Nerve conduction test
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Hi. Has anyone had a nerve conduction test relating to Lyme's, if so what was your outcome. The neurologist did a reflex test and he said I was sluggish so has sent for a nerve test. If it comes back negative apparently my gp needs to then refer me to a rheumatologist. The neurologist and gp are adamant its not Lyme's and have said its CFC but I'm not convinced. Just feel like I'm being passed around as no one knows the answer. I had a bite early last year which looked like a ciggarette burn, I didn't think anything of it until about a month later when I became really Ill and have been ever since. Doctors say your depressed but then I explain living like this would make any one feel depressed, feeling alone because you feel no one believes you so you don't have support from friends, and no close family. I try and push myself to lead a normal life but that gives people the impression I must be OK but I'm far from it, its a case of having to as its just me and my 2 kids with no one around to help. My kids are a great help around the house which is a blessing, mashing the potato as my arms feel like they will drop off when I attempt it. If I could afford it I'd like to be tested again privately but even that wouldn't lead to treatment on the NHS. Needs to be a lot more awareness here then maybe we could get some hope and peace of mind. Xx
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caroline91964 zo.81
I'm sorry that you're feeling so ill. It's the not knowing that can bring you down and make you feel depressed, as well as the physical symptoms. Have you been tested for Lyme Disease?
zo.81 caroline91964
caroline91964 zo.81
If you are found to be positive for LD, the treatment won't cost you much as it'll be through the NHS. The GP will prescribe you 28 days of Doxycycline.
I was found to be positive for Lyme Disease last year and the 28 days of Doxy got rid of all my symptoms, although I have felt very tired, even though it's 12 months on. However, no pain and I can function fine.
If you have LD, it will make you feel like you're losing it. I was diagnosed quite late and whilst I was going to and fro from the doctor, the more ill I got, the less able I was to speak in a rational way, which is why I wrote everything down before I went to an appointment. I also took my partner with me, as he could make notes and remember what the GP said, as my memory wasn't good at the time. A low point for me was when the GP offered me psychiatric help, although she did apologise for this when I was finally diagnosed by a duty doctor later on, and my test came in positive.
Many Lyme Disease patients find it hard to get treatment. This is a very misunderstood disease and GPs are still not informed enough about it, although this is slowly changing.
If you need support or advice, contact Lyme Disease Action. You'll find their website details easily. I found them to a great source of information and support.
Good luck, I really hope you feel better soon.
zo.81 caroline91964
caitlin39841 zo.81
i'm sure you've had all the 'standard' bloods done i.e. Thyroid etc. i'm wonderinmg Zo.81, if you've had a b12 deficiency test & your Folate levels tested. this is a simple test that rarely gets done. however, CFS/ME/LD & b12 deficiency symptoms overlap. when b12D is diagnosed & treated the results can be amazing.
research by the Pernicous Anaemia Society (PAS) have found that a considerable number of ppl have been misdiagnosed with ME/CFS when in fcat, they have low levels of b12 or/and Folate. also ppl with ME/CFS tend to have auto-immune anomolies. PA is an autoimmune disease. do have a look at the1)PAS website, 2)Chandy's ''B 12 Deficiency'' website & 3)healthunlocked is an EXCELLENT resource & support forum. also, ppl with ME/CFS tend to become b12 deficient over time due to malabsorbtion.
i'm really sorry to hear you're being 'pressured' into ''it's all in your head'' stuff from the Medics. don't buy it.
all good luck to u.
zo.81 caitlin39841
caitlin39841 zo.81
i'd definintely get that b12 test done. if low the GP will presceribe b12 injections. as mentioned before, lots of ppl with ME/CFS/MS/LD tend to have low b12. which this is addressed it lightens symptom load meaurably. energy & cognitive function often seem to be the first symptoms to improve.
the problem as you probably know with the CFS/ME 'label' is, it's very diffiicult to get proper investigaton. everything is put down to the condition & there's little support for ppl with CFS/ME and of course the stigma & lack of understanding from the professionals, the Medics and one's loved ones is almost as debilitating as the disease.
all good luck.
zo.81 caitlin39841
Jo-Anne1803 zo.81
zo.81 Jo-Anne1803
Jo-Anne1803 zo.81
Get tested through lab in Germany they don't need your gp to refer. Let me know if you need any advice. Good luck x
zo.81 Jo-Anne1803
Jo-Anne1803 zo.81
zo.81 Jo-Anne1803
Jo-Anne1803 zo.81
I ignored my bite as well. Then symptoms developed etc.. Doctors ignored/dismissed all my symptoms it went on and on I still had a faint rash after a while so took it to a fresh doc who I suggested about lyme and they agreed and told me the test was unreliable so treated me anyway. But the nhs suggested treatment is mainly inadequate after acute stage. So even though I found a reasonable doctor the guidelines she had in front of her to follow were just hopeless. Can't write the name of the lab on here, however if you look on lyme aid UK's website it's on there. X x
Jo-Anne1803 zo.81
zo.81 Jo-Anne1803