Neck pain, dizziness,!
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The neckpain I have been experiencing for several years now (chiropractor helped but as of last year stopped helping my pain), the dizziness came on last fall and stopped me from going on my usual jogs. Then came the light headed feeling (yay, not!). I tried taking pain killers (Ibprofen), getting blood work done, cat scan, and all that jazz. Never had I seen my doctor so much or racked up my medical bill. I am currently seeing a phyiscal therapist for my neck pain (helping somewhat), but the dizziness continues. I am seeing an ear, nose, and throat specialist but they are booked until mid-May (another downer!). I am so beyond frustrated because people really don't get when I say "I have bad days and ok days". I can't even work out without feeling like I am going to pass out and I can hardly keep up with my daughter. I want myself back and the doctors are not helping and I just want to feel relief. Someone please enlighten me.
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ben99468 Tiny2010
Please use good judgement and seek PROFESSIONAL attention. There are at least a dozen things the human brain can feel dizzy or light headed from, like:
1). Vitimin B-12 defficiancy
2.) Water on the Brain
3). Ménière's disease
4). Labyrinthitis
5). Pinched Nerve
6). Vestibular Nerve damage
7). Imbalanced blood ph
8). Nystagmus
9). Lack of oxygen
10). Lack of quality sleep
11). Sleep Apnea
12). BPPV
and more I'm sure.
So, you know the routine, you have to go through all the resources and have things ruled out methodically, one by one. It takes time and hopefully you will get a diagnosis befor you go through too many, so take heart and keep a positive attitude, but keep your appointments and seek referals.
In my case, after extended effort to reduce the dizziness, I didn't believe my diagnosis, so I sought even more help. I went for a 2nd opinion and now they have revised my diagnosis. So stick with the program and keep on trying to get to the bottom of professional help.
Tiny2010 ben99468
I am going through the process of elimination right now but I am just becoming impatient as I have been dealing with this since last fall and it took my doctor a while to finally refer me to physical therapy and the ear, nose, and throat specialist. It is dificult to keep positive and no one around me seems to care nor have compassion-not that I need someone to feel bad for me but someone relating and understanding is nice. People think I am fine because they dont see what is going on on the inside. I am in constant pain and constantly dizzy. I do not have good days, but rather "ok" and "bad" days.
If you dont mind me asking, what is your diagnosis?
ben99468 Tiny2010
Hi Tiny,
I don't mind at all. I will also give you some details of what I am experiencing and what I am trying to do about it.
After the 2nd opinion I have now been diagnosed with No. 6 from the list: Vestibular Nerve Damage. I was diagnosed with No. 3, Ménière's disease. I took the pills suggested, Lipoflavonoid" and cut out Salt, Sugar, Caffeine, Alcohol and went to therapy for 5 weeks. When it didn't seem to make me better, I asked my doctor ( general practitioner) what to do and he suggested we get another opinion.
I live in the U.S.A. and my health care costs are paid for by my employer, and they have their rules, so I just let the doctor suggest what to do and he got me in to see a group that specializes in ear trouble at the University of Michigan School of Medicine Hospital in Ann Arbor Michigan. There I received more of the same tests and a couple new ones, and was given some eye exercises to do. No drugs. They told me not to take the anti vertigo medicine, because it will stall the process of regeneration. I wonder about that though, I think they don't want dependency. Either way, the pills don't do anything that I can tell, so I don't take any, just my vitamins.
Tiny, I don't want to appear to be pessimistic, but I still have the same feeling all the time. I too have bad days and then worse days, depending upon what I try to do. To describe the feeling; there just seems to be a sort of Busy feeling going on inside my head and it is distracting to the point where it interferes with concentration. I don't see double anymore ( maybe that is progress) but my eyes don't seem to both look at the same thing all the time, and everything just seems to be too busy. What ever I am doing I get fatigued, then like a child, I get rambunctious and start tripping over things and knocking things over. If I sit down the feeling subsides somewhat, but the only thing that relieves the feeling of fatigue and anxiety for me is to stop what ever I am doing and lie down for a while. Sometimes I even fall asleep, even though I have rested well at night, the relief from the feeling that I am a total disaster sometimes puts me right to sleep. Perhaps I am over doing it befor I stop for a break, I don't know.
When I attempt to do something, I usually set up a chair where I can sit down every few minutes ( as in 2 or 3 minutes). But, then I forget that I am handicapped, or maybe I get bull-headed and stubborn and refuse to stop until I over do it and then I have to stop altogether. It is my own form of Therapy that I try to do things that I used to do befor this disease hit me, and I am my own person, I have no one ( and glad of it, it would be very embarassing to have someone see me as I am) I am alone in my struggle, so I go at my own pace and sometimes I become agitated with myself because I am progressing so slowly and I can't do the things I used to do.
So, if you can understand that for me at least, it is going to take a while I would say befor I am going to be more like normal. My own attitude is that it could be a lot worse; I could have cancer or Alzheimer's, so I take heart and keep thinking I will regain my previous life and all will be well someday. I just wish it would be soon.
Good Luck and Good Day
abhishekshah ben99468
For me vertigo isnt much of an issue, its more or less vision issues mixed with nausea + a bit of vertigo.
Specially if i try working out or lifting weights.
Well it all started after a heavy shoulder day when i started heavyness or fullness in the ear.
Ben if you dont mind me asking can you please tell me the test you did to figure out that you have nerve damage?
Thank you
ben99468 abhishekshah
I would be glad to tell you what test I did to find out that I have Vestibular Neuritis but it was not one test. It is not that simple, it involves doing several tests and "ruling out" other possibilities. I can tell you what battery of tests ( or at least some of them) that I have had done to make the determination though.
1). A simple hearing test
2). All of the different maneuvers, like Semont, Eply, Brandt-Darroff, Reverse somersault,
3). Electronystagmography
4). Vestibular evoked myogenic potentials
5). MRI
And there were others. Some testing was to determine if there was a relationship between any drugs that may cause a dizziness, stroke, heart rate, blood ph etc.
I was strapped into a chair and spun in different directions and then stood in a small booth that the floor and walls shifted while I tried to maintain balance. They blew hot and cold air into my ears and made pounding noises in both ears while my eye movements were recorded to analysis.
So as you can see, there are a lot of tests that I did to "rule out" the different possibilites. The doctors wanted to make sure I was not being affected all the other things that can cause dizziness befor they were satisfied to make the diagnosis.
Abhi, I would like to give you a web site url to go and read some more of what I have just described. I will give you the website in a different post because they will not let a web page url go through without scrutiny and it would hold up what I have written here for quite some time. So in another post I will give you the url and when it finally clears the screening process please go there and just skim the different topics and delve into the ones you want to read more about, like diagnosis and treatment etc.
OK? I hope for the best for you. Ask anything you'd like, I will try to answer you.
Look for the next post from me:
ben99468 abhishekshah
The url is-->>
If you can get to this site it explains a lot, in underestandable terms, that you can do and what to expect.
Good Luck
Tiny2010 ben99468
thanks for responding. As frustrating as what we are going through is, it is nice to relate to someone who feels my pain. When I try to tell my family and friends and even co-workers they don't really seem to comprehend what I am saying. I am beyond frustrated with my condition and am wondering when I will feel better and if the next specialist in May will help me. I am struggling just to do the ordinary, everything stuff. I can't even work out without feeling like I am going to pass out. I liked how you described how it feels in your head, the "busy" feeling. I too get exhausted easily and think its from the constant headaches and dizziness. I am trying not to become depressed but I feel myself feeling hopeless sometimes.
abhishekshah ben99468
Thank you again Ben, you have been super helpful.
Marialovessun Tiny2010
Deni123 Tiny2010
Hi you have just written exactly what I am going through!!
Mine started a year ago and I've suffered every single day. I've had blood tests, MRI which showed a slight sinus infection, ENT specialist said vestibular migraine which I can't except. Have been to GP so many times and feel I'm banging my head against a brick wall!! He keeps prescribing antidepressants which I have had bad side effects with so won't take them...ENT sent me for a balance test which came back with a slight inner ear imbalance the exercises they have me make me feel worse.
they then referred me to a neurologist, he sent me for an MRI on my neck, I'm currently waiting for the results.
So your not on your own, I know exactly what yoyr going through, it's awful, no one understands!! Or I can't explain it properly!!
amanda48965 Deni123
rocksolid Tiny2010
I have the same thing as you nd I am going on yr 4 with it. Every day, all the time spaced out. I think it might be me scm Muscle which is in your neck. Do some reasearch on the SCM muscle, it could be your problem. I have been to a person that does dry needling ( another thing to reseach) It has not helped much yet but I hear it can help if that is your problem.
veemae80819 Tiny2010
Sorry to hear you are suffering in this way. I understand what you are going through but I am fortunate that those close to me have been completely understanding and supportive. I've also have excellent support from the medical profession. It is important that people try and understand your condition and it might help them to do that if they could read some of the experiences of people on this Forum. I can also understand how confusing it can be for people. The problem with this type of condition is you could be out and about looking great one day and the next day you feel like you are at death's door!
Your symptoms could be vertigo but, as suggested by others on the Forum, you need to have a diagnosis. If it is vertigo, I can say from my experience, that it can take some time to get under control. I get neck pain related to migraine and vertigo (I also have permanent tinnitus) and have regular chiropractic treatment. It must be frustrating for you if this has stopped helping.
It might be helpful to you to give up anything strenuous for the time being and go for steady walks instead. This is something you could do with your daughter even if it's a very short walk.
It sounds like you're not in the UK if you are paying to see a doctor. We are fortunate in the UK that we get to see a GP without paying extra (we pay national insurance, which funds our NHS.
Hope today is a better day for you!
Tiny2010 veemae80819
anne05147 Tiny2010