety because I keep pushing myself to do more and more. Then I feel mentally overwhelmed. You are not alone with this and you are not beyond help either. Remember that God gave you a sound mind.....even though we do not always feel that way right now. I hope that your day is going better and Im always praying for you and all of us smile

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      My jaw too. I didn't know what that was! My shoulder had been aching a couple of weeks ago and then I noticed a small lump and dent in my muscle just below my shoulder. I am pretty sure I have a partial tear of my bicep tendon. My doctor poopooed it and said its a strain and told me that bicep tears happen at the elbow. Which is incorrect. They can, but usually with an injury. They most commonly detach at the shoulder. He said ice and Motrin. I'm like whatever. I mean really I have a dent and lump in my muscle on one arm and not the other!! With pain/aching. I am pretty sure I am changing primary care doc. Anyways what I was getting at, is I don't remember doing anything that caused it or heard a pop or anything, so it may have been gradual and I am really hoping that it's an effect of these hormones on my tendons that caused it rather than something more serious. I will eventually get it checked by ortho. I used to be an ortho nurse...and really wanted to argue with him, but didn't have the energy to even go there

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      morning becky , yes mentally overwhelmed - surgical menopause is absoloute hell and half the time I don't know what im doing or where im supposed to be, this morning I overslept and the fone woke me up it was my daughter , I was in a total trance and had to ask her what day of the week it was seriously I didn't have a clue, it's gone 10 am now and still feel like ' where the hell am I and what am I doing ' - im trying hard to be alive and with it but just can't get there - my heads completley gone sad. X

  • Posted

    Oh Lou.

    Yes you sound like me! Neck and back tension between my shoulder blades. Recently I have also noticed pain across the kidney area. Blood tests show kidneys are fine. So I am assuming that is muscular too. You can google Perimenopause and muscle tension and there are some good articles out there. Just don't google too much! I have the same issue with the health anxiety. Every new symptom is something devastating and off to the doctor I go. My quality of life is really suffering right now. I feel beyond help too. Lol. My AD doesn't seem to be working, so all I can do is take my anti anxiety pill and try to get a little exercise. Nothing too strenuous. Please don't feel alone. Weird symptoms, anxiety= Perimenopause. Hopefully😁🙏

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    I have also got in the sauna at the gym a couple of times. I can only stay about 5 minutes max, but they say it is supposed to relax your muscles. It didn't do anything for me. So, I decided I really don't want to sit in a 150degree room and then walk outside to 105 degree heat index. 😳 The Epsom salt bath did help, but makes me very tired. So I would only do before bed. I hope you get some relief soon

  • Posted

    Hiya I'm so sorry you have all these aches and pains and I just wanted to let you know I do too. My whole neck back and shoulders are so very sore and locked up at times-especially when I get up in the morning. I also have stiff elbows and my index finger joint on each hand are also achy and painful lately. Been panicking it's arthritis but maybe it is peri? I'm 51 and trying not to panic as I know there are so many of us ladies coping with this.

    I've tried to up my exercise, change my pillows and eat clean but maybe I actually need a little progesterone? Can we get this from the docs? Xxxx

    • Posted

      Hi LOUISE ! Not sure about progesterone in fact don't have a clue about anything anymore I don't even know what day of the week it is, bad. I did the pillow thing too and spent a lot of money on a pure goose down pillow, aaahhhh so so soft, waste of time and money - made NO difference at all, so it's not the pillow its me ! It's all me and these damm hormones or lack of - good job we have each other x

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      Yeah pillows aren't cheap I know and I've tried them all too. Just sat in bed typing this with the usual achy shoulder kicking in for the day. I'm going to try yoga and massage next as I just need some relief for a bit as its really getting me down. I feel 80! Don't know what to do about my hands and finger joints do will go to docs and see what they say. I am also going to try calcium, primrose and cod liver oil supplements.

      So good to know it's not only me that gets this though - hope you get some relief soon too Hun xxxx

  • Posted

    I've got the neck shoulder head pain bad.... I feel it's because the anxiety for sure. The reason I say that is because if I somehow manage to forget about my obssessing over anxiety I'll think to myself, hey my neck and head don't hurt so bad anymore...then I'm reminded it's because I stopped thinking about having a panic attack for a while, then bam I just started thinking about it again. It's a vicious cycle.

    • Posted

      Sorry, I just saw neck head ache pain and related it to my anxiety... Just realized I'm in the wrong discussion. Sorry

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      im so the same, if it's not my neck and shoulders im obsessing about its my stomach or my chest or something else - every day 24/7 obsessing over all the horrid things all the time, trying so hard to be reasonable and sensible but everything's taking over and today I don't even know where I am or what day off he week it is, I only know it's Sunday because my daughter told me ! X

  • Posted

    Hi lou i did counselling last year and im really glad i did it gave me lots of pointers to dealing with my health anxiety. I am no way thru the menopause but deal with the symptoms in a lot calmer and relaxed way . Its the best thing i ever did i was same as you thought it wouldnt help but it does. It has made my day to day life so much easier good luck and hope it helps you too x
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      Aw thanks so much for that , gives me more confidence to go. Yes dealing with it all is the hard thing, tried everything else and his is last resort for me so I really hope for good results otherwise I'll be in a right old mess ! X

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      Keep us updated please because I also deal with the health anxiety. I do go to therapy, but haven't really addressed it much.

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      Yes I will - sorry you suffer same thing, not much fun .
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      Hi. Can you share some of those pointers? I will try anything to help with the health anxiety. Thank you and hugs

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