Needing a new knee cap

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I was a gymnast as a teenager. Around age 25 I dislocated my left knee. 4 years later I fell and injured it. Now I'm 45 and my doc says I need a knee replacement. I opted for PT instead. Its been 2 months with no change, no relied!!! It mostly hurts constsntly. Any suggestions? Please😊

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25 Replies

  • Posted

    Have it replaced, you are young enough to benefit hugely from a new and mobile knee.

    They don't do this surgery if you really don't need it.

    I had both mine done, my right one dislocated constantly and the left knee was so painful I could hardly walk.

    Apart from morning stiffness, they are good, and I would do it all again if needed, 

    • Posted

      Thank you Laura. My father had both of his replaced the same day at 60! Do I'm praying for his results when I go through with it.💋
  • Posted

    I agree.  But get a total not a partial (guess you don't have much choice now).  Had both mine replaced (totals) and they're great. 
  • Posted

    Hi Diane, I am 50 and my knee has been bad since I was 43, only decided last year to give me a knee replacement. One consultant said partial woud do but the one who performed the surgery said unless no damage to one part he would be doing a total knee replacement. When operated on he found whole  knee was in a very bad way so I had total 12 weeks ago. Although it has been a tough road so far I am coming out of the tunnel and enjoying no arthritic pain, it still gets achey, uncomfortable and stiff but listening to my friends on here that is the norm and can take well up to a year to fully heal. Good luck, sue
    • Posted

      Good day Sue. Your kind words are very appreciated. Happy health recovery love. Best of health to you👍
  • Posted

    Hi Diana,

    A tough question. I am 8 weeks post a TKR. I'm doing fine, I am very happy with progress so far and if it stays like that I'll be over the moon.

    At this point I am happy I had it done.

    However, my surgeon (who I respect greatly) encouraged me to try everything else and said that all channels should be explored before opting for surgery.

    I am not familiar with your situation, so I would look at all options, listen to the professionals and then make you're decision.

    My own experience so far is that I am very happy that I had it done. I am 56 years old.

    Best wishes,


    • Posted

      Good day Irish. Thank you greatly first your concern its appreciated. I am looking at all options. I had a Hysterectony in Nov. I got 3 opinions and waited 2 years before I Decided. to have it done. Needless to say I REGRET IT!!! So believe me every option will be user before I go under the knife for my knee. Besides my Ortho says eventually I will need both of them done. Thank you lover💋
  • Posted

    My Ortho also had me try several things first. I did physical therapy, cortisone and synvisc shots. I am now 11 weeks bilateral tkr and very happy. They do tend to get stiff and have aches which I'm told is nerves waking and healing. No bone on bone pain anymore...such a relief! I'm 59 and look forward to my years now
  • Posted

    My Ortho also had me try several things first. I did physical therapy, cortisone and synvisc shots. I am now 11 weeks bilateral tkr and very happy. They do tend to get stiff and have aches which I'm told is nerves waking and healing. No bone on bone pain anymore...such a relief! I'm 59 and look forward to my years now
  • Posted

    The knee replacement is a means not an end. The easy part is the operation your work begins after the operation. Flexibility and strength are important as we age but doubly for us old guys with knee replacements. Get healed then get a good coach or trainer and work your ass off for the rest of your life.
    • Posted

      You're so right about this.

      I'm recovering from a different surgery, and not been on my feet much for weeks, my knees have really stiffened up.

      Keeping them flexible is so important.

  • Posted

    Diana , I should have said during 7 years before op I had lots physio different injections and key hole surgery to try hold off total knee replacement but as nothing else could be done had to go for tkr.
  • Posted

    Hey Diana -

    I was also a gymnast from grade school through my first year of college. I had my hip replaced when I was 45, just had my left knee replaced at 50 two weeks ago and will have to do my right knee some day soon. So, my suggestion would be to listen to your doctor and your own body. When my Doctor said I had to have my hip done it was something that I really already knew because I had years of pain before I went in to the doctor. Usually an x-ray will let you know how much bone on bone you have and your pain level will also indicate whats going on. Now I did have steroid injections a year or so before I had surgery. The injections did help with the pain and my be something that's available for you and will help you. Good luck with whatever you decide to do.

    • Posted

      Hi Al! Thanks for asking! Doing really well....ahead of all progress guidelines for PT. Just got my staples out last Thursday and the Dr.was pretty impressed. One thing he noticed though is I'm considerable more swollen than where I should be at this stage and was considering draining the knee and decided to wait until next appointment. Since I have an inflammator disease he thinks it's just in my DNA to be this swollen. I've managed to take only 13 pain pills this week. I feel very blessed that I can even take them...reading on this site and seeing other people that can't take them has given me a profound amount of gratitude to be able to have them. Like other people with tkr I have a fair amount of pain with keepingy my leg straight but I'm working on it daily. So Irish Al how and the heck are you doing?
    • Posted

      Wow my doc didn't even tell me shots were an option!!!! Thank thank you
    • Posted

      It's not a shot. It's a ateroidinjection that goes deep into the joint. They are temoray and don't work for everyone. Only a qualified physician can determine that. If a knee is too far gome they are wortless but I've know n people that got 6 months out of them.
    • Posted

      Should have said steroid injection
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      Yep it's available but OFG is right it's an injection not just a shot. For me and with my hip it worked well for about a year. The hip injection was done while being X-rayed and using a dye as a guide. Dr's typically won't authorize injections for longer than a year. Typically you can get one ever four months. I also had injections in both knees but not with the success as with my hip. Unfortunately, they only work, reduce pain, for a short time and a permanent solution will need to approached. Again, I believe your body will be your best guide as to what you decide to do for a permanent solution.Good luck w use this site for peoples opinion and suggestions. I find there are a lot of good people on this site that have had many problems and experiences that we are just going through and are willing to give their opinion on what worked for them and not. As one person said the surgery is the easy part it's what you do after the surgery that can make your experience all that much's also where the hard work begins.
    • Posted

      Hi bpaschke,

      This is my 3rd attempt to reply, two others did not post.

      I am fine Thank You. I am 8.5 weeks post op. I feel I am doing OK, but do become a bit frustrated not being able to do much.

      I try to remind myself that there are a LOT of people a LOT worse off than me with respect to health.

      This forum and people like yourself really help. But overall I am good, getting stronger every week. So I am grateful.

      Thank You & take care,


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