need to give up

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I have tried to stop so many times. Its very hard at home right now with my family, they are all so angry with me. I am terrified that i will lose them. My partner has had enough. My drinking is all we ever seem to talk about, which in a way has made me want to drink more. My daughter and son are also so sad and angry at me. I want so much to be the better person that i hopefully can be, but it really isnt easy. I am going to use this online formum a lot from here on in. I have to give this the best try of my life if that makes sense. Nothing good comes from drinking anymore, i dont even enjoy it. Its a love / hate thing. I wish anyone in the same position as me all the best. Take it a day at a time, i think its the only way. 

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74 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Sharon,

    Your story Is  familiar to many of us on this forum . I see that you have been trying to stop while family beating you down.

    I have written on the stages of change before about alcohol behavior modification, and medication to stop cravings. I have a son that has been struggling many years with AUD . Been thru a lot with his alcohol addiction and "yet" he has lost everything almost his life. "Yet",  More than once. He is an amazing talented young man and I have HOPE that he will find sobriety. I love him he is a piece of my heart and soul forever. 

    You must ask yourself where you are on the ladder to change behaviors and ask for meds to block cravings from GP. alcohol counselor and be honest with yourself. Before all the YETS happen as they did with my son. 

    The worst place you can be on the ladder to change is stage 1.

    Stage 1: Compelled by authority to change. Jail is a safe place for alcoholics they cannot get alcohol and strangely enough feel safe. My son has been there many times one of the "YETS", saying it's crazy to be locked up and yet feel safe that alcohol cannot feed his triggers or cravings. He begins to feel normal and thinking rationally after a few months. "YET", The minute you hit freedom the triggers in the mind are set off and the craving cycle begins. Unless you seek out rehab.

    Stage 2: Comply to escape criticism from family and friends and job. It's like everybody expects you to make the choice to stop ' Yet' you don't really feel it, so you end up fulfilling everybody else's expectations, eventually relapse with triggers & cravings.

    Accepting Medications to control the cravings is absolutely necessary to prevent relapse. Shots of  Vivatrol lasting a month or pellets under the set in motion pharmacudical extinction. The brain can to slowly retrain the brain as alcohol has hyjacked the brain with cravings. 

    Stage 3: Intellectually you are aware of the need to change. You know you have a alcohol problem. This is where in general there is not really acceptance in any way to change, but at least in your head you know it is necessary and will not admit it to anyone. Its been a way of life for so long. Why admit anything is wrong when it's easier to drink than get into a rehab program. Don't fall into helpless mindset and give in to cravings make a change in finding help. See your GP . 

    Stage 4: Mentally and emotionally you must be self-motivated by change & the behaviors from cravings & triggers. The root for the drinking is usually anxiety or self medication some type of emotional pain from abuse or other ilness.  This is the stage when you can honestly say "God " I won't put up with this addiction for another second. That is usually when you are so sick to death alcohol controlling every aspect of your life that you will not put up with it for another second ,of another minute of another hour of another day. And you don't care how scary it is on the other side, or what you have to do to change. Then that's when you are at the stage when you can change.  That is when your life slowly and consistently changes fron cravings and triggers to learning what is available to stop the cycle thru education and long term rehab. 

    I hope you read up on the help on this site. Educate youself be your own advocate and get the resources available to get on the road to recovery. There are many methods and medications available and look up on utube AUD by Paul Turner . Ask your family to view it with you it can give better understanding to you & your whole family about this physical illness. This will likely open everyone's eyes to what you are really struggling with.

    AUD  is not a moral weakness or a choice to stop alcohol has physical and brain component is a disease controlled by a drug called alcohol.

    I hope you get the support you need to sustain you thru this Journey. Many here can help you thru their experiences.




    • Posted

      What an insightful, informative and motivational post, hope4cure. I believe from the behaviour of my husband that he has reached stage 4. Campral is working for him. Now it is me and my addiction to food. I am not joking. Life is a battle x
    • Posted

      Thank you so much. This is turning out to be one of the worst days of my life to be honest but it does help
    • Posted

      sharon..maybe you and your partner splitting up will help you to like yourself better. It never helps when someone is around putting you down or being angry at you when you are already angry enough with yourself sad

    • Posted

      Hi Sharon. So sorry to hear you are splitting up. Take care now, obviously, this is going to be a tough one. Keep talking to us hon xx

    • Posted

      The same stages can be said for food addiction. Controlled by the brain with triggers & cravings. See a counselor and your GP. See the food addictions sites for further information.



    • Posted

      Dont think i can do this to be honest. Sorry for not being more positive but this is horrible. Its not really a case of us splitting up, the kids are involved as well. I love them all so much. But thanks for the support.
    • Posted

      Sharon, someone else here mentioned TSM and it might be a tool worth checking out. I drank every day for 30 years and slowly winnnowed it down with TSM.

      I've read many self-reports by people that had tried many times to quit or control. TSM allowed them to do either, according to their free choice. It takes months, but every month will see you drinking less than the one before. No meetings, huge success rate (about 80% quit or control with TSM). 

    • Posted

      Been looking online today. You can download a free copy of ''alcohol lied to me''

      Its very good, havent finished it yet but def worth reading. You have to read the whole thing i think to really see any benefit. So dont skip pages etc. Thought you all would like to know and share this.

    • Posted

      Thanks, Sharon! I recall another that lots of people seemed to like by Annie Grace. It's called This Naked Mind and it was available for free download for a time, may still be.

    • Posted

      Read the whole book today, one of the best books i have read. Honestly i think i kinda knew this before but it is all about changing the way you feel towards drink. Seriously i would advise anyone to give this a shot. Put it this way although im tired im def not heading to the off licence and i hope i never do again.
  • Posted

    Sharon, you are a lovely, brave, compassionate, and sensitive lady...

    You will !!! Make it. Truly, but never forget than any slip along route, no matter how many slips there are....that is ALL THEY ARE...JUST LITTLE just take every day, sometimes,...every hour, at a time...every single minute alcohol free, is restoring, your SELF WORTH....PHYSICAL HEALTH....YOUR SLEEP PATTERN...YOUR HYGIENE, AND very many other things that are important to both, yourself and your are truly, truly worth as much as anybody else...and deserve to have happiness, and respect, and peace of mind, in waking up every morning sober, and realising your worth once more....

    You can, and you will beat this, and when you do...hold your head up high, look people in the face, and know that you were strong !!! Enough to battle, and subsequently beat, a grasping, destructive, and very powerful addiction...not a weakness on your part !!!! A brain and life changing addiction....bravo, Bravo, are in my heart...MY mind...and my prayers. Always...huge, huge warm hugs to you always lovey xxxxx xxx xxx xxx

    • Posted

      Your words are amazing. Love to you. Son coming up today for the first time in just over a month due to me not being well. So looking forward to it. Thank you so much. Every day sober is another day won for all of us x
    • Posted

      Anothet day sober Sharon. In the words of Gwen Respect Respect Respect xx
    • Posted

      To see your son today is massive for you Sharon, well done for keeping sober and we'll enough for this to happen..Hope you had a lovely day 💜

    • Posted

      Thanks so much to you all for your support... i genuinely am not sure if i could have done this week without you all. I really do mean that. Today  went well, a little awkward maybe at times but we are off to a nice start. Had a low moment after he left but managed to get through it. I hope i can also over time help anyone here as much as you all have helped me this week. It is hard as we all know at times. I wish you all the best for now.
    • Posted

      Thank you so much... like i say you have all helped so much this week... respect respect respect right back xxxx

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