Nerve conduction test
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Hi. Has anyone had a nerve conduction test relating to Lyme's, if so what was your outcome. The neurologist did a reflex test and he said I was sluggish so has sent for a nerve test. If it comes back negative apparently my gp needs to then refer me to a rheumatologist. The neurologist and gp are adamant its not Lyme's and have said its CFC but I'm not convinced. Just feel like I'm being passed around as no one knows the answer. I had a bite early last year which looked like a ciggarette burn, I didn't think anything of it until about a month later when I became really Ill and have been ever since. Doctors say your depressed but then I explain living like this would make any one feel depressed, feeling alone because you feel no one believes you so you don't have support from friends, and no close family. I try and push myself to lead a normal life but that gives people the impression I must be OK but I'm far from it, its a case of having to as its just me and my 2 kids with no one around to help. My kids are a great help around the house which is a blessing, mashing the potato as my arms feel like they will drop off when I attempt it. If I could afford it I'd like to be tested again privately but even that wouldn't lead to treatment on the NHS. Needs to be a lot more awareness here then maybe we could get some hope and peace of mind. Xx
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caroline91964 zo.81
I understand that you would want to be tested abroad, just to confirm if you have LD or not. However, at the same time, I would also encourage you to perservere with your GP as well as being tested abroad. This is new to most GPs and it's by dealing with patients like yourself that they gain experience. You will be easing the path for the next patient after you and motivating GPs to go find out more info about this disease.
My surgery was terrible. The first doctor spoke to me on the phone and missed my description of a tick bite and the bulls eye rash, referring me to the practice nurse. The nurse dismissed it as a rash and sent me away with a cream. My own GP misdiagnosed the pain I began to feel in my knee as a Baker's Cyst. It took 4 months and many visits for a duty doctor to join the dots and move towards a LD blood test.
Horrible for me at the time, but the positive thing that came out of it was that the surgery became much more aware of Lyme Disease symptoms, so I guess the people after me benefited.
I would really urge you to take advice from Lyme Disease Action. They are well respected and work with Public Health England.
zo.81 caroline91964