neck pressure and thyroid symptoms but labs normal

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I visited the doctors 4 weeks ago with neck pressure, at the time only left sided. It feels like someone is pushing on the side of my neck. This is now happening to both sides of my neck. If i press on the area of discomfortt it makes the pressure worse. My GP ordered bloods for thyroid function which all came back normal. He also requested a scan which I am still awaiting an appointment for.

I have also had an almost constant headache in my forehead for nearly 5 weeks that is controllable with painkillers.

Over the last 2 or 3 years I have visited my GP surgery for: 

palpitations - bloods, ecg, echo all came back normal

nail ridges - tested for anameia, normal but odd results, one at top range, other bottom, GP requested more tests, all came back normal

Stomach bloating and weight gain - all tests normal

The weight gain could be that I quit smoking (<5 a day) 4 years ago. the bloating i put down to ibs in the end. the nail ridges still there. both my big toe nails actually broke in half last year. only things i could think to blame were my vegetarian diet and nail dryness.

all the above, i read, fits with hypothyroidism. feeling frustrated that all my results always come back normal and feel like i'm constantly wasting both mine and the nhs's time.

has anyone else experienced this, or does anyone else have any idea of other causes? 

my gp has said if the neck pressure continues (this comes and goes btw) to go back in a week or 2 and he will refer me to a specialist but i can't help but think that again everything will be normal and i may as well just accept that i'm 40 in a couple of weeks and perhaps this is just how it feels to be middle aged. neutral a="" day)="" 4="" years="" ago.="" the="" bloating="" i="" put="" down="" to="" ibs="" in="" the="" end.="" the="" nail="" ridges="" still="" there.="" both="" my="" big="" toe="" nails="" actually="" broke="" in="" half="" last="" year.="" only="" things="" i="" could="" think="" to="" blame="" were="" my="" vegetarian="" diet="" and="" nail="" dryness.="" all="" the="" above,="" i="" read,="" fits="" with="" hypothyroidism.="" feeling="" frustrated="" that="" all="" my="" results="" always="" come="" back="" normal="" and="" feel="" like="" i'm="" constantly="" wasting="" both="" mine="" and="" the="" nhs's="" time.="" has="" anyone="" else="" experienced="" this,="" or="" does="" anyone="" else="" have="" any="" idea="" of="" other="" causes? ="" my="" gp="" has="" said="" if="" the="" neck="" pressure="" continues="" (this="" comes="" and="" goes="" btw)="" to="" go="" back="" in="" a="" week="" or="" 2="" and="" he="" will="" refer="" me="" to="" a="" specialist="" but="" i="" can't="" help="" but="" think="" that="" again="" everything="" will="" be="" normal="" and="" i="" may="" as="" well="" just="" accept="" that="" i'm="" 40="" in="" a="" couple="" of="" weeks="" and="" perhaps="" this="" is="" just="" how="" it="" feels="" to="" be="" middle="">

all the above, i read, fits with hypothyroidism. feeling frustrated that all my results always come back normal and feel like i'm constantly wasting both mine and the nhs's time.

has anyone else experienced this, or does anyone else have any idea of other causes? 

my gp has said if the neck pressure continues (this comes and goes btw) to go back in a week or 2 and he will refer me to a specialist but i can't help but think that again everything will be normal and i may as well just accept that i'm 40 in a couple of weeks and perhaps this is just how it feels to be middle aged. neutral>

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31 Replies

  • Posted

    Same here too. I had an ultrasound of my thyroid done and nothing. I used to be a really good singer, and have found I can no longer sing well. I don't know whether to have my vocal cords checked too, but I thought it would have been noticed if something WAS on my cords. I think Hashimotos is maybe not taken seriously by drs, mine just brushes it off,as well as my sudden weight gain. I realize at 52 I probably have gone through menopause and that can cause issues too since it deals with alot of hormones. I dont know what to do either, i have that choking feeling, especially at night. I cant swallow large pills either, i always have to break them up. Dr doesnt seem to care, and I guess I have to become my own dr. If you do get a dr that actually cares, you are lucky.

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