Need some advice please

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Been up and down for the past few years, starting with anxiety which i realised ive had most of my life im on medication the side effects were awful but i stuck with it. My life has changed for the better im able to go to work, socialize etc still have a blip now and then but i can cope. About a year ago i started feeling achy all the time in my neck, shoulder and back and i was so tired i was falling asleep as soon as i got home from work. I ended up back at the Drs having all the routine blood test they increased my anxiety medication from 50mg to 100mg and iron tablets for low ferritin i was convinced i had a autoimmune problem. Ive had my hormone test done 3 times now and its still normal my periods were normal every 28 days and heavy, up until about 4 months ago one was really heavy flooding and clots next one was was the same and my last one was hardly anything. Im very forgetful, ive put a stone on in weight and my stomach is bloated all the time is this the early menopause im 46 ??? Sorry for the essay i hope somebody has some advice xx

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    Hi there - I am 45 and have experienced a change in my periods from regular 28 days and not very heavy to short cycles and now one that is late.  Last year I had skin issues, I was feeling periods of being really cold, my hair was shedding more and I was convinced something was 'wrong'.  In January, before my periods changed I had one that was spotting for a week after my period stopped and the Dr's took blood tests for thyroid and FSH/LH.  I was told the Thyroid was normal, but it was close to not being normal and my FSH/LH was post menopausal.  I was told I would maybe have a few periods in the next year, but basically I was done.

    No explanation as to what my other issues were, I was told they were not to do with hormones (?) and I should retest in a few weeks and take HRT as I was young.  I was very confused.  I skipped a period and had 3 regular periods followed by a shorter one and now a longer one.  I retested in the normal range for FSH/LH at the second test.

    I am explaining all this to say that even very high FSH/LH levels are possible in perimenopause, perhaps if they are taken during a cycle where ovulation didn't happen - the levels of all hormones swing about for a period of time before declining.  It is possible that blood tests show normal but at other times in a cycle they may be high.  FSH increases to trigger ovulation, if there is no follicle ready it will rise to help nudge the body to do it's thing.  In perimenopause ovulation is hit and miss, things are slowing down.  Unless the blood tests are done regularly or 2 that show the same along with symptoms, then I would ignore them.

    It's confusing isn't it sad  I also think that thyroid issues, anxiety issues are all part of the mix and it's hard to know what is going on.  I increased my B vitamins and D when I realised I was somewhere in my menopausal journey, as well as magnesium for aching muscles.  I do feel better, not sure if maybe that is hormones settling or the supplements.  Wishing you well x

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