Needing the loo often at night

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Im 49 and begining to get iregular periods, i often wake up around 3 or 4 times a night and constantly want to pee no UTI.

Very dry skin also, Anyone else have these symtoms.

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22 Replies

  • Posted

    Everything you mentioned is pretty standard stuff. Waking at night is the worst. 
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      Thanks it drives me made as i often cant get back to sleep 😴

  • Posted

    Generally Lisa, that particular pattern illustrates low estrogen. 

    Sorry I know it stinks. 

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      Just that your estrogen levels are declining. This creates changes in your  sleep patterns. Typically if woman do a little estrogen, they do sleep more soundly. 
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    My skin is dryer too. However, I have always been prone to oily skin with clogged pores and adult acne so this dryer skin is actually a bonus! I only had to wait until I was 50 until I was acne free!

    Friends of mine who did not appreciate the dry skin said that it went back to normal with HRT. HRT also solves the waking at night problem.

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      Thanks, cant take HRT as my mum died of breast csncer but maybe I'll go down the herbal root if it gets worse.

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      Are you able to use local HRT? I am referring to oestrogen cream for the vagina. That is very good at solving genitourinary symptoms of menopause.  It's effect is local so very little gets into your general system. Are you in the UK? There is a cream called ovestin which contains to bioidentical hormone estriol which doesn't increase risk of cancer or cardiovascular problems, in fact it protects against them. It is a hormone that protects against the effects of the other two oestrogen estrodiol and estrone.

      Here is some scientific info:

      Estriol Protects Against Breast and Uterine Cancers;

      That estriol is a very useful form of HRT wasn’t news to Professor Henry Lemon. He and other clinical scientists had been saying this for over 30 years. In fact Dr. Lemon stated in a 1966 article published in the Journal of the American Medical Association that “Estriol offers a nontoxic, physiologic antagonist for ovarian estrogens, inducing little or no endometrial proliferation in postmenopausal women, which together with progesterone might simulate the protective effect of pregnancy upon subsequent breast cancer risk.” In other words, estriol could be used as a form of HRT to protect the uterus and breast from cancer.

      Estriol as a Replacement Estrogen in Breast Cancer Survivors:

      Dr. Lemon also researched how effective estriol is in treating women who already have breast cancer. His rationale was that estriol, unlike estradiol or estrone, had not been shown in animal studies or human clinical trials to stimulate the uterus or breast cells, therefore making it an ideal candidate for ERT in very high risk women whose breast tumors were estrogen sensitive. A clinical trial of 2.5 to 5 mg per day of estriol therapy in 28 premenopausal and postmenopausal breast cancer patients demonstrated that estriol induced remission or arrest of metastatic tumors in six (37 percent) of the women.

      Estriol Prevents Vaginal Atrophy and Urinary Tract Infections:

      At menopause a common problem is degeneration of the vaginal lining, which can make intercourse painful, and renders the vagina more susceptible to invasion by bacteria, causing urinary tract infections. Several studies clearly show that a vaginal estriol cream can prevent such urinary tract infections in postmenopausal women, and this is estriol's primary use in Europe.

      if you are in the US I have heard from others that you have compounding pharmacies there that can make you a compound containing bioidentical Estriol.

    • Posted

      Thanks so much for your information, its much appteciated x
  • Posted

    I take BP meds with a diuretic in them plus, I drink lots of water. But I use the bathroom mostly during the day I only get up about once or twice during the night. The water will help with the dry skin. I have also starting using Vaseline Intensive Care Rejuvenation Lotion. It has tiny droplets of Vaseline in it. I pat myself a little dry(I leave my skin a little damp so the lotion will absorb better). Then I put the lotion all over my body.  That has helped me. Hugs to you! We're gonna be okay!!!!!

    • Posted

      Thanks I've been using coconut oil, also been drinking more water but when my time of the month is due i can wake up at least 2 times minimal but the other night it was 4, i dont drink any caffeine after lunch so not sure how else i can lesson it, I know it will pass but what us women have to go through the men got it easy 😴😴

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      If men had to go through this they would either die or there would be a safe pill that took care of all their symptoms. They couldn't do it.  Lol!cheesygrin

    • Posted

      I said that in another post! Thank goodness it is us women who have to go through this. Men act like they are dying if they get a cold. Imagine how they'd cope with menopause!

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