Need some advice please
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Been up and down for the past few years, starting with anxiety which i realised ive had most of my life im on medication the side effects were awful but i stuck with it. My life has changed for the better im able to go to work, socialize etc still have a blip now and then but i can cope. About a year ago i started feeling achy all the time in my neck, shoulder and back and i was so tired i was falling asleep as soon as i got home from work. I ended up back at the Drs having all the routine blood test they increased my anxiety medication from 50mg to 100mg and iron tablets for low ferritin i was convinced i had a autoimmune problem. Ive had my hormone test done 3 times now and its still normal my periods were normal every 28 days and heavy, up until about 4 months ago one was really heavy flooding and clots next one was was the same and my last one was hardly anything. Im very forgetful, ive put a stone on in weight and my stomach is bloated all the time is this the early menopause im 46 ??? Sorry for the essay i hope somebody has some advice xx
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jennifer01077 tt66441
I use progesterone cream to help balance myself. You can order it online. I also use a herbal supplement, a lot of ladies here use menopace.
Since your periods have been heavy, it's really important to check your blood iron levels. When my iron is down, I get depressed right away. I am SOOOO forgetful. Have to write everything down. And again, when my iron is down, I can't remember my last thought. I can't tell you how important it is for me (and probably for you).
Everybody here is going through a lot of these symptoms, so welcome to the family. We have a dream about perimenopause holiday resort, with massages, herbal face rubs, saunas . . . and nothing to do!
tt66441 jennifer01077
jennifer01077 tt66441
Thanks for the good wishes!
Bobbins059 tt66441
Take Care, don't be too hard on yourself.
tt66441 Bobbins059
jayneejay tt66441
what age are you tt..
i had a ten year peri from age of 39/40 .. I am 21 months post meno now and 51 next week. ( natural route) cant take HRT and didnt want to.
HRT postpones menopause as boosts naturally declining hormones and when stopped hormones then decline all over again and peri / menopause begins again.
not until your periods decline to approx 3-4 per year ( no hormones like hrt or birth control taken as this gives false true readings) will your FSH blood tests say menopausal range.
12-14 months no periods = post menopause.
jay x
sorry just seen your age 46
jay xx
tt66441 jayneejay
Cris2002 jayneejay
jayneejay Cris2002
i had endometriosis when i was 30 had hours of laser surgery as i didnt want a hyster at that age..
it was successful and all fine after .
i had awful bleeding at beginning of peri, and large follicular ( simple cysts)
i bles, spotted, heavy, med, light for 21 months ..but a few months before i had had a depo provera injection and it sent my body crazy, they were suppose to be 3 monthly i had two in total and then the 21 months of crazyness started and peri followed ..
i took rainforest food Maca capsules 2500mg daily then to help and it did, infact i still take now..
good luck hun
jay x
sharcerv52408 tt66441
tt66441 sharcerv52408
jayneejay tt66441
peri is a unpredicable time and hormones too erractic to say your menopusal, it doesnt mean your not.. Takes time for hormones to steady and decline to the point where they come back in meno range
other good tests to check are blood sugars, Thyroid, B12 and Vit D.
jay x
susan21149 tt66441
Have you had you thyroid checked out i would get your thyroid checked out for the tiredness.
I know anxieties can be rough so hang in there and do your coping skills to help the anxieties.
lol Xx take care
sarah63813 tt66441
tt66441 sarah63813
sarah63813 tt66441
tt66441 sarah63813