need to give up
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I have tried to stop so many times. Its very hard at home right now with my family, they are all so angry with me. I am terrified that i will lose them. My partner has had enough. My drinking is all we ever seem to talk about, which in a way has made me want to drink more. My daughter and son are also so sad and angry at me. I want so much to be the better person that i hopefully can be, but it really isnt easy. I am going to use this online formum a lot from here on in. I have to give this the best try of my life if that makes sense. Nothing good comes from drinking anymore, i dont even enjoy it. Its a love / hate thing. I wish anyone in the same position as me all the best. Take it a day at a time, i think its the only way.
2 likes, 74 replies
Birds sharon7979
Hi Sharon. Please don't be so hard on yourself, by posting on here you are making a positive change. Nobody can make you give up, you have got to want it yourself, and that does take time. If someone had told me 4 months ago that I would be able to go a single evening without alcohol I'd of said no way & Id of gone into panic mode at the thought.
sharon7979 Birds
I also use Smart recovery, and it is fabulous, at first I wasn't so sure, but honestly I'm so glad I stuck with it, the tools I've learned to use on there has played a vital role in my thinking, and I wouldn't be sober today without it. They are supportive of whatever method you use, although they won't offer advice on anything medical I have found, purely because they aren't medically qualified to do so, and they just can't. I've been seeing an alcohol counsellor for over a year, and doing smart for 8 months, and it's finally all managing to slot into place for me, and I thought I was just wasn't capable of stopping, but just keep on chipping away, and watch videos, read books etc, getting as much info as you can on the subject, YouTube is great. I got prescribed campral a few weeks ago, and it is working wonders for me, but we're all different. Stay strong and be patient, and don't be hard on yourself, use anylapses as learning curves, and keep moving upwards. Take care xx
sharon7979 Birds
JulieAnne101 sharon7979
Yeah hubby was sober for 2 lovely years. He doesn't know what started him off, but the last 3 years have been awful. It is a dreadful disease. My hubby says he feels much better now that I understand his actions. This ppl on this forum, have helped me so much x
Nat666 JulieAnne101
Hi JulieAnne . Good to know it's all going well still with hubby ..February is out !! Hope you are feeling more chilled ! ..I'm still doing ok with TSM ( my new best buddy lol )
alcohol feels a bit boring lately so I guess that's a good thing x
JulieAnne101 Nat666
Yay! Feb is over. He actually said 'I've got 8 weeks under my belt now and I'm in a good place' music to my ears. So am feeling pretty relaxed at the moment.
Great that TSM still working for you Nat. Aargh! Don't let it get too boring and forget your Nalf 😁 Have you managed to get more supplies on NHS?
Lots of ppl out there still suffering. I feel for them x
Nat666 JulieAnne101
Yep I am still buying the Nal as RH predicted no news from.GP .I must chase it up this week , sometimes I feel like just carrying on buying it as there is no hassle and no hoops to jump.
Yes there are many many people out there suffering and struggling to get the help they desperately need.A wicked condition this is
Happy Sunday to you JulieAnne xx
JulieAnne101 Nat666
Happy Sunday to you too Nat. I even had a glass of red wine with mum in law at lunchtime. Hubby encouraged said he was absolutely fine with that 😊 xx
Robin2015 JulieAnne101
JulieAnne101 Robin2015
Hi Robin yes it certainly is. I love it when he says he is in a happy place.
The longer his sobriety goes on the happier I feel. Not going to say anything to him, but we have been here a few times b4, like 27 times b4. I know that the beast has got him in it's grip, the poor man.
The difference is the Campral which seems to be working, so I am keeping shtum. I have hope x
deirdre._03652 sharon7979
I was exactly the same as you...for ten years I had spirits hidden all over the place, even in the compost heap in the garden..I even fell asleep in it one night, and woke up freezing...I always, also forgot the hiding places. I drank 24 hrs a day, cheap cider, like paint stripper....
I was put on a SECTION three....four times in two years,..I was on 24 hour watch in a secure mental health unit, not very far from where I truly saved my made many, many good friends in there, with lots of the staff and also the other lovely people in there, like me...
I had nearly died so many times, but then I slowly began to get ,my self esteem back in actually liked myself again...I showered and wore clean clothes and make up every single day...I felt likable again....
I also went to ADDAS, EVERY WEEK AND I HAD AN ALCOHOL NURSE IN THE COMMUNITY....also I had a ALCOHOL NURSE...A PSYCHIATRIC NURSE... and a support worker....this was 15 yrs ago, I have been well ever since....
As the other lovely posters have said....IT IS NOT YOUR FAULT.....
Big warm hugs, regards and good luck prayers for not give up....xxxxxxxx.
Robin2015 deirdre._03652
sharon7979 deirdre._03652
JulieAnne101 deirdre._03652
What a great post deidre! You've come thru all of that with your heart intact. Amazing. As Gwen would say respect respect respect xx
You've got to learn to love yourself again Sharon xx Your family are scared for you, I know I have been and still am there. I have learnt tho that threats and shouting do not work. They need to find out more about this addiction . I think you will have to educate them, as well as yourself hon xx
sharon7979 JulieAnne101
sharon7979 JulieAnne101
sharon7979 JulieAnne101
Sober_As sharon7979
Hello Sharon. I am sorry that everything is so hard for you, just now. You can rise above it all. You owe that to yourself. So many of us put others needs before our own. We get lost. The self-medication with alcohol can destroy us... if we let it.
Fight for your own true self. It is possible to win and get your life sorted.
I wish you WELL on your journey, whatever path you take.
Alonangel 🎇
Robin2015 sharon7979
Nat666 sharon7979
deirdre._03652 Nat666
Sharon, lovely lady, you are in my heart, xx my thoughts, xx and my prayers, xx don't lose hope, you can and you will do this, you are an amazing are not BAD..xx never think that of yourself. You are worth so have a good heart and soul and I know that you will come out the other side of this,stronger, healthier, and very, very, very proud of who you are, quite rightly so....see your GP, ask advice, they have some good groups for helping you to accept yourself, and love yourself again...MY heart aches for you....much love, huge hugs...and prayers for will do it....take care always, lovely, lovely lady xxxxx
sharon7979 deirdre._03652
sharon7979 Sober_As
Things have been a little better today. No drinking for me and to be honest i dont want to. I still dont really know whats happening with the family and know that more talks will be had... downloaded a brilliant book today ''alcohol lied to me'' its free and honestly i would say to any of us to read this. A lot of what he says makes sense. Hope things are well for you x
Nat666 sharon7979
sharon7979 Nat666
Misssy2 sharon7979
3 days is a wonderful thing. You are going to think about alcohol often. When I started my 8 years of sobriety the first year was really tough.
I needed people around me that were supportive..I personally needed AA because I needed something to do..something to replace the hours I spent drinking...many days I almost DRANK...but I followed what they told me in step, one hour, one minute at a time.
Every morning I woke up sober was like a gift...A big relief and I would hold on to that feeling everyday..there did come a day where alcohol was a distant thought but I think that was after I had a year sober..because I remember telling a girlfriend almost everyday for a year...that I couldn't do it....and I did it.
Alcohol is have to constantly battle with yourself not to have a drink when you first start out being sober.
You sound really good and changing your way of thinking is exactly what has to be done...I'm happy for you that you are finding your way...just as I am on a daily basis..fighting the fight.
sharon7979 Misssy2
Nat666 sharon7979
Bless you Sharon that is so so good to read , 3 days is such an achievement , you must feel so proud.AUD is such a wicked painful condition on so many levels and the thought of losing your family is horrific But we have a choice .Alcohol twists the brain and when my drinking was at its worst many years ago I felt that my baby daughter would be better off with another family and without me .Thank God it never happened as detox and rehab were offered and then I stopped for many years Unfortunately I restarted drinking in that sly 'social ' belief that i was cured but it never worked , hence my finding nalmefene and TSM recently.It is working for me right now and I feel safe when I take that pill.
As Missy says 'every morning you wake up sober is a gift' such a wonderful gift and just hang on to it .I think changing your way of thinking is great, try anything that works for you lovely. We are one big family here supporting each other x
sharon7979 Nat666
I am beginning to realise what you mean about the ''family thing'' Its been such a support recently. I am glad things are better for you now, what Missy says is true. Your right the book is brilliant. I tried to give up so much last year but this is most positive i have felt ( i just have to keep it that way). Thanks so much for your kind words. I have an app with alcohol clinic tm, ill let you know how it goes. Take care and keep in touch x
JulieAnne101 sharon7979