need some advice....
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In on day 5 now of no alcohol even though I must admit it feels like 5 weeks lol. Anyways I am very moody, irritable, having hot flashes, feeling fuzzy and light headed .... not shaking or trembling but just feel off. I also feel very bloated. Does anyone know if any of this is normal when you stop drinking. I guess my drinking was a bit worse than I thought it was. I have no.desire at all to drink which is wonderful. I have had the thought maybe once a day but I chase it away quickly. If anyone has experienced any of these symptoms how long do they last, oh and I also feel very fatigued, just lethargic almost, any advice welcome . Thank you
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Misssy2 lorilin16
For me..they last about 2 weeks.
It is so awesome that you have gone 5 days!
Don't you feel a lot better?
lorilin16 Misssy2
Well hard to say, first few days yes but now all these odd effects I didn't expect to experience stomach is so upset, I'm so grouchy and the hot flashes are killer lol. Its so strange.
Misssy2 lorilin16
The first few days are always easiest because according to the Drs....your body isn't really "withdrawing" totally..but by Day 3...body is aggrivated that it isn't getting alcohol (body and brain)...and all kinds of symptoms arise.
For people that are heavy drinkers for a long period of really is not usually safe to just STOP cold turkey without being in a hospital.
You are now past the threshold for seizures...technically they say up to 7 days you can have them...but 3-5 days is really the danger zone.
Are you taking any sedatives? They help with withdrawals.
Now you have to eat right....try to exercise as soon as you can.
I'm on about week 3 I think...and my sugar is crazy...but I know my body is recovery and it will take about 6 weeks to feel some sort of normalcy....even sleeping is disrupted BIG time with me.
I wasn't sleeping anyway...but now it is WORSE.
But, nothing is WORSE than dying for liquor...and getting into the obliviated condition I was in.
lorilin16 Misssy2
Thanks for your response again and that makes sense. Funny thing is I have always been a big exerciser even thru my binges which I know is strange but true. Now I don't give a scrap about working out at all I'm too tired to I just want to lay around and be left alone. I took my daughter to the doctor today for a check up and I felt so strange like I have been drugged, I feel worse right now then when I was drinking. I do.know in the long run its worth it though so I'm NOT going back. Its good to know this is normal though and not something wrong with me. And yes yesterday was day 4 and that's pretty much when it started today was worse though. I'm not taking anything. I just quit drinking and quit smoking cigarettes all the same time. Just to sick of myself to continue another day and tired of making excuses.
Misssy2 lorilin16
Of course you feel sick right can't abuse your body and then expect to immediately be well (neither can I)....You in my belief have already been thru the hardest days...KEEP going...your energy will come back....I promise!
lorilin16 Misssy2
Looking forward to it. And I will, one day at a time. Every night I go to bed sober is another check Mark. The list of things I won't miss about alcohol compared to the things I will is not comparable. Still I plan on taking a month or so hiding out at home unless I have to go out. I need to figure out who I am sober and who I want to be, no more crutches, lies, being deceitful .... sneaking. Yuck
Misssy2 lorilin16
lorilin16 Misssy2
numpty lorilin16
Yep lorilin. I'm actually worried to find out what I'm like as a sober person. Don't think my husband will be chuffed. He's moaned so much about my drinking and we've had countless fights over it but the truth is I actually may have the guts to tell him to p..s off WHEN I achieve sobriety.
lorilin16 numpty
My husband is an alcoholic also, him and I drank together for ten years, then I got pregnant and quit and had.the baby and still stayed sober while he returned to drinking but this time he was hiding it from me. I would find bottles all over the house hidden. He would always be "running to the store" or going to the garage. He even drove me and our baby drink several times. He is in prison right now because of drinking. One.night he took his drunken anger out on a male friend of mine and put him in a coma. My friend almost died. This was two years ago this October. He has turned a new leaf, very religious now and swears he would never.touch a drink again. After he went away and I was alone with the house and kids to care for and had to go back to my old job as a bartender old habits came back quick. I found myself drinking after shifts at first then during shifts then all week. I left that job in March because I was drunk and made a mistake and got mad so I quit, anyways since then I started drinking during the day. Sometimes it was my first thought in the morning..... thinking about when I could have my first drink. I thought I hid this from everyone, turns out I wasn't fooling a person but myself. I drank like this all summer. Maybe would take one or two days off a week. I tried to quit the first time on August 9th and lasted until the 12th was bored one day and said f*** it This time is different though because I want it. I want it for myself. Before I just thought , gee I better stop drinking so much . Now I'm determined to not drink again. Here's to day 6!
Misssy2 numpty
Seems many people around ME...don't LIKE me sober.
Because when I am sober..I follow rules and I'm not as giving both financially or emotionally.
However, the people that "truly" love me...put up with it because they don't want me to drink at any costs.
Example: My mother hated when I got sober because I was her sounding board every night...I would drink after work...she would talk to me on the phone for hours! When I got sober...I got a life and I could not be on the phone for hours and she did not like that one bit.
lorilin16 Misssy2
I would cal everyone while drinking and talk for hours, past 6 days I haven't been on the phone at all. I've even avoided social media for the most part which is very unlike me because I have an online business and use social media as a way to promote. I am just seriously taking time for me right now. I'm still dealing with small withdrawal issues but drinking a ton of water and being lazy for now. I still have my children one of which needs constant care but I'm trying explain to her mommy doesn't feel good and just needs to take it easy, three year olds don't care though lol
Smile47824 lorilin16
lorilin16 Smile47824
Thank you!!! I won't give in. I'm not letting the devil win anymore. Thank you for your support
super excited about the future once this dust settles
ADEfree lorilin16
lorilin16 ADEfree
I'm on it for good and determined and very optimistic, thank you![smile](