Neck pain and AWFUL headaches for 2 weeks after chiro?
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Hi there, does anyone have any idea what might have happened to me?
2 weeks ago I was advised to go and see a chiropractor for a shoulder problem I was having. He said he thought I had a trapped nerve in the C7 region. I said I only wanted conservative treatment so he used the adjustor (the little device that clicks and knocks agains your skin if you've seen one) down my neck to try and shift the nerve.
When I got up from the table, I felt a woosh of heat and a throbbing pain at the back of my skull. My whole head felt pressurised and my neck was very stiff. The next day i had the same feeling, as though someone had punched me in the head and feeling dizzy etc.
Now it's two weeks later and no better. The pain travels from the base of my skull and is like a stabbing behind my eye.
I should mention this is all on the left hand side. I had to go to a and e it was so bad at one point and after basic tests they said I had just strained my neck and to take naproxin. This is NOT a neck strain! The head pressure is like a dull feeling over my whole head but particularly at the C1 area and behind my eye and is constant but ranges from tolerable to unbarable.
My chiro said I must just have a sensitive neck..
Has anyone had anything like this happen to them? I'm totally open to all ideas from anyone! Could it be that he somehow moved a nerve which is now causing optical neuralgia maybe?
Thanks for any responses!
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kathee58019 jenniertlewis
Did your Chiro recheck you to see if your adjustment was correct or maybe it slipped out? I went to a chiropractor for three months almost three times a week trying to get my hip straight. He used the same instrument you had and sometimes my adjustment would slip out before I left the office. If they don't get it right, this can happen. It took several weeks of being adjusted repeatedly before my adjustment would hold for more than a couple of days. If your chiro won't recheck you, I would go to a different one, but I would first let him know there is a problem. I was lucky, my chiro really listened to me and was very attentive.
Good luck,
Gerry_the_neck jenniertlewis
Sorry to hear about your headaches and neck pain. If your Chiro was right about the C7 issue, then it would seem that the treatment you underwent had the effect of further aggravating a 'possibly' trapped nerve, That would explain the issues you've experienced since treatment. There's no real guaranteed method of restoring an 'unthreatened' status, except maybe to not irritate it further, and allow it to settle back with time. The symptoms should ease off gradually as the nerve settles down. You could try sleeping in different positions, or try sleeping on a sofa for a couple of nights, as the symptoms can increase or decrease according to sleeping arrangements. Try using a pillow which offers max comfort....that should help. If you can ease off the headaches first, the rest will settle in its own time. I don't think you can expect further treatments to do anything except maybe extend the duration of the symptoms. Might be worth asking your GP for a referral for MRI scan of neck area, as that might reveal any C/S problem.
My physio said everything was in line in my cervical spine and that she doesn't think there is a trapped nerve in my neck causing the problems, more that my pec minor is really tight and unable to contract properly, causing my shoulder joint to become overworked and constricting the nerves around the brachiel plexus.
It feels like a nerve is exposed in my neck and the second I touch it all my symptoms come on! Thanks Gerrytheneck I will check out water pillows and talk to the GP today.
Gerry_the_neck jenniertlewis
maureen_65564 jenniertlewis
I've been to several throughout my life and trust me when I say I've had bad ones!
Sounds like this one is no exception!
He/She it sounds like,maybe over corrected or impinge something!
Move on to one who listens!
kevsviks10 jenniertlewis
vj87394 jenniertlewis
Did you pain go away? I'm in the same situation with a neck adjustment
. What did you do to help? Thanks.
afd1469 jenniertlewis
Hey Guys,
I am having this exact experience now. It's been two weeks. The headache's went away after 9 days: no headache for 4 days, and I thought I was cured. Then BAM! The headache came back with a vengence two days ago and it's weakened and lingered.
This was 100% caused by an overadjustment by the chiropractor, and he admitted it. Of course, his treatment is ice, stretches, and more adjustments. I am so mad, because i did not know he was going to adjust my neck and I don't see a chiro for that, I go for deep tissue work.
Just seeing if anyone has had any relief from this. Thanks!
julio42427 afd1469
repair54218 afd1469
kevsviks10 jenniertlewis
In the last six yrs I've had 3 cervical spine surgeries and when I heal from the last one I have one more. The pressure you are feeling is what is also know as a stress head ache. the issue starts with the c1-c2 area muscles in spasm. When I get them They pretty much last long time periods and end up with me throwing up. I found the easyest way to get fast relief is get in the shower with the water as hot as I can stand it. Stand just under the shower head and let the water directly run over the back side of the crown of your scalp. stand still close your eyes and I promise as the water runs over yor head you will fill relief within seconds. I cant promise the pain won't return however if its as painfull as the ones If I can get 10min. relief can feel heavenly. I know this will give you a little help I wish I knew of a longer term solution. good luck
charnelle_95218 jenniertlewis
Anyone else experiencing this you may want to go & check that it is not VBA , which can after neck manipulation. Better to be safe than sorry
laura48798 charnelle_95218
endre jenniertlewis
Try rolling on a basketball with your neck on the side and back. it should make popping sounds and cracking sounds.
also support your rib cage with pillows and face put on a pillow try SLOWLY putting pressure with your hand on your head in rotational or shifting motion.
this should pull the muscles that are tied down.
also roll on a basketball with your spine.
also i tried tapping my head against the carpet on the floor with a hood on my head. this should loosen up your tension in the head. small taps also if it is too painful don't do it.
these exercises should be followed by a phase of healing inflammation. you should wait until that settles before you do it again.
robidoo jenniertlewis